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Chapter 17 Discovering the Abnormal

The state-owned hotel is actually very easy to find. It is a two-story building with a big sign at the door with four gold-plated characters "State-owned Hotel". It looks very impressive and stands out from the crowd on this street.

Feng Xi and Lin Tang arrived at the state-owned hotel in a short while. Speaking of which, Feng Xi has never eaten at a state-owned hotel since he traveled to this era. Although he has the memory of another "Feng Xi" in his mind, this is not something he has never experienced personally. He only heard about it from others before, and this is his first time here.

Sitting in front of the window is a big girl with two big braids, a big face, big eyes, and looks older than Feng Xi and the others.

When Xie Yingying saw Feng Xi, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. She wondered what happened today, how could she see two beautiful women in one day? Isn't this bullying? However, she didn't show it on her face and said, "The dishes served today are all on the blackboard, you can see for yourselves."


The beauty Xie Yingying saw before was undoubtedly Tang Qingqing. Tang Qingqing and He Hua came together. When they arrived at the state-owned hotel, Feng Aihua, Ma Hong, Wang Xiaomei and Liu Zhaodi had already ordered dishes.

Tang Qingqing ordered a portion of braised pork in red sauce and a bowl of rice.

He Hua looked at the expensive dishes in the state-owned hotel and didn't want to order anything at first, as she didn't have much money.

Tang Qingqing looked at He Hua and thought about how much she had helped her with cooking before, so she said, "I'll treat you to a bowl of clear soup noodles as a thank you for helping me before."

He Hua's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she thanked him quickly, "Qingqing, you are so nice, thank you, if you need any help in the future, just call me, I will definitely help."

Tang Qingqing said proudly, "Well, let's talk later."

He Hua was very happy, and she said that Tang Qingqing was the most generous, and now he treated her to noodles. No one had ever treated her to food before, only Tang Qingqing...

After paying the bill, Tang Qingqing sat with Feng Aihua and the others, waiting for the people from the state-owned hotel to call them to get their food.


Feng Xi looked at the blackboard of the state-owned hotel and saw today's dishes:

80 cents for braised pork

50 cents for minced meat and eggplant

20 cents for meat buns

7 cents for steamed bread

30 cents for beef noodles

10 cents for clear soup noodles

Feng Xi looked at these dishes and felt familiar. He slapped his head and thought, isn't this exactly the same as the takeaway page he saw when he ordered takeaway before he traveled through time? He ordered a bowl of beef noodles at that time. But he didn't wait for the takeaway and traveled here.

Did he predict that he would travel through time at that time? Or is there some secret here? Can he travel back? Feng Xi suppressed his excitement and ordered a bowl of beef noodles calmly.

Lin Tang also ordered a bowl of beef noodles with Feng Xi.

After the staff collected the bills from the two people, they said, "Okay, you can find a seat by yourself and come to get the noodles when you are called."

Feng Xi and the others paid and found a seat to sit down. Feng Xi was thinking about something and didn't see Feng Aihua and the others. Lin Tang looked at Feng Xi as if she was worried, and looked at Feng Xi worriedly.

Feng Xi saw Lin Tang looking at her worriedly. She tried to adjust her mentality, she couldn't let others see it, anyway, she would know the result naturally in the evening. After Feng Xi prepared herself mentally, she chatted with Lin Tang casually as if nothing had happened.

The noodles were ready soon, and Feng Xi and the others went to get the noodles together.

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