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Chapter 40 What's his is hers

Feng Xi and Xu Hai walked slowly to the hospital entrance. Xu Hai didn't want to leave, but it would be dark if he didn't leave. He could only say dryly: "I'm leaving now. You need to have a good rest. I'll come back tomorrow at noon."

Feng Xi was reluctant to leave and said: "Well, then you should be careful when riding a bike."

"I'm leaving now. Go to the hospital quickly. It's cold outside."

"Well, bye."

When Xu Hai got home, the Xu family was preparing to eat.

Seeing her third brother coming back so late, Xu's mother said, "Didn't you go to deliver chicken soup? Why did you come back so late?"

"I went to the town to do some work. Besides, it's not too late. I came back just in time."

"You are so greedy. Go wash your hands and get ready for dinner."

Xu Yang sat next to Xu Hai and watched his third brother laugh from time to time. He felt that his third brother seemed a little silly and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Xu Hai heard Xu Yang laughing, so he laughed too. Sure enough, today was a good day.

Xu's mother couldn't help but smile when she saw this. Her third brother should be because of Xiao Feng, the educated youth. It seems that he has succeeded. But this fourth brother, oh, forget it, it's better not to say anything. They are all stupid.


Tang Qingqing saw Feng Xi walking in with a smile on her face, and couldn't help teasing: "Xixi, you look so happy, it seems that you have something big to celebrate."

Feng Xi held the little animals made by Xu Hai in her hands and put them in the cabinet beside the bed.

She said in a good mood: "Hehe, Qingqing, do you want some water? I'll pour you a glass of water."

"Xixi, don't change the subject. Are you and Xu Hai together?"

Feng Xi blushed and said: "Yeah."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are so successful. You are pushed so quickly."

When Feng Xi heard this, what is this? What does this have to do with that?

"What are you talking about? We are a serious couple. Don't tell me what's going on. We were attacked by a wild boar the day before yesterday."

Tang Qingqing couldn't help but wipe her face. She couldn't stand the word "wild boar" now.

Seeing that Feng Xi was really dating Xu Hai, Feng Aihua couldn't help but say, "Feng Xi, do you plan to settle down in the countryside and not return to the city?"

Feng Xi thought about it and said, "Let's talk about this later. Xu Hai and I can handle it."

Feng Xi actually thought that this was not a big deal and the policy would be more open in the future. But she couldn't tell them this now, so she could only say it vaguely.

"If you ask me, Xu Hai is a good guy, and I heard that Feng Xi is very good at farming. It's okay for her to settle down in the countryside in the future." Wang Xiaomei thought it was good for Feng Xi to marry Xu Hai. She couldn't compare with him in terms of family, but she could definitely compare with him in terms of marriage. After all, she would definitely marry back to the city in the future, and she would not marry to the countryside.

Feng Aihua didn't say much, just told Feng Xi to think about it carefully, after all, this major event in life could only be decided by herself.

Not long after, several people fell asleep quickly.

When Feng Xi woke up again, she saw herself lying on a soft big bed, and finally understood what she had overlooked before.

She ate beef noodles!!!

But it's okay. In the ward of the 1970s, her body is still on the bed. As long as Qingqing and the others don't have anything to look for her in the middle of the night, it's fine.

Since we have come to the modern times, we should take a shower and clean ourselves up first. We have a date with Xu Hai tomorrow.

After Feng Xi finished all these, she saw that it was still early, so she wanted to check the Internet for things related to the 1970s and 1980s. It may be a permission problem. Feng Xi really can't open any related websites.

In other words, she wanted to search for the questions of the college entrance examination in 1977 on the Internet in advance. What's the use of this golden finger that allows her to return to the modern times!!!

Alas, Feng Xi suddenly thought that since that era was fictional, the general development is still the same. Feng Xi also searched her memory and found that the content of high school learning in the two time periods was not exactly the same, but it was similar. At least they were still the same. It was just that politics was a bit troublesome. She had to take exams in both liberal arts and science, and she probably had to memorize a lot of things when reviewing.

In other words, she could learn some content in modern times, which was good. She could take classes from famous teachers. After all, she had graduated for more than ten years and almost forgot many formulas. And if she was admitted to university in the future, she could also come to modern times to start a small stove, and even see if it was possible to improve the medical technology of this era...

Feng Xi did what she said, and picked up her mobile phone and plunged into busy learning.

I don't know if it was Feng Xi's illusion, but she felt like she had an amazing memory. She could remember some of the questions given by famous teachers clearly even if she didn't understand them.

Feng Xi picked up an article and read it at a glance. She raised her eyebrows and smiled. It seemed that God had treated her well and gave her the ability to remember everything she saw.

Feng Xi couldn't help but want to laugh.


Because of the ability to remember everything she saw, Feng Xi was still very excited when she was woken up by Feng Aihua the next morning.

Seeing Feng Xi's excitement, Tang Qingqing couldn't help but say, "Xixi, that's enough. Your happiness is too obvious. Is Xu Hai coming today?"

Feng Xi also felt that he was obviously happy, so he restrained his smile and said, "Yes, he will come at noon."

When Xu Hai came at noon today, he saw that Xiao Feng was obviously very happy, and he was happy too. He moved a stool and sat next to Xiao Feng. Now that he had status, he could be open and daring.

"I didn't catch any pheasants today, but I did catch a few rabbits. This braised rabbit meat is delicious. I'll serve you some."

"Thank you, Comrade Xu. You've worked hard."

"Comrade Xu, it's not hard. As long as Xiao Feng is happy, that's enough."

The other three people in the ward couldn't say anything when they saw this. Finally, Wang Xiaomei couldn't help but ask, "Comrade Xu, do we have a share of the rabbit meat?"

Xu Hai was very happy today. He brought a lot of rabbit meat. After leaving a portion for Xiao Hu, he gave the rest to Tang Qingqing and the other two.

After Feng Xi finished his meal, he followed Xu Hai out.

"Xixi, I bought two movie tickets today, let's go to the movies."

"Okay, I've been here for so long and I haven't watched a movie yet."

At that time, most movies were black and white. Feng Xi had never seen one before, and she thought it was very novel. Besides, Xu Hai was also there with her, so she had a lot of fun watching the movie.

Xu Hai was also happy, and then he took Xiao Feng out to eat.

"I'm going to treat you this time, you're not allowed to argue."


"No problem, I'll get angry if you say anything more."

Xu Hai had no choice but to listen to Xiao Guixiang, because what was his would be hers in the future anyway.

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