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Chapter 39 Confession

As soon as Xu Hai returned to the village yesterday, he went to the mountains to hunt. He was lucky and shot a pheasant.

After taking it home, he asked his mother to help boil the pheasant into chicken soup, half for the family and half to the hospital.

Xu's mother didn't say anything when she saw this. After all, Xu Hai shot the pheasant himself, so he could do whatever he wanted with it.

Xu Hai wanted to save all the chicken soup for the little girl, but he said he was here to visit the patient, and he couldn't favor one over the other, so he could only secretly give the little girl more chicken.

"Thank you, Comrade Xu." Feng Xi said.

"You're welcome."

Wang Xiaomei felt that she had too much food during her hospital stay, including pork and chicken soup, and asked quickly: "Comrade Xu, do you drink chicken soup every day?"

After hearing this, Xu Hai replied coldly: "I don't know." What are you thinking? How come you don't have any sense of self-awareness when you get it by the way?

"Oh, okay then." After hearing this, Wang Xiaomei felt it was a pity, she thought she could eat more good food.

After Xu Hai saw the little girl finished drinking the chicken soup, he wanted to find an opportunity to talk to her, but there were so many female comrades in the ward, so he said, "How is Xiao Feng's injury? Is it better?"

"Much better. I didn't suffer a serious injury in the first place. I can eat, drink, walk and run."

"Hey, your injury has just healed, but you know how to mess around. Pay more attention to rest."

Xu Hai sat in the hospital for a while and then left, and he had something else to do in the village.

The next day at noon, Xu Hai came again with chicken soup.

Xu Hai poured a bowl of chicken soup for Feng Xi and asked, "How do you feel today, young educated youth Feng?"

"The doctor said I can be discharged from the hospital today, but I still need to change the dressing every day. I think I should stay in the hospital for a few more days and return to the village after I am cured."

"Well, it is indeed necessary to be cured. It would be bad if I suffer from any disease."

"Well, Comrade Xu, isn't it a bit expensive for you to give us chicken soup every day? And don't you still have to go to work?"

Feng Aihua also said "Yes, Comrade Xu, go back and tell the village chief uncle not to spend so much money. It's not easy for anyone these days."

Wang Xiaomei was annoyed when she heard this. Why are people pushing away delicious food? She quickly said, "Hey, why are you guys throwing away food? If you don't eat it, I will."

"I shot this pheasant in the mountains yesterday, and I have something to do in town today, so I came to see you on the way." Xu Hai said with a normal heartbeat.

He didn't lie. He did shoot the pheasant, but he did have something to do in town. Why, seeing the little girl is a big deal. Besides, he did come to see other people on the way.

"By the way, Xiaofeng Zhiqing, are you free later? Come with me. I have something to talk to you about."

Feng Xi thought that she would be bored staying in the hospital, so it would be nice to go out for a walk, so she said, "Okay."

Wang Xiaomei stared at the backs of Feng Xi and Xu Hai as they left, and said seriously, "These two must have something to do."

Tang Qingqing and Feng Aihua couldn't help but roll their eyes, and then they knew.

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