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Chapter 83 Preparing for revenge

After returning to the modern world, Feng Xi dressed up simply and went out with her bag.

Arriving at the door of a hardware store, Feng Xi silently organized her words in her mind, then walked into the store and said, "Hello, boss. I want to ask if you have any self-defense items here? This is my first time in such a big city. I heard that women should never go out alone at night, as it is easy for something to happen. But the nature of my job is to work until late at night, so I want to buy some self-defense weapons from you."

The female boss looked up at Feng Xi. Oh, she is indeed a great beauty. She looks like she is easy to bully.

She herself had encountered perverts when she went out late at night before. Fortunately, her family ran a hardware store and she carried some anti-wolf weapons with her. Fortunately, no accidents happened in the end.

At this moment, the female boss listened to Feng Xi's words and felt a sense of mutual understanding with Feng Xi. Women should help women. She said enthusiastically: "This is how the world is. Don't worry, beautiful lady. I have a lot of self-defense items here. Look at this anti-wolf stun gun. It is definitely full of power, and it won't shock people. It will be fine in a few hours. There is also this anti-wolf spray. The damage is not big. You can spray it on the pervert's face and his eyes will hurt. Then you can run away or beat him up. I also have a retractable thin iron stick here. It is very convenient to carry with you, and it can hit people. It hurts so much."

Feng Xi looked at these things, and she was more and more satisfied. She said, "Thank you, boss. I want all of them. I want two of each."

"Okay, I'll give them to you."

When it was almost time to pay, the female boss saw that Feng Xi looked so innocent and didn't know if these were enough. She quietly pulled Feng Xi and said, "Beauty, I have a pack of itchy powder made exclusively by me. The place where it is sprinkled will become very itchy. The effect is only one day. After one day, it will not itch. Do you want this pack of itchy powder?"

Feng Xi nodded excitedly. There is such a good thing.

"Thank you, boss, how much is this?"

The female boss waved her hand nonchalantly and said, "Why thank you? I'll give it to you. It's not worth much. Those perverts should be punished so that they won't harm us women."

Feng Xi thanked the female boss of the hardware store again and planned to walk home.

On the way home, I saw a food stall and thought that I wanted to eat some snails that day, but I was delayed because of something.

I felt itchy when I saw it, and immediately found an empty table to sit down.

"Hello, I want one snail, one lobster, and a bottle of Sprite."

"Okay, please wait."

After Feng Xi ordered the dishes, he casually looked around the store. This restaurant is quite popular. It was full in a short time. Fortunately, she was lucky that there was an empty table when she came.

Soon, the waiter served the dishes.

After a while...

"Hello, beautiful sister, can I share a table with you?"

Feng Xi was eating snails. When she heard a little girl's voice saying that she wanted to share a table with her, she nodded and said without raising her head: "Sure!"

Anyway, she was almost done eating, so she didn't mind sharing a table.

After eating the snails, Feng Xi wiped her hands with a tissue, then took a sip of the Sprite next to her. During the time, she looked up at the little girl next to her and sprayed a mouthful of Sprite.

"Ahem, a ... The dark clothes and white heavy makeup scared her so much that she sprayed out Sprite.

If there weren't so many people here, Feng Xi would have wanted to run away.

"Sorry, sister, I still have a lot of work to do, and I may not have time to join your team."

"Okay then."

Feng Xi looked at the little sister and felt a little disappointed. She wanted to comfort her but didn't know how to comfort her. The main reason was that she thought that wearing this outfit at night would probably scare many people to death. And she spent most of her time in the 1970s, and she didn't have much time to wear these.

Wait, Feng Xi suddenly had an idea, and it seemed that she could still try it.

Patting the little sister on the shoulder, she said, "Sister, where did you buy this dress? And how did you put on makeup? Can you teach me?"

Cheng Fei was excited all of a sudden. She thought this sister didn't like these things, so she quickly said, "Sister, my name is Cheng Fei. My team has a lot of these clothes. I can also teach you makeup. I'll take you there after supper."

"Will it be very troublesome for you?"

"No, no, it's rare to have a like-minded person. I'm very happy. My team members will definitely welcome you very much."

Feng Xi was warmly welcomed when he came to Cheng Fei's team. He learned two or three makeups there, and then bought two sets of clothes. Finally, he happily expressed his gratitude to Cheng Fei.

Cheng Fei looked at Feng Xi in confusion. She thought her sister liked princesses, but she actually liked witches and ghosts. She guessed that this might be the bad taste of beautiful women.

After saying goodbye to Cheng Fei, Feng Xi returned home, packed the new things she bought in a bag, and then packed some cosmetics, and finally fell asleep hugging the bag.

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