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Chapter 41 Making Money

Feng Xi brought Xu Hai to the canteen of the hospital. She saw steamed fish in the canteen this morning and wanted to try it.

Braised pork is 80 cents per portion

Steamed fish is 60 cents per portion

Steamed buns are 7 cents per piece

Noodles in clear soup are 10 cents per bowl

Chinese cabbage is 9 cents per portion

White rice is 10 cents per bowl

Feng Xi saw the dishes written on the blackboard and said, "Comrade, hello, I want a steamed fish, a Chinese cabbage, and three bowls of rice."

Feng Xi paid the bill and found a seat with Xu Hai to wait for the dishes.

"Why did you order three bowls of rice?"

Feng Xi blinked and said, "I was afraid you wouldn't be full."

Xu Hai quietly pulled the little girl's hand. His little girl was good and always thought about him.

"You're so good. By the way, I may not be able to come to the hospital to see you for a few days. I have to go back to work in the fields."

"It's okay. Go back and do your work. I should be back to the village soon."

"Then I'll pick you up then."

"This fish is good!" Feng Xi couldn't help but sigh that the chef's craftsmanship in this hospital hotel is really amazing. It's almost five-star level.

Xu Hai considerately picked up a piece of fish, picked out the bones with chopsticks, and then put it in Feng Xi's bowl, saying: "If it tastes good, eat more. Let's come back next time."

Feng Xi saw that the fish in her bowl was almost piled up into a mountain, so she quickly stopped Xu Hai and picked up a big piece of fish for Xu Hai, saying: "You eat too, don't worry about me, eat quickly."


Xu Hai saw that Feng Xi's bowl was indeed full, so he started to eat.

After the two finished their meal, they were bored for a while and then separated.

After breakfast the next morning, Feng Xi thought that Xu Hai would not come today, so she would go to the town to walk around and see if there were any opportunities to make money.

Feng Xi did not go directly to the residential area, but went to the supply and marketing cooperative first to see what the price of rice and flour was in that era.

"Hello, comrade. I would like to ask how to sell these grains?"

The supply and marketing clerk saw that Feng Xi did not look like a poor man, so he said: "Rice is 20 cents per pound, but it is out of stock. Fuqiang flour is 15 cents per pound, and it is also out of stock. Corn flour is 9.5 cents per pound, and coarse grain is 7 cents per pound. No ticket will be sold."

"Oh, okay. Then comrade, the bag that contains grain in my house was bitten by a mouse. Do you have any for sale here?"

The supply and marketing clerk tilted his head. Feng Xi took a look and said, "The small one is 10 cents, and the big one is 15 cents."

"Comrade, do you have oil for sale here?"

The supply and marketing clerk said impatiently, "This oil is a hot-selling product. It is basically snatched up as soon as it arrives. Where can it be sold now?"

Feng Xi finally bought three small grain bags. Seeing that the big grain bag was too big for her to carry, she asked for three small ones. It was estimated that each one could hold more than 30 kilograms.

After leaving the supply and marketing cooperative, Feng Xi couldn't help but sigh. It seemed that she still had a long way to go to become a 10,000 yuan household.

Feng Xi walked to a secluded place, looked around, and saw no one, so she opened the takeaway page and clicked into a takeaway supermarket. She saw that the rice and flour inside were all in bags of 10 kilograms.

Feng Xi thought of selling 10 kilograms of cornmeal and 10 kilograms of rice to test the waters. Cornmeal was 30 yuan per bag, and rice was 40 yuan per bag. Then he bought a blue headscarf and placed an order to pay.

Feng Xi quickly put the cornmeal into the food bag, and then recycled the original packaging.

Feng Xi put on the headscarf and simply wiped his face with mud. It didn't look very obvious, but it didn't look like the original skin color, and then walked into the residential area next to the furniture factory.

Feng Xi strolled slowly in the residential area with two bags. After a while, an old lady pulled Feng Xi.

"Girl, what's in your bag?"

Feng Xi answered in a low voice: "Rice and cornmeal."

When the aunt heard that it was food, her eyes lit up, and she pulled Feng Xi to a corner and said: "Girl, do you have a lot of stuff?"

"Not a lot today, just ten kilograms of rice and ten kilograms of cornmeal. Rice is 70 cents per kilogram, and cornmeal is 30 cents per kilogram. No coupons are required."

When the aunt heard that no food coupons were required, she was very tempted. Her family didn't have much fine food, and they were often not available in the supply and marketing cooperative. Although the price was quite high, this food was about the same price on the black market.

"Girl, do you have this grain tomorrow? Auntie won't lie to you. My old man is in poor health. The doctor recommends that he eat better during this period. But the fine grains in the supply and marketing cooperative are too hard to buy. I haven't been able to buy any at the black market these few days. So, if you have some tomorrow, Auntie will buy it all."

Feng Xi thought it was good, but she was cautious and said, "I'm not sure if there will be any tomorrow. The main reason is that this fine grain is too hard to get."

Auntie Lin thought it was a good idea and took Feng Xi to her home. If she met someone familiar on the way, she would say that Feng Xi was her niece from her mother's family and came to visit her.

"Oh, my niece is so filial. She came from far away to see me. Come in with Auntie and sit down."

Until they walked into Auntie Lin's yard, Auntie Lin said, "Girl, this is my home. If you have any more food tomorrow, come here to find me."

Feng Xi poured cornmeal and rice into Auntie Lin's food bag and said, "Hey, Auntie, I understand."

"Just call me Auntie Lin, but if you have other goods in the future, you can also come to me. I know everyone in this residential area. I can eat as much as you bring. No But can you give me a lower price?

Feng Xi also thought it was convenient to have an aunt to help him sell, so he said, "Okay, but Aunt Lin, I'm just an errand boy, and I can't make much money. How about this, the rice is seven yuan, the cornmeal is three yuan, and the total is ten yuan, so you just give me nine yuan and ninety cents."

Aunt Lin also thought it was good. If this girl still had goods in the future, she could not only help the old man buy fine grains, but also if there were extra, she could sell them to those old sisters and make a lot of money.

"Okay, okay, it's a deal. If you have more goods in the future, bring them to Auntie."

"Okay, Auntie Lin, I'll come to you as soon as I have more goods."

After saying goodbye to Auntie Lin, Feng Xi went to another residential area to sell food, and by the way, see if there are people who look reliable like Auntie Lin.

But unfortunately, the other aunties bought one or two kilograms, two or three kilograms. There was an auntie who bought ten kilograms of cornmeal in one go, but Feng Xi thought that this auntie was not reliable, so she left after selling the food.

After selling the last two kilograms of rice in her hand, Feng Xi saw that it was almost lunch time, so she planned to go back to the hospital for lunch.

This time, Feng Xi earned a total of 24.9 yuan.

Just as Feng Xi was about to leave the alley, a small figure suddenly rushed out and blocked Feng Xi's way.

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