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Chapter 31 Being Flirted

After Xu Hai said goodbye to Feng Xi in the morning, he thought about secretly helping the little girl with farm work.

He had learned before that if the gay men in the village wanted to win the favor of the lesbians, they would secretly do work for them. Then the two of them fell in love with each other after a few visits.

Xu Hai came to the place where Feng Xi worked, intending to find a hidden place to secretly help the little girl with work. When he quickly pulled out a piece of grass, he found that the places in front had been secretly pulled out by someone!!!

This is terrible, who is it!!!

He actually stole the limelight in front of me and coveted my little girl!!!

When Xu Hai walked down the place where he had pulled the weeds, he saw Xu Li secretly pulling the weeds for the little girl.

Xu Hai looked at Xu Li and thought: Fortunately, she is not a gay.

Xu Li looked at Xu Hai tremblingly, thinking: It's over, will brother Xu Hai complain? Will she and sister Feng Xi be in trouble?

Just when Xu Hai and Xu Li were staring at each other, Feng Xi came.

Feng Xi saw Xu Hai and Xu Li standing where she was working, and she suddenly felt bad. She looked at Xu Hai with a smile on her face, but she was crying and scolding Xu Hai in her heart. What was Comrade Xu doing here so early in the morning? What was he doing?

As soon as Xu Li saw Sister Feng Xi coming, she immediately ran behind Sister Feng Xi and whispered: "Sister Feng Xi, I don't know what happened. Brother Xu Hai came here suddenly. I saw it when I was helping you before. I only worked when there was no one in the field. I don't know why Brother Xu Hai found out."

"It's okay. I'll tell him about it. Don't worry, he won't spread it around."

Feng Xi hurriedly comforted Xu Li. This is her good helper. Don't be scared. If she can't help her work in the future, who can she cry to?

"Then, can I still help you work in the future?"

Xu Li was afraid that if she was discovered this time, Sister Feng Xi would not help her.

Feng Xi stuffed two white flour buns into Xu Li's hands and said, "Silly girl, what are you talking about? If you don't help me with work in the future, I will be exhausted every day, and I may be scolded by the village chief and the team leader."

"Hey, sister Feng Xi, I will definitely help you with work in the future."

After Feng Xi comforted Xu Li, she quickly took Xu Hai to a secluded place to talk.

Xu Hai originally thought that Xu Li was helping the little girl because of the instructions of other male comrades in the village. He thought this method was clever at the time. After all, compared to him, a male comrade, secretly helping the little girl, it is obviously much better to find a female comrade around the little girl to help, and it is not easy to be discovered by others.

But when he saw that the little girl and Xu Li were so familiar with each other, and the little girl gave Xu Li two white steamed buns, what else did he not understand?

The little girl has made progress. She knows how to ask for help when she can't finish the farm work.

Seeing the little girl pulling him, as if she wanted to convince him, he suddenly felt angry and funny. How could he tell this little girl? After all, he was thinking of secretly helping the little girl with some work. But seeing the little girl holding his hand, he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, and he held hands with the little girl.

Feng Xi looked up and saw Xu Hai's smile, and he immediately lost his composure. Could this guy be making fun of him?

"Little Feng, the educated youth, has made great progress."

"Well, Comrade Xu, you know that I have just arrived and am not familiar with anything. I wanted to avoid slowing down the progress of the team, so I asked Xu Li to help."

Xu Hai felt that his smile was a bit obvious, so he clenched his fist and put it in his mouth, coughed, and saw the little girl looking at him eagerly, and said, "Well, I know."

Feng Xi didn't care what Xu Hai knew or didn't know, she just wanted Xu Hai not to tell others that she asked Xu Li for help.

"Then, Comrade Xu will not tell anyone about what happened this morning, right?"

After hearing this, Xu Hai slowly approached Feng Xi, bent down, looked at Feng Xi at eye level, stared at Feng Xi closely, and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Xiao Feng, the educated youth, can come to me if you need any help in the future. I will do my best to help you."

Xu Hai saw the little girl's cheeks blush as he wished, touched the little girl's hair, and then left with a smile.

Feng Xi saw Xu Hai and left like this, left...

She was just teased~

What's wrong with Comrade Xu today? It made her heart pound.


After Feng Xi sorted out her mood, she went to the field to pretend to work. I don't know if it was her illusion, but she felt that her work was almost done.

When Tang Qingqing was slacking off, she saw Feng Xi in a daze and couldn't help but walk over to chat with Feng Xi.

"Xixi, what are you daydreaming about? Hey, why is your face so red?"

Feng Xi felt guilty and could not help but retort: ​​"How can I be blushing? Who is blushing? It's all because of the work."

"Don't lie to me. You are the only one working. I saw you were daydreaming the whole time. But, isn't your work today a little too obvious? It's almost done."

"I don't know. I guess Xu Li performed exceptionally well today."

"Then you have to be careful today. I guess the captain will come here often today."

Feng Xi was shocked. Is there something she doesn't know? Asked: "Why?"

"You were in a daze just now and probably didn't hear it. The captain's daughter Xu Meimei also came to work, and was assigned to our group. I don't know why she didn't stay at home and had to work in the fields."

Feng Xi watched Xu Meimei weeding intermittently, even more clumsy than her, and suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

As expected...

"Oh, Meimei, you can't work like this. Don't forget how to work because you haven't worked for too long. Look at our educated youth Xiaofeng, she works so efficiently and almost finishes a day's work. Such a girl is likable."

Auntie Guihua felt more and more that this educated youth Xiaofeng was a good person. Not only did she give her candy, but she also worked efficiently. Although she often dawdled, she finished the work. This Xu Meimei is really incomparable to Xiaofeng.

After saying this, Auntie Guihua still felt that she said it very well, and she even squeezed her eyes at Xiaofeng.

Feng Xi looked helpless...

My hands are a little itchy, I really want to hit someone, what should I do...

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