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Chapter 102 Old Mo

Feng Xi patted Tang Qingqing's shoulder calmly. Who wouldn't? She was bored today too.

Tang Qingqing walked into the compound with Feng Xi, talking and laughing. As soon as they entered the door, they saw an elegant lady in her forties walking over with a smile.

"This must be Xixi, right? We have heard from Qingqing these days that it was a good thing you helped me when I went to the countryside, otherwise I don't know how much suffering I would have to endure."

Feng Xi waved her hand and said, "Hello, Auntie. Qingqing also helped me a lot when I was in the countryside. We were both educated youth who went to the countryside in the same place. In order to build the motherland, we must help each other and make progress together."

Tang Qingqing raised her eyebrows. She was embarrassed to answer the question.

Tang's mother poured a glass of water for Feng Xi: "You girls can chat for a while, and have lunch together at home before going back."

Feng Xi was about to refuse, but Tang Qingqing interrupted: "Mom, we won't eat at home, we'll go to Lao Mo and go shopping to buy some things for living in the school."

Tang's mother nodded: "Go ahead, do you have enough money? If not, remember to ask me for it. "

"Well, I still have money now."

Tang Qingqing turned around and looked at Feng Xi happily, saying, "Xixi, let's go to Lao Mo's for dinner. I haven't been there for a long time, and I really want to eat the cream crab soup there."

Feng Xi nodded. She thought for a long time before she remembered what Lao Mo was. It turned out to be a Western restaurant. She also wanted to try the food in a Western restaurant at this time.

At this time, a younger girl who looked a bit like Tang Qingqing ran out, took Tang Qingqing's right hand and shook it, saying: "Sister, I'm going too. Mom is really partial to me. She doesn't even give me pocket money."

Tang Qingqing tapped Tang Lanlan's head with her finger: "Who said Mom is partial to us? She gives us the same amount of money. Who asked you to spend money on clothes every month?"

"Sister, I just couldn't help it. Next time I will save money to treat you to a big meal."

After saying this, Tang Lanlan looked up at Feng Xi and said: "Hello, Sister Feng Xi, I heard my sister talk about you. My name is Tang Lanlan, I'm seventeen years old this year."


Tang Qingqing had no choice but to take her sister shopping together.

Seeing this, Feng Xi suggested, "I also have a younger sister who is also seventeen years old this year. How about the four of us go shopping together?"

Tang Qingqing nodded immediately. It was lively with so many people. She had never been to Xixi's house before.

So Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing went to Feng Xi's house together.

Feng's sister-in-law warmly poured water for Tang Qingqing and her sister, and invited them to eat fruit snacks.

When Feng Wan heard that they were going shopping, she immediately said that she would not do her homework for the time being. There were still several days left in the winter vacation, and she could do it tomorrow.

After Feng Xi told Feng's sister-in-law that they would not be at home for lunch at noon, they went to Lao Mo's for lunch together.

After entering the revolving door and walking up the stairs, what came into view was a gorgeous and noble, palace-like world.

Feng Xi was a little dazed. If Feng Wan and Qing Qing were not there, she would have thought she had returned to the modern world.

The few people followed the waiter to an empty table. The four of them ordered a steak. Tang Qing Qing and her sister asked for medium rare, while Feng Xi and her sister asked for medium.

In addition, Feng Xi and Tang Qing Qing each ordered a cream crab soup, Feng Wan ordered a beet soup, and Tang Lan Lan ordered a cream mushroom soup. Finally, they ordered two breads and a salad.

Soon, the dishes were served.

Feng Xi tasted the cream crab soup. It tasted pure and rich.

Tang Qingqing said happily: "This is the taste. Xixi, we will come again when we have time in the future."

Feng Xi nodded repeatedly: "We must come. The crab soup is good and the steak is also delicious."

Tang Lanlan looked at the two sisters earnestly: "You must remember that we still have two lovely sisters, Wanwan and me. Don't abandon us."

Tang Qingqing looked at her sister with disdain. Why are the two sisters so different in character?

Feng Xi waved her hand: "No problem, I will take you to eat again next time."

Feng Wan said happily: "Second sister is so nice."

Tang Lanlan also flattered: "Sister Feng Xi is so nice."

Tang Qingqing shook her head speechlessly. This sister can't be kept anymore.

When eating steak, Feng Wan may not be very skilled in holding the knife and fork, and accidentally made a "crackling" sound.

Feng Wan stuck out her tongue and looked at Feng Xi pitifully: "Second sister, I still can't cut steak."

Feng Xi calmly took the knife and fork from Feng Wan's hand and said: "It's okay, you will learn it after more practice. Your cutting is a bit messy, I will help you cut it, and next time I will teach you a method, I guarantee that you can cut it quickly and well."

Tang Lanlan also comforted: "Wan Wan, it's okay, I can't cut it either, I can only cut it by luck."

"Cut it, don't come to Lao Mo if you don't know how to eat Western food, it's just a waste of food."

Feng Xi looked at the person who made the discordant sound with sharp eyes, what does this person want to do.

Tang Qingqing saw who was talking. She had been tolerating this person for a long time: "Zhu Zhu, why is it you again!"

Feng Xi raised her eyebrows. So they knew each other?

Zhu Zhu also had a hot temper. She said: "Tang Qingqing, why are you so anxious? I didn't say anything to you. Besides, it's very impolite to make a sound with your knife and fork when eating in a western restaurant."

Feng Xi didn't want to do it anymore. She said: "Then who do you want to say? Lao Mo didn't stipulate who can't come. Besides,"

Feng Xi paused, glanced at Zhu Zhu's table, and said without blushing: "I remember you. You made a sound many times when you ate steak before."

Zhu Zhu couldn't believe it. How did this person know? She didn't know her.

She didn't know how to cut steak before, and it did make a "crackling" sound. This time, she couldn't help but say something because she saw Tang Qingqing.

"You, you, what are you talking about? I didn't. And I was not wrong. The sound of the person next to you cutting the steak just now was really unpleasant. If you don't believe me, ask the people at the next table if they were also disturbed."

At this time, a man who was eating at the table next to Feng Xi turned his head and said slowly: "I, was not disturbed just now."

The moment the man turned his head, the restaurant suddenly fell silent.

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