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Chapter 76: Cutting Pig Grass 2

"The pig grass of the two educated youths is not heavy enough. After you finish a basket, you should press it down. You still don't have enough work points. Let me remember the weight for you first, and we will calculate it together when you come the second time."

Feng Xi touched his chin with guilt. Oh my god, I miscalculated. The work points for cutting pig grass are indeed too few.

Tang Qingqing patted Feng Xi's shoulder and said, "It's okay. We don't lack those work points."

Feng Xi thought it was true: "Qingqing, I think you are right. We just need to do our best."

The task of cutting pig grass is not heavy. We can go home and rest for a while at noon when we get off work.

Xu Hai came when work was almost over at noon, and saw his little dog was bored, cutting a handful of pig grass here and there. He looked into Feng Xi's backpack, and hey, there was only a little more than half a basket.

Xu Hai smiled and quickly pulled a handful of pig grass into Feng Xi's backpack. Then he pulled another handful and said, "Little girl, you are not active in your work. Which basket is this?"

Feng Xi felt guilty and did not answer, "It's almost time to get off work. I'm hungry and want to eat."

After a while, Xu Hai helped Feng Xi to get the pig grass, put the backpack on his back, and said to Feng Xi, "Let's go. We are sending it to the pig farm now. It's time to get off work after handing in the pig grass."

Xu Hai walked in front, and Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing walked behind.

"Xixi, you are not righteous. Are you abandoning me?"

Feng Xi hurriedly comforted Tang Qingqing and said, "How can that be? Xu Hai only comes here occasionally. He has work to do. Usually we work together. Don't worry, I won't abandon you."

Tang Qingqing nodded with satisfaction: "That's right."

"Tang Zhiqing's pig grass weight is a little insufficient. Xiao Feng Zhiqing's weight this time is OK. This is one work point. Did Xiao Feng Zhiqing and Tang Zhiqing remember it? You may not know it the first time, but you will know it after doing more in the future."

Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing nodded to show that they understood.

At noon, Feng Xi thought Xu Hai was going home for lunch, but Xu Hai directly brought a fish to cook for himself.

Feng Xi couldn't order takeout, so she could only serve as a fire girl for Xu Hai as usual.

Feng Xi liked to drink fish head soup the most, it was milky white and delicious.

Xu Hai served Feng Xi a bowl of fish soup and said, "Xixi, Monkey and I have collected a lot of antiques recently. When you have time, go ask your boss if he still wants them."

Feng Xi glanced at Xu Hai. She didn't know Xu Hai was Shitou before, but now that she knew, she had to bargain for it. How could she cheat her target like this?

If she didn't know that these antiques would be valuable in the future, she wouldn't have paid so much for them. Well, she didn't pay much, and it was not bad to exchange modern cheap watches for antiques. Anyway, Xu Hai and his friends still owed her 80,000 yuan.

"Okay, my boss will definitely want it, but you have to lower the price."

Xu Hai touched his nose with a guilty conscience. He didn't know that this "sucker" was his own cute little object. Now that he knows, he will definitely not cheat him.

"Don't worry, how could I cheat you? I will definitely sell it to you at a low price."

Feng Xi puffed up her cheeks and snorted. She didn't care. She would definitely lower the price to the lowest when the time comes.

Xu Hai picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks, removed the bones, and put it in Feng Xi's bowl, saying, "Eat the fish quickly, it won't taste good if it's cold. Isn't it said that you can't do anything when you're hungry?"

Feng Xi picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth. As expected, fish tastes better when it's hot. He didn't argue with Xu Hai anymore. Isn't it better to work hard to eat?

Xu Hai saw that his little target's bowl was already full of fish, so he started to eat his own. He ate quickly and finished it in a short while.

After Xu Hai finished washing the dishes, he squeezed Feng Xi's hand and said, "It's easy to cut pig grass. Just do it casually. If you can't carry so much at one time, carry less, or divide it into two times. If you can't carry it, just leave it there. I'll come to help you when I'm free."

"Yeah, I know."

"Then I'll leave. You should rest early and take a nap to recuperate."

Xu Hai didn't come in the afternoon because he had something to do. Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing still worked in a corner and tried their best to get off work.

"Three work points for Tang Zhiqing?"

"Three and a half work points for Xiao Feng Zhiqing?"

Captain Xu looked at the two in disbelief. Although he knew that the two would be lazy, he didn't expect them to be so lazy.

He said with a look of regret: "Little Feng and Tang Zhiqing, you have to work hard. At this rate, you won't get much food by the end of the year."

Tang Qingqing didn't say anything. She could do so much, which was already the limit.

Feng Xi just smiled at Captain Xu and didn't say anything. If Xu Hai didn't come to help in the future, she estimated that he would be at this level. Captain Xu just got used to it.

"Xu Meimei, four work points."

"Dad, my work points for this job are too few!"

Captain Xu glared at his daughter. Don't think he didn't know: "If you can work hard and go to Bai Zhiqing less, you won't have so few work points."

Xu Meimei felt guilty. She did run to Bai Feng every time she delivered pig grass. But it's not her fault. Who made Bai Feng's job so close to the pig farm? Time passed by while she was watching there.

"Dad, I only have so few work points every day. I won't get much food at the end of the year. Please arrange other work for me, preferably closer to Bai Feng."

Captain Xu's heart skipped a beat. He was worried again, so he could only persuade him: "Who said you won't get much food at the end of the year? Look at the educated youths Xiao Feng and Tang. They have less work points than you, but they didn't say anything. Okay, don't say anything more. Just stay here and work."

Feng Xi: ...

Tang Qingqing: ...

Xu Hai said secretly: "Four work points a day really don't get much food. At the end of the year, I estimate that I will have to pay money to the team. I remember Bai Feng earned eight work points today."

Xu Meimei couldn't calm down after hearing what Xu Hai said. She kept making trouble for the captain. She couldn't lose money at the end of the year. She wanted to keep pace with Bai Feng and live a happy life from now on.

Captain Xu glared at Xu Hai. This guy was always talking about things.

Xu Hai didn't care. After registering the work, he took the little girl home for dinner.

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