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Chapter 24 Moving out of the Youth Educator Center

The house Feng Xi chose was the farthest from the Youth Educator Center and the one at the back, with no houses nearby. She also thought that if she stayed farther away, no one would notice her if she ordered takeout and didn't cook.

Tang Qingqing chose a house in the middle, separated from Feng Xi's house by a ruin.

Bai Feng thought that he was a gay and had to stay away from lesbians, so he chose the house at the front, separated from Tang Qingqing's house by an empty house. His room was close to the Youth Educator Center and some distance from Tang Qingqing's house, not to mention Feng Xi's house, which was basically invisible.

When Feng Xi walked to his house, Xu Hai had already surrounded half of the yard. Feng Xi touched her nose. She felt a little embarrassed to get up so late.

Seeing the little girl just getting up, Xu Hai couldn't help but tease her: "Hey, little Feng educated youth got up so early~"

Feng Xi was embarrassed. Don't think she didn't know Xu Hai was making fun of her, but he was here to help today, so she couldn't be angry.

"Hi, Comrade Xu, are you here so early? Well, thank you for your hard work. Have you had breakfast? I have two wolves here."

Xu Hai thought, is it still early? Look, the sun has already hit my butt. But he thought that the little girl had a rare rest today, so it was normal to get up late.

"I've already eaten, you can eat by yourself. I can do this job by myself, just sit there. Hey, did you not sleep well last night? Why do you have dark circles under your eyes?"

Feng Xi thought, is it so obvious! She just stayed up all night~

"I was too excited last night, so excited that I fell asleep very late."

"Then find a place to sit and have breakfast first, I will quickly help you clean up the house, so you can rest early."

"Okay, thank you Comrade Xu."

Feng Xi couldn't help but sigh, the comrades in the 1970s were really enthusiastic! Look at Comrade Xu, not only is he handsome, but he is also a good person. That's right, his skin is a little dark, but he looks quite tough.

Although Comrade Xu said that she should have a good rest and he would clean up, Feng Xi couldn't just sit there and do nothing. After all, this was her house, and she had to clean it up.

Picking up the broom and cleaning the house inside and out, she went to the educated youth to check the bedding and luggage.

After Feng Xi put away the luggage, she felt that the house was still empty, without a table or chair, not even a pot. Although she could order takeout, she had to pretend.

Walking to the door, she saw that Comrade Xu Hai had almost fenced the yard, thought for a moment, and then wrapped half a pound of chicken cake in oil paper and walked over.

"Thank you so much, Comrade Xu. If it weren't for you, I might not have finished my work today. You've been busy for so long, are you hungry? I have some egg cakes here, would you like to have some?"

"No problem." Xu Hai wanted to refuse at first, he was happy to help the little girl. However, he was still very happy to have a meal with the little girl.

"I didn't feel hungry at first, but after hearing what you said, I feel a little hungry too. How about this, let's both sit down and eat, we still have work to do later."

After Xu Hai finished speaking, he walked to a piece of wood and sat down, then wiped the dust on the wood and asked Feng Xi to sit over.

Feng Xi was touched for three seconds when he saw Xu Hai's thoughtful gesture, and then he also walked over and sat down.

"Comrade Xu, can I ask if you know anyone in the village who can make tables, chairs, and cabinets?"

"Carpenter Xu at the west end of the village can do these. I'll take you there later."

"Okay, thank you, Comrade Xu."

"You're welcome."

Feng Xi's time was quiet, while Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng had already packed up.

Bai Feng got up early, so the work was almost done. He also wanted to make some cabinets, tables, and chairs, and thought that Tang Qingqing and Feng Xi should also want them, so he went to ask them.

When Bai Feng arrived at Tang Qingqing's house, Tang Qingqing had also packed up. She didn't clean as seriously as Feng Xi did. She didn't have that kind of patience. She just wanted to keep her sleeping place clean. When Bai Feng came to look for her, she had finished her work. After listening to Bai Feng's words, she thought it was good, so she followed him to look for Feng Xi.

Feng Xi and Xu Hai wasted a lot of time eating and chatting. When Bai Feng and Tang Qingqing came, she hadn't finished her work yet. But she didn't let Bai Feng and Tang Qingqing wait too long. After cleaning for a while, she followed Xu Hai and the others to Xu the Carpenter's place.

"Uncle Xu, are you home?"

"Hey, yes, Xu Hai, what's up?"

"Uncle Xu, this is what happened. These three educated youth just moved to a new house. They don't have any cabinets, tables, or chairs at home, so they want to ask you to make some. Of course, it would be better if you have ready-made ones."

When Carpenter Xu heard this, he thought this was a big business. These three people could take out 40 yuan to buy a house, so they must be rich, and he also heard a lot of gossip.

"Hey, you young educated youths really came to the right place to find me. In Mangrove Village, if I make furniture, no one dares to claim to be the first. I have a lot of ready-made ones here, you can pick them."

"Okay, then thank Uncle Xu first." Feng Xi said. Then he walked into a cabinet and looked around. The quality was really impeccable.

Finally, Feng Xi asked for a large wardrobe, a bedside cabinet, a table, two chairs, two washbasins, and a wooden barrel. Tang Qingqing asked for the same as Feng Xi. Bai Feng asked for a wardrobe, a table, two chairs, and a wooden barrel.

"Have you chosen everything? Xu Hai and I will help you deliver all these to you later. Oh, by the way, if you buy a lot, I will give you a discount. The two female educated youth will get 4.10 yuan each, and the male comrade will get 3 yuan."

Although we can't buy and sell things now, Carpenter Xu has worked so hard to make furniture, so he should be given a reward for his hard work. The village chief and others also tacitly agreed to this.

Feng Xi and the others gave him money and moved the furniture back home.

Feng Xi looked at his home in this era and felt like the dust had settled.

After organizing his luggage, he saw that he had a piece of red flowered white floral cloth, so he cut it and spread it on the dining table. Well, eating should be a bit ceremonial. Then he used the remaining cloth as a curtain.

Thinking that he would go to the town to buy a pot and other things later, he went out to find Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng.

"Qingqing, Baifeng, are you going to the town later?"

Tang Qingqing also had something to buy, so she said, "Yes, but are we going to walk?"

"Probably, the ox cart seems to have been requisitioned by the team today."

Bai Feng felt that he had nothing to buy, so he said, "I won't go, you guys go, I don't have anything to buy."

Travel back to the 1970s to order takeoutWhere stories live. Discover now