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Chapter 50 Fried Meatballs

The next day, Feng Xi got up very early as usual.

She ordered a bowl of oatmeal porridge, an egg and a cup of soy milk today.

After breakfast, Feng Xi brought three steamed buns to Bai Feng.

"You can eat six steamed buns this morning and at noon. Qingqing and I will cook and give them to you later."


Bai Feng thought about the female comrade cooking, so he would help Feng Xi chop some firewood later. Although he paid, Feng Xi had only given him white flour steamed buns these days, and he felt that he had taken advantage of it. When he went to his fellow villager's house for dinner before, although he paid less money than Feng Xi, the quality of the food was much worse. If Feng Xi hadn't come back at the end, he would have thought that his stomach was going to have problems.

Feng Xi came to Tang Qingqing's house, and after Tang Qingqing finished washing up, the two went to Feng Xi's house to cook together.

"Xixi, what are we going to make today?"

Feng Xi handed Tang Qingqing two steamed buns and said, "I plan to make a week's worth of wo wo tou at a time. It's so cold now, and they won't go bad if left alone. I also want to fry some meatballs. I think I can't finish these sweet potatoes and potatoes, so I'll fry them and eat them as snacks."

When Tang Qingqing heard that Feng Xi wanted to fry meatballs, her eyes lit up and she asked, "Xixi, do you want to fry meatballs? Can you help me fry some too? I want to eat some too."

"Sure, it's just something that comes handy."

"Thank you, Xixi."

Next, Feng Xi made the wo wo tou first. She didn't care whether it looked good or not, she just did it, as long as it was edible. During this time, Tang Qingqing also wanted to join in the cooking. Feng Xi taught Tang Qingqing for a while, and soon the two of them made a lot.

Feng Xi counted them and saw that the amount was about enough for a week, so he steamed them.

Tang Qingqing was a little worried when she saw so many wowotou. She was thinking whether she would be sad if she ate wowotou for a week.

Feng Xi knew what Tang Qingqing was thinking as soon as he saw her expression, and hurriedly said, "Qingqing, don't worry. Although the Wo Wo Tou we made this time is enough for a week, I won't let you and Bai Feng eat Wo Wo Tou every day. I will occasionally make something else for you to eat. Eat these Wo Wo Tou every other day, and it should be enough for two weeks."

Tang Qingqing smiled immediately after hearing this and said, "I know Xixi is the best and loves me the most."

"Hey, it's good that you know."

After making the Wo Wo Tou, Feng Xi started frying the meatballs.

Feng Xi first peeled the sweet potatoes and potatoes, then steamed them, and finally mashed them separately. Roll them into a round shape, coat them with flour, and then fry them.

"Xixi, it smells so good."

"Yeah, I think so too, my mouth is watering."

After frying half of it, Feng Xi didn't want to fry anymore. She made a mistake, mainly because she was too tired, and eating too much fried food is not good for the body. The remaining mashed sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes were made into buns by Feng Xi.

After the work was done, Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing lay on the kang and didn't want to move. After eating a few buns, they fell asleep.

When they woke up again, they were both a little confused.

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