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Chapter 27 High-end and low-end takeout

The next day, Feng Xi got up early and enjoyed her wonderful life living alone.

After getting dressed and washing up, Feng Xi sat on the table, crossed her legs, and prepared to order takeout.

Opening the takeout page, she saw a steamed bun shop offering a big opening promotion, so she clicked in.

This shop is indeed offering a big promotion, with steamed buns costing 50 cents each, a 40% discount for new shops, and 30 cents each, and 50 cents off for spending 20 yuan or more in the shop.

Feng Xi ordered 50 steamed buns without hesitation, for a total of 15 yuan. Yes, 50, she planned to let Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng eat steamed buns in the next few days.

Then he ordered two meat buns, an egg, and a cup of soy milk, which made up to 20 yuan. He placed an order and paid 15 yuan.

Feng Xi looked at his high-end takeout and the low-end takeout for Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng, and felt guilty. Although it might be a bit immoral to do so, this white flour steamed bun is a good thing in this era.

Feng Xi ate his meat bun slowly, and then took a sip of sweet soy milk, feeling so happy.

After breakfast, he took seven steamed buns for Tang Qingqing, nine steamed buns for Bai Feng, and two steamed buns for lunch and two steamed buns for Xu Li.

Now there were twenty left, but Feng Xi was not worried, because she had money in her card, and the steamed buns were very cheap.

Twenty steamed buns only cost six yuan in modern times, but Tang Qingqing gave her two cents a day, and Bai Feng gave her two and a half cents a day, so Feng Xi could earn a total of four and a half cents, plus four taels of grain coupons. Some people may think that it is not a good calculation, but in the 1970s, one yuan was equivalent to more than two hundred yuan in modern times, which means Feng Xi made a fortune.

When Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng received the white flour steamed buns, they were a little surprised. The steamed buns in the state-owned hotel cost seven cents each. Although this steamed bun was smaller than the state-owned hotel, it was not much smaller. Did they make a profit?

Feng Xi didn't care what they thought. She still wanted to give Xu Li two steamed buns.

When he walked to the field, he saw that this hardworking child was secretly helping him work.

"Xu Li, you come to work so early."

"Sister Feng Xi is early too. I thought if I work harder now, I can rest more in the afternoon."

Feng Xi took out two steamed buns and said, "Here, these two steamed buns are for you."

Xu Li didn't take them and said, "Sister Feng Xi, why aren't there any steamed buns today?"

"I moved out of the educated youth site yesterday and didn't eat with the people there. You can take them. I have plenty. If you don't take them, I'll be angry."

Xu Li had no choice but to accept them after hearing this. She secretly decided in her heart that she must help Sister Feng Xi work hard in the future.

After a while, more people came to the field. Feng Xi didn't want to chat, so she worked hard. But...

"Xiao Feng Zhiqing, do you know how much Tang Zhiqing's bicycle costs?"

"Oh, Aunt Guihua, please don't ask me. I don't know either. Let's work hard. Don't let the captain see us."

"Xiao Feng Zhiqing, come on. I see you're slacking off."

"Aunt Guihua, we both weigh 3.5 jin. Let's not hurt each other."

"Hey, you little girl."

Aunt Guihua was not in a hurry. She still had time to find out at noon.

Feng Xi couldn't help but wipe away a handful of bitter tears. Is it so difficult for her to just live quietly?

It was soon time for lunch. Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing sat together and ate steamed buns. There was no other way. She could have extra meals in the morning and evening, but she had to eat the same thing as Tang Qingqing at noon, and there were so many eyes of the village aunties watching.

"Hey, this little Feng Zhiqing and Tang Zhiqing are eating white flour steamed buns."

"Shouldn't this white flour steamed bun be eaten during the Chinese New Year?"

"What? I don't have white flour steamed buns during the Chinese New Year. Hey, can little Feng Zhiqing give me some to taste?"

Feng Xi looked at Aunt Guihua speechlessly. This auntie was here to bring bad luck to her. If she gave it to them, what would she do if other aunties also wanted it? If I don't give it to you...

Tang Qingqing couldn't help but say, "Auntie Guihua, you're going too far. It's not easy for people to have food these days, so how can I give it to you?"

Auntie Guihua felt a little unconvinced by what she said, but she knew she was in the wrong. If she had such good food, she wouldn't give it to others. She could only say, "Hey, Tang Zhiqing, you said that. I'm just asking. If you don't want to eat it, then don't eat it."

"By the way, Tang Zhiqing, how much was the bicycle you bought yesterday? I heard that it's quite expensive. You need a bicycle ticket to buy it."

"One hundred and sixty yuan."

The aunt next to her couldn't help but gasp when she heard this number. Even if her family worked hard, they probably couldn't make that much money in two years. Tang Zhiqing is really rich.

"Tang Zhiqing, you are really rich. Only the village chief's family has a bicycle in our village."

"This bicycle is a big item. If the man's family has a bicycle, it will be easy to go on a blind date. If the woman's family has a bicycle, the in-laws will look at her with a higher regard. Tang Zhiqing, do you want me to help you find a matchmaker?" Seeing that Tang Qingqing was so rich, Mrs. Xu couldn't help but want to be a matchmaker. Her family's Xu Erzhu liked Tang Qingqing very much. What if this worked out?

Feng Xi felt that the topic changed too quickly. How did it become a blind date?

Tang Qingqing couldn't help but twitch her eyes, and said quickly: "I don't plan to go on a blind date so soon."

"Mrs. Xu, you are too naive. Tang Zhiqing is beautiful and her family is rich, how could she marry a country boy like us?"

Mrs. Xu didn't want to give up, and said: "Why is it impossible? Didn't our village also have a female educated youth marry a country boy a few years ago? For example, the first batch of forest grass that came here looks like a flower. "Lin Cao is like a daughter of a rich family. She married the second son of the team leader. Now she has an easy job at home."

"How can Lin Cao compare with Tang Zhiqing? She is not as good-looking as Tang Zhiqing and Xiao Feng Zhiqing. Moreover, Lin Cao cries when she works, as if someone bullies her."

"Hey, speaking of this, do you remember that Lin Cao pursued Xu Hai, the third son of the village head, a few years ago?"

Feng Xi, Tang Qingqing: Wow! What a big melon!!!

Travel back to the 1970s to order takeoutWhere stories live. Discover now