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Chapter 141 Leave it to me

"No, it's not me. How could I hire gangsters to kidnap them? It's him, He Liang, who is slandering me!"

He Hua never thought that Tang Qingqing and the others would be fine. She spent all her money to hire the most shameless gangster in the area.

How could they be fine? She even got herself involved!

She can't be in trouble. She can't let the life she has worked so hard to plan be ruined like this!

He Liang looked at He Hua in disbelief and said, "Where am I slandering you? You hired these gangsters with your money!"

He Hua screamed, "No!"

He Liang was so angry that he was about to hit He Hua, but was stopped by the police.

"Be quiet, both of you!"

Coincidentally, at this time, the five gangsters woke up.

Black Panther opened his eyes and found himself in the Public Security Bureau. He was dumbfounded.

He had been walking in the alleys of Beijing for more than ten years and had never overturned his car. What happened this time?

He remembered that they had already won the game, but a beautiful girl came with an iron bar, and he touched it and forgot everything.

This is too weird!

Under the interrogation of the police, the five Black Panthers also told the story.

He Hua didn't want to admit it, as long as she didn't admit that she paid for it, it should be fine.

He Jiandang took the opportunity to speak up: "I am He Hua's husband. I am very sad to hear this news today. I have always been a patriotic young man with aspirations. I can never tolerate such a vicious person as my wife. I found a hundred yuan missing from my home yesterday. I didn't expect that my wife would use it to do such a dirty thing!"

After He Jiandang finished speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. He could finally get rid of He Hua this time!

The night before he was about to leave Mangrove Village by car to report to the university, he drank two more glasses of wine because he was too happy.

As a result, when he woke up the next morning, he found that He Hua was lying naked next to him!

Unfortunately, he was caught by the people at the educated youth point, and finally even the villagers knew about it.

He didn't want to marry He Hua. He was a college student with a better future. It would be better to make friends with a female classmate in college than a second-hand girl like He Hua!

But He Hua forced him to be responsible for her, and said that if he didn't marry her, she would go to the commune, the public security bureau, and even his school!

It must be said that He Jiandang was really controlled by He Hua this time. He knew that it would not be good for him to make a big fuss about this matter, and he might even lose the opportunity to go to college.

He Jiandang had no choice but to marry He Hua in the village and bring He Hua to Beijing.

Then he rented a small house casually. Anyway, he usually lived in the school, and it was none of his business how He Hua lived, as long as she didn't ruin his future.

Hearing what He Hua did this time, he was very excited. If it weren't for the fact that this was the Public Security Bureau, he would have laughed out loud!

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