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Chapter 36 Knitting a scarf

After Feng Xi packed up her things, she prepared to order takeout for dinner.

After all, people are made of steel, and rice is made of iron.

Besides, Tang Qingqing and Lin Tang will come over to knit scarves together later.

What to eat tonight?

Feng Xi saw a fried chicken shop, and thought of the fragrant fried chicken nuggets and the particularly chewy fried rice cakes, so she decisively ordered a fried chicken box, and of course, a bottle of Coke.

Good luck, eat fried chicken tonight~

Feng Xi picked up a chicken nugget and took a bite. It was so fragrant that she forgot about her image. She ate it in big mouthfuls, and then took a sip of Coke. The taste was simply amazing. Feng Xi finished her fried chicken box in a short while, but she still felt a little unsatisfied.

After cleaning the table, Feng Xi climbed onto the kang to weave a scarf.

She planned to weave a scarf for Uncle Feng and Aunt Feng. Although she didn't have enough wool, she could go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy some more if she had the chance.

Not long after, Tang Qingqing and Lin Tang also came.

"Wow, Sister Feng Xi, the scarf you weave is so beautiful!"

Feng Xi gave Lin Tang a look of knowledge and said with a smile: "It's okay, Lin Tang, your scarf is also very beautiful."

"Actually, Sister Aihua taught me."

Tang Qingqing watched the two of them flatter each other speechlessly. Did they ever think about her feelings? She didn't know anything.

"Ahem, you guys have done enough. I'm still here. Xixi, please teach me how to weave a scarf."

"Qingqing, there are many ways to weave a scarf, some simple, some complex. Which one do you want to learn?"

Tang Qingqing originally bought the yarn to have a good relationship with Feng Xi, and she didn't want to weave a complex one, so she said, "I want to learn the simplest one."

"Well, okay, then I'll teach you the simplest one. The first step in weaving a scarf is to cast on the needle. First we have to make a... The following steps are the same method. Keep weaving the first row. Qingqing, you can follow this method to make the scarf the width you want.

"Xixi, it's a little difficult. Go slowly."

"Okay, it may be difficult at first, but you will get it slowly. "

After a while...

Tang Qingqing said excitedly: "Xixi, I think I can do it. Please help me."

Feng Xi looked carefully and saw that Tang Qingqing did know how to do it. She said: "The back row is different from the first row. First, you have to... weave all the way through this row, then turn it over to the other side, and the rest can be done in the same way."

"Well, Xixi, I think I can do it."

Feng Xi said proudly: "Of course, don't you see who taught you."

About two hours later, Lin Tang said while weaving a scarf: "Sister Feng Xi, Sister Qingqing, I heard from the people at the educated youth site that they go to the mountains on weekends. The male educated youth go to collect firewood, and the female educated youth go to pick wild vegetables and mushrooms. Do you want to go together? "

Feng Xi thought about it. She had never been to the mountain before. With so many people going together, she might as well go and take a look. She said, "Okay, I'll go with you to pick wild vegetables."

"Then I'll go with you too." Tang Qingqing agreed.

"Okay, I'll come find you then."

Feng Xi looked at her watch and saw that it was already past nine o'clock. She said, "Tangtang, Qingqing, it's getting late. Do you want to go back to bed?"

Tang Qingqing also felt a little sleepy. She said, "Okay, I'll go back then. I'll come to see you when I have time." "

Lin Tang also went back to sleep.

Unconsciously, the weather is getting colder and colder. Today is a day off, Feng Xi doesn't have to get up very early, but it's not too late, mainly because his biological clock has gotten used to it.

Today's weather is a bit cold, Feng Xi puts on the old cotton shirt that Feng's mother sent him. Actually, it's not that old, I just wore it last year, it's yellow, and it's quite warm.

Washing After that, Feng Xi leisurely sat at the dining table and ordered takeout.

What to eat today?

Feng Xi walked into a rice noodle shop. She wanted to eat rice noodles today.

Feng Xi ordered a bowl of egg and meat rice noodles. Seeing that there was soy milk in the store, she ordered a cup of soy milk. Thinking of Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng, she ordered two bowls of white porridge for them. Thinking that gay men have a large appetite, she didn't know if two bowls would be enough. , and ordered another serving of white porridge, and then placed an order and paid.

The next second, a large bag of breakfast appeared on the table. Feng Xi opened the package and saw that the amount of white porridge was quite enough, so she divided the three boxes of white porridge into two portions, and then poured each into the lunch box that Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng had placed here before. The larger portion was for Bai Feng, and the smaller portion was for Tang Qingqing.

After doing all this, Feng Xi started to eat her breakfast. The thickness of the sausage noodles was moderate and the taste was good. Feng Xi secretly took note of this sausage noodle shop, thinking that he would buy it again in the future.

After finishing breakfast, Feng Xi locked the door, picked up the backpack, and prepared to knock on Tang Qingqing's door.

Tang Qingqing had just gotten up and saw Feng Xi preparing breakfast and giving it to her, and couldn't help saying, "Xixi is so nice. "

"It's good that you know. I'll leave this backpack with you first. I have to bring breakfast to Bai Feng and come back to you later. After you finish eating, we will go to the educated youth point together and then go up the mountain with them."

"Okay, go ahead."

Feng Xi gave breakfast to Bai Feng and then returned to Tang Qingqing's house. After a while, the two went to the educated youth point together.

Lin Tang saw Feng Xi and the others and said happily: "Sister Feng Xi, Sister Qingqing, I was just about to find you. We are about to set off to the mountain."

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