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Chapter 82 Want to take revenge?

Mrs. Xu retorted: "What collusion? Young educated youth Feng, don't talk nonsense. You will be held responsible for your nonsense."

Anyway, they don't have any handle on Feng Xi and her friends, as long as they don't admit it.

Village Chief Xu asked Feng Xi: "Does Young educated youth Feng have any evidence?"

Feng Xi shook her head. It was too hasty. She really didn't have any evidence. And as long as He Hua and Mrs. Xu insisted that they didn't do it, they couldn't do anything to Mrs. Xu and her friends.

Tang Qingqing was not convinced and said, "What about He Hua? She pushed me into the water. I want to sue her."

"I said I didn't mean it!"

Although Mrs. Tian didn't like He Hua, she had to speak up for He Hua at this time: "Oh, my daughter-in-law said it was an accident. What else do you want? Just apologize and forget it."

When He Hua heard her mother-in-law speaking up for her, she quickly said, "I'm sorry, Tang Qingqing. I really didn't mean it."

Captain Xu, with the idea of ​​making a big deal out of a small matter, said, "Tang Zhiqing, you see, she has already apologized. Just forget it. And you don't have any evidence. It's useless to sue her."

Feng Xi widened his eyes. Hey, who said it was useless? She has a backstage in the county. I just don't know what will happen if there is no evidence.

Tang Qingqing was silent. She really had no evidence. She was thinking about what would happen if she told her father about this.

Village Chief Xu knew from the looks of Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing that they were not satisfied with the outcome of the case and might even secretly want to file a complaint.

He wanted to stand on Feng Xi's side, but he couldn't do anything without evidence. He could only say, "Tang Zhiqing has suffered this time. Just tell me what compensation you want. You have no evidence. Even if you file a complaint with someone, you can only get some compensation."

Tang Qingqing was helpless. She knew this. Moreover, she also dragged He Hua into the water at that time, so she didn't suffer any loss. But she didn't know what compensation she wanted, so she could only look at Village Chief Xu.

Seeing that Tang Qingqing didn't say anything, Village Chief Xu said, "Then I'll make the decision. He Hua will compensate Tang Zhiqing ten yuan and ten eggs."

When Mrs. Tian heard that she had to pay so much, she immediately became unwilling and said, "Why should I pay so much? I won't pay."

Village Chief Xu glared at Mrs. Tian and said, "If you don't pay, go to the Public Security Bureau. You will have to pay then."

Mrs. Tian was afraid to go to the Public Security Bureau. She was not satisfied. She said angrily: "You don't have to pay so much money, and why do you have to pay ten eggs? I won't pay."

"Why, your daughter-in-law pushed someone into the river, so what's wrong with paying ten eggs? Do you have any opinion?"

Mrs. Xu quietly pulled Mrs. Tian and whispered: "Forget it, pay it, I'll pay it when the time comes."

Mrs. Tian was willing to give up only after hearing what Mrs. Xu said, anyway, she didn't have to pay.

In fact, Mrs. Xu also had her own concerns, mainly because she planned this matter. She gave Mrs. Tian some money to let He Hua find a way to push Tang Qingqing into the water, and then her son went to save people. Unexpectedly, this time, Feng Xi actually interfered.

At this time, she could only pay a little compensation, as if she had lost money to prevent disaster. She was also afraid of going to the police station.

Feng Xi saw that Tang Qingqing had accepted the compensation with difficulty, and she couldn't say anything more. The main reason was that they were very passive about this matter, and it happened too suddenly.

Aunt Guihua looked at everyone as if everything had been resolved, and couldn't help but remind them: "What about He Hua and Xu Erzhu who cheated on her?"

Mrs. Xu wanted to kill Aunt Guihua, saying: "I have already said that my son saved someone. If you dare to say something wrong, I will kill you."

Aunt Guihua didn't believe it. If she was not allowed to say it now, she would not say it. She would chat with her old sisters later.

Feng Xi sent Tang Qingqing home and told her, "Don't think too much. Take a hot bath and don't catch a cold."

Feng Xi looked at Tang Qingqing's listless appearance and said, "Qingqing, do you want revenge?"

Tang Qingqing nodded excitedly after hearing what Feng Xi said, "Okay, what should we do?"


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