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Chapter 15 Going to the town

"Hey, Feng Xi, I heard that you and Tang Qingqing have completed the tasks assigned by the captain today."

Feng Xi was embarrassed. Is she so bad in everyone's eyes? She is very well behaved. Well, in fact, she is really bad at work.

Feng Xi smiled mysteriously at Ma Hong: "Hehe." Feng Xi didn't want to lie, because there are only zero times and countless times to lie. But she didn't want to tell others that she and Tang Qingqing found help. After all, it was not glorious, and she didn't want to cause any trouble.

"Sister Feng Xi is great." Lin Tang flattered.

Feng Aihua was also very relieved. She also saw it in the past two days. Feng Xi is well-behaved and doesn't cause trouble, Lin Tang is simple, Tang Qingqing is coquettish, and He Hua is petty. Compared with Tang Qingqing and He Hua, she is more willing to make friends with Feng Xi and Lin Tang.

"It seems that you can almost adapt to rural life. In fact, as long as you get used to this work, the days in the future will not be so painful."

Feng Xi touched her nose. She felt that as long as she worked in the fields, it was very painful.

"The day after tomorrow is a rest day. Do you want to buy anything? I heard that the supply and marketing cooperative has received a batch of new wool and fabrics. Let's go and have a look then?" Ma Hong told everyone the news she heard from the aunts.

Feng Xi couldn't help but sigh that the gossip skills of these aunties in the village were too strong. They could even find out about the supply and marketing cooperative? Then what happened between her and Tang Qingqing yesterday was not...

Feng Aihua also wanted to buy wool. Her scarf was all fraying and could hardly be worn. She said, "Well, I also want to buy wool to knit a scarf."

"I want to buy one too. I forgot to bring a scarf here, but I don't know how to knit a scarf. Sister Feng Xi, can you?"

As a young woman in the 21st century, who hasn't knitted a scarf in junior high and high school? Of course Feng Xi can knit a scarf, and she can knit many patterns. Moreover, she also wants to knit a scarf for everyone in the Feng family.

"Yes, I will teach you step by step, and I promise that your scarf will be warm and beautiful. By the way, I have to send a letter to my family to let them know I am safe. Lin Tang, do you want to go to the post office with me?"

"Yes, I also want to write a letter to my parents so that they don't worry."


Early in the morning of the day after tomorrow, when it was just dawn, Feng Xi heard Feng Aihua calling him to get up. Feng Xi wanted to stay in bed, but when he looked at his watch, it was only six o'clock. At 7:30, Feng Xi said, "Sister Aihua, is it so early? Can't we go later?"

Feng Aihua knew that Feng Xi wanted to stay in bed, so she said, "There is only one ox cart in the village, and today is a holiday. The people going to the town are not only us educated youth, but also some villagers. If we go late, we can only walk to the town by ourselves."

When Feng Xi heard that she would have to walk to the town by herself if she went late, she immediately got up, dressed, tied her braids, brushed her teeth and washed her face in one go. Feng Aihua was stunned.

"Don't be so anxious, it's not too late to leave at 7:30."

Feng Xi: ...

"It's okay, it's good to go to bed early and get up early, hehe."

When Feng Xi went out for breakfast, there were no people at the table, only Feng Aihua, Ma Hong and her. Feng Xi's breakfast was a wo wo tou, ah, familiar wo wo tou. Feng Xi made a cup of malted milk and ate wo wo tou with malted milk.

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