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Chapter 115 Get Back at the Table

Feng Xi, Tang Qingqing and Zhu Zhu stood in the office again.

"Today, the head of the Department of Clinical Medicine told me that you will all attend his class on Wednesday afternoons from now on."

Seeing that there was no one else in the office, Tang Qingqing immediately went over and hugged Director Guan and said, "Grandma, can I not go?"

Feng Xi also followed suit and said, "Yes, Director, I'm afraid I can't keep my mind going with so many classes a week."

Director Guan said ruthlessly, "Who told you to go to his class when you have nothing to do? If you get caught, you have to attend the class seriously. Do you know? "

Zhu Zhu was afraid that Director Guan would not allow them to attend the clinical medicine class on Wednesday afternoon. When she heard Director Guan say that they could go, she quickly said, "Don't worry, Director, I will definitely attend the class seriously."

Director Guan looked at Zhu Zhu with admiration and said, "You two too, if you can answer the questions, raise your hands to answer them, and save face in the clinical medicine class, understand!"

Tang Qingqing immediately looked at Feng Xi when she heard this. It was impossible for her to raise her hand to answer the questions.

Feng Xi thought about it and felt that it was right. She had to save face after such a shameful afternoon.

Suddenly, I thought it was not bad to go to class. I was going to torture them to death. I nodded vigorously and said, "Director, I understand."

Zhu Zhu also nodded. She wanted to show her presence in front of Li Jie and prove that she was also a person who loved to learn.

Director Guan said with satisfaction: "The three books on the table are the biochemistry books of the director of the Department of Clinical Medicine. Take one each and go back to study hard."

Feng Xi and the other two nodded in unison.

After returning to the 201 dormitory, Feng Xi was not in a hurry to sleep. He turned the pages of the book one by one, and he was determined to memorize the whole book tonight.

Zhu Zhu stopped looking in the mirror and took the biochemistry book and read it seriously.

Tang Qingqing looked at the ceiling speechlessly. If she didn't want to read it, it would be okay to read it tomorrow.

Wu Ping, Tian Caicai and Li Li watched Feng Xi and Zhu Zhu reading books with great enthusiasm, and for a moment they didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Li Li said guiltily: "If I had known, I wouldn't have suggested going to the Department of Clinical Medicine to take classes, so the three of you were forced to go to class."

After hearing what Li Li said, Feng Xi looked up and comforted her: "It's okay, how can you be blamed? It's all our own fault, it has nothing to do with you. Not to mention, I am full of motivation to read books now."

Zhu Zhu echoed: "Yes, yes, yes, I have to thank you, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have met my male god."

Feng Xi and Zhu Zhu immediately lowered their heads to read books after they finished talking.

Li Li looked at the diligence of the two people and always felt strange: "Qingqing, are they really okay?"

"Don't worry, they are really okay. One is thinking about getting back on Wednesday afternoon, and the other is thinking about showing that she loves learning."

Wu Ping just thought it was a little funny and said, "It's good that they are okay. Learning more knowledge will never hurt."

After school on Friday afternoon, Xu Hai heard Feng Xi say that they couldn't go out together next Wednesday, and he felt a little sorry.

But when he thought about how much injustice Xiao Xiang had suffered at that time, he quickly said that he would accompany Feng Xi to study biochemistry class on the weekend, and he must help Xiao Xiang get back on his feet.

Feng Xi looked at Xu Hai, who seemed even angrier than she, the person involved. She thought that she might be going to cheat next week.

On the weekend, Xu Hai was really awesome. He didn't sleep much for two consecutive days and was reading Feng Xi's biochemistry book.

This really confused Monkey. Didn't he say he wanted to modify the radio before? Why did he love reading so much now?

Xu Hai was very good at chemistry. He directly summarized all the knowledge related to chemistry and circled the key points in biology.

Feng Xi looked at the book full of notes and was so surprised that she didn't know what to say.

It's only been two days!

Fortunately, she has a photographic memory, otherwise she might be useless.

Feng Xi read Xu Hai's notes from the beginning, thinking that a top student is indeed a top student, and he understands everything very well. He immediately felt full of confidence.

Xu Hai touched Feng Xi's head lovingly: "Is there anything you don't understand?"

Feng Xi said confidently: "No, I am full of confidence now!"

Feng Xi quickly kissed Xu Hai's cheek, and then left: "Thank goodness you are here, I'm leaving first, wait for my good news next week!"

Xu Hai smiled and looked at Feng Xi's back helplessly.

This little object has grown wings.

At dinner on Tuesday night, Feng Xi specially ate beef noodles in the school cafeteria.

Just in case, she will go back to modern times to watch the famous teacher's video about biochemistry courses.

After returning to the modern world, Feng Xi immediately turned on the computer and not only downloaded many videos of famous teachers, but also bought two crash courses online.

One was for obstetrics and gynecology, and the other was for clinical medicine.

Feng Xi watched all the videos related to clinical medicine in one night, and after making sure that she had memorized them, she fell asleep happily.

On Wednesday afternoon, before the director of the Department of Clinical Medicine came to class, Tang Qingqing looked at the excited looks of the two people next to her and wanted to change seats for a while.

The three of them sat behind Li Jie. Needless to say, Zhu Zhu wanted to abuse people. Feng Xi wanted to abuse people, and she, a person with no desires, sat in the most conspicuous position.

Unfortunately, when Tang Qingqing just wanted to change seats, the director of the Department of Clinical Medicine came.

Tang Qingqing sighed helplessly: I don't know whether I should wipe the sweat off myself or sympathize with the director of the Department of Clinical Medicine.

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