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Chapter 152 Graduation

Soon, Feng Xi's internship at Beijing First Hospital ended, which meant that Feng Xi was about to graduate from college.

On the day of graduation, Xu Hai sneaked into Beijing Medical University while the security guard was not paying attention, and quietly watched his little object attend the graduation ceremony in a corner.

At the ceremony, President Wang specially praised Feng Xi and personally awarded Feng Xi the Outstanding Graduate Award.

He even recorded Feng Xi's name in the history of Beijing Medical University.

After the graduation ceremony, Feng Xi was chatting with his roommates, discussing future work and plans.

During this time, Feng Xi felt as if a hot gaze was staring at her.

Turning around, she found Xu Hai walking towards her with a rose in his hand.

Wu Ping said with a smile: "Xixi, your partner is looking for you!"

Li Li teased: "Lao Wu, go and accompany your partner! We have nothing to do here!"

Feng Xi ignored the teasing of the group of people and ran to Xu Hai's side.

Xu Hai handed the rose to Feng Xi, and his expression seemed to be restraining something, and said: "Xixi, happy graduation!"

Feng Xi said with a smile: "Thank you, Xu Hai, I graduated!"

"Then let's go get the marriage certificate today!"

!!! !!! !!! !!!

This topic change caught Feng Xi off guard.

Xu Hai was a little nervous, clenched his fists, and stared at Feng Xi tightly, fearing that he would hear a bad answer.

Feng Xi looked at Xu Hai's passionate eyes and said "yes" for some reason.

After hearing Feng Xi's answer, Xu Hai's mouth almost grinned to the back of his head.

He finally waited for this day!

Xu Hai pulled Feng Xi, shuttled through the crowd, and ran all the way to the school gate. He wanted to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau immediately.

Feng Xi was also very happy. Although it might be a bit hasty to agree to marry so quickly, who made her like this man!

The security guard was sitting with his legs crossed and drinking tea, and suddenly saw a man and a woman running out hand in hand.

After a closer look, Xu Hai was quickly recognized.

"Hey, what are you doing, male classmate? Let go!"

Xu Hai held Feng Xi's hand tightly and said as he ran: "Grandpa, we are going to get the marriage certificate today. I will treat you to wedding candy another day!"

The doorman touched his chin. Getting married? Then we should be able to hold hands, right?

Xu Hai was riding a bicycle excitedly in front, and Feng Xi was happily thinking about his future life in the back.

Soon, the two came to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

The people in the Civil Affairs Bureau saw a man and a woman walking in. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, and both of them had silly smiles on their faces.

No need to guess, you know that these two people are here to get married.

"Hello, we are here to get married!"

The person in charge of registration took out a marriage certificate and looked at Xu Hai and Feng Xi.

Xu Hai and Feng Xi also looked at the person in charge of registration without knowing why.

The person in charge of registration thought that the two were too happy and reminded them: "Household registration book!"

!!! !!! !!! !!!

When Feng Xi heard about the household registration book, she remembered that she needed a household registration book for marriage. She had just graduated and had not had time to go home to get the household registration book!

Xu Hai also forgot about the household registration book. He was thinking about proposing today. After hearing Feng Xi say "yes", he just wanted to settle it quickly.

The person in charge of registration had a dark face. Could these two people have eloped?

Feng Xi and Xu Hai walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau awkwardly.

Feng Xi couldn't help laughing. Who would register for marriage without a household registration booklet?

Xu Hai also found it a little funny. He was probably too excited!

"Xixi, shall I go to your house to visit your parents now?"

Feng Xi smiled for a while and said, "Now? My parents may not be at home now."

"It's okay, I'll go to your house and wait. You just promised to marry me, you can't regret it. Besides, I have to pass your parents' test before we can get the marriage certificate."

Feng Xi nodded thoughtfully: "That's right, the ugly husband always has to meet the mother-in-law."

Xu Hai nodded at his naughty little object: "Yes, let's go!"

Xu Hai first went to the department store to buy a lot of gifts, and then bought a lot of chicken, duck, fish, pork, and various vegetables.

Feng Xi took Xu Hai home, and the house was indeed empty.

Father Feng went to work, Mother Feng was at Wuhu Hotel, Sister-in-law Feng should be at Wuhu Hotel with Feng Yi, Brother Feng was at the department store, and as for Feng Wan and Feng Yu, one was studying at Beijing Normal University, and the other was in elementary school.

Seeing that it was still early, Xu Hai asked Feng Xi about the preferences of Father Feng and Mother Feng in advance.

When it was almost time to cook, Xu Hai took the food he had bought to the kitchen, rolled up his sleeves and prepared to cook a big meal.

Feng Xi was in charge of lighting the fire next to him.


Father Feng left work an hour earlier on purpose, because today was the day his daughter graduated from college, and he had to cook a delicious meal.

In the department store, he picked and chose and bought half a chicken, a fish, two pounds of meat, some potatoes and a few cabbages.

When he got home and opened the door, he suddenly saw a man walking out of his kitchen, which almost scared Father Feng to death!

Father Feng looked at the man carefully and remembered that he was Feng Xi's partner.

Xu Hai looked at Father Feng's appearance and the way he was carrying the dishes, guessing that this man might be Feng Xi's father, and said: "Hello uncle, I am Feng Xi's boyfriend, Xu Hai, let me help you get the dishes."

Father Feng moved his body proudly and dodged Xu Hai's hand: "I can take it to the kitchen myself."

As soon as Father Feng entered the kitchen, he saw his daughter making a fire, and looked into the pot. Well, he might not have to cook today.

Xu Hai saw the refrigerator in the kitchen and said: "Uncle, I cooked a lot of dishes today. You can put the dishes you bought in the refrigerator and eat them tomorrow."

As soon as Father Feng saw the refrigerator, he immediately felt that this refrigerator was so unsightly!

Father Feng would not admit that he had failed to snatch the refrigerator produced by Xu Hai's factory in the department store, so he insisted that Feng Chao find a way to buy one back.

Feng Xi also said, "Dad, Xu Hai cooked a lot of delicious dishes today, we will eat the dishes you bought tomorrow."

Father Feng also knew this truth, and he could not waste food no matter what, he was just a little angry.

After a while, the rest of the Feng family came back.

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