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Chapter 7 Going to Work 1

When the educated youth arrived at the field, there were already many villagers there. Everyone was bored at the moment. Yesterday they heard that six new educated youth had come to the village, and now they were staring at the new educated youth and discussing enthusiastically.

"This new educated youth is pretty good-looking. Look at those two chubby white girls. They look pretty festive."

"That male educated youth with glasses is too skinny. He looks like a pretty boy."

"That's right. I thought Wang Zhiqing was pretty good-looking, but I didn't expect there were two more pretty ones. The skinny one looks like a fairy. The chubby one looks cute. It looks easy to bully. I guess she will cry later."

Feng·white and chubby·cheerful·easy to bully·Xi said she was helpless. She couldn't do anything about this cute-looking girl. She was actually very fierce. But she looked calm. After all, she had seen all kinds of big scenes in modern times. This was just a small scene. Don't panic.

The other educated youths were not so good. They felt a little uncomfortable being stared at and discussed. The old educated youths were fine. They had experienced it before and could still keep it up. The new educated youths were not so good. When had they ever seen such a scene before?

Fortunately, Village Chief Xu and Team Leader Xu came at this time.

Xu Hai saw this scene when he came. The villagers were discussing the new educated youths like they were watching monkeys. The other educated youths lowered their heads a little uncomfortably. Only the little girl stood there as if nothing had happened. Look, she even had the mind to comfort the educated youths next to her. She has made progress.

Feng Xi didn't know what Xu Hai was thinking. She was feeling a little sad about her upcoming farm work.

The village chief saw the villagers talking nonsense here, and these city kids were shy, so he scolded them: "Why are you talking nonsense here when you don't work in the fields? You don't even want the work points. If you slack off again, I will deduct the work points of anyone."

These work points are the life of the whole family, how can they not want them? And now people have seen that the villagers are doing their own things.

Now there are only six new educated youths, the village chief and the team leader left in the fields. Feng Xi stood there obediently, just hoping that the team leader could assign her some easy farm work.

Team leader Xu had a headache looking at these educated youths, but he was experienced, so he just divided the educated youths to work, and each group of two followed the villagers to work.

Captain Xu knew that Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing's families were rich. It was recorded in the files that one was a cadre family, and the other was a child of a large compound.

Of the two, Feng Xi was cute and well-behaved, which was better, while Tang Qingqing was arrogant and would definitely cause a lot of trouble in the future. The two of them should be a pair.

So, Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing were assigned to one group to weed, and He Hua and Lin Tang were assigned to another group to weed.

The male educated youths basically did physical work, such as weeding.

Feng Xi was very happy when he saw that his task was to weed.

Weeding was good, it was easy and did not require much technical skills. He put on his gloves and came to his assigned place with great interest to start weeding.

Tang Qingqing watched Feng Xi take the gloves, and couldn't help regretting why she didn't think of this. She secretly decided to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy a pair of gloves in the future.

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