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Chapter 87 Double Grab

A few days later, Xu Hai came with the Feng family's package and a bunch of high school test papers, exercise books and other materials.

"Xixi, this package is from your family. I saw your package in the brigade and brought it over for you. There are also these test papers and exercise books. Some of them are bought at the collection station, and some are bought at the bookstore. There are all kinds of them. You can pick a few books to do when you are free."

Feng Xi understood when she saw the study materials. She was also wondering why she didn't see Xu Hai reviewing these few days. It turned out that he went to buy study materials.

"Why so many? I'll do it when I'm free. What about you? Study with me these days?"

Xu Hai shook his head: "I thought about hoarding a bunch of high school test papers and exercise books during this period. It doesn't cost much to buy these things now. If the college entrance examination is really restored, I can probably make a lot of money. If it's not restored, it doesn't matter. After all, I haven't lost much."

Feng Xi couldn't help but give Xu Hai a thumbs up when she heard what Xu Hai said. She thought that since the college entrance examination was about to be restored, she should study hard. She didn't expect Xu Hai to find a way to make money from this.

"Well, you are awesome! Stock up, if you stock up more, you will definitely make a fortune in the future!"

Xu Hai listened and nodded. The national situation has become clearer and clearer. Many people who were previously sent down to the countryside have been taken home, and many of them are university professors.

He always felt that national development requires the selection of talents, and the most effective way to select talents is the college entrance examination!

Feng Xi looked at the test papers and exercise books that Xu Hai brought, some from recent years and some from ten years ago. She couldn't help but praise him. He is diligent and smart. She, a lazy person, should read more books.

After sending Xu Hai away, Feng Xi opened the package sent by the Feng family. There were two new skirts in one bag, a red dress and a yellow skirt, and the styles were pretty good.

The other bag contained some bacon and sausage, a lot of them, and they were quite heavy. Feng Xi really liked eating sausage, and she thought it was delicious even if she put the sausage directly into the rice and steamed it. There was also a silk scarf sent by her sister-in-law, and Feng Wan also sent her a few hair flowers.

Finally, there was a letter, which was nothing more than the Feng family's concern for her, telling her not to think about home, to eat and drink well in the countryside, and not to wrong herself.

What surprised Feng Xi a little was that at the end of the letter, Feng's father told Feng Xi to read more of the high school textbooks that had been sent to her when she had time. The country has begun to pay attention to talent training in the past one or two years, and it would be good for her to read more books, at least not to forget the knowledge she learned in high school.

Feng Xi read the letter in its entirety, then shook the envelope, and there was indeed thirty yuan inside. Although she had told Feng's mother in the letter before that she didn't need to send her money, Feng's mother didn't listen. She sent the money back, and the next time Feng's mother sent double the amount of money.

Poor parents in the world!

Feng Xi had no choice but to send it back. She would buy some dried goods from the villagers and send them back home, and then tell the Feng family about her life here in the letter so that they could rest assured.

The next day when he went to work, Feng Xi saw Tang Qingqing was hesitant to speak to him, and couldn't help asking: "Qingqing, what do you want to say?"

"Xixi, did your family tell you to study hard?"

Feng Xi understood, and guessed that Qingqing's family also told her that the college entrance examination might be restored. He blinked at Tang Qingqing and said: "Yes, especially told me not to forget the knowledge I learned in high school."

Tang Qingqing excitedly pulled Feng Xi's hand and said: "Xixi, you know it too! You said Will the college entrance examination really be resumed? My dad said that it might be resumed in the next one or two years, and asked me to study hard during this period, and strive to get a good score in the college entrance examination after the resumption, and go to Beijing to attend university. "

"I think the college entrance examination should be resumed soon, Qingqing, remember to review well during this period."

"Well, my family sent me a lot of study materials, and we will review together when the time comes. I am very good at studying, Xixi, you can ask me if you have any questions."

After hearing this, Feng Xi also glanced at Tang Qingqing. Hey, little guy, I am also very good!

"I have a lot of high school exercise books and textbooks at home. If you don't understand anything, you can come and ask me."

Tang Qingqing didn't believe it and wanted to compete with Feng Xi. Feng Xi didn't accept it either, so the two of them ended their working day like this.

Captain Xu was used to seeing Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing only earn two work points a day, but there was one thing he still wanted to say.

"Tang Zhiqing, Xiao Feng Zhiqing, I believe you two know how many work points you have earned during this period, and I don't want to care. But when it comes to the double grab, you all have to work in the fields, and you are not allowed to be lazy."

Feng Xi was quite happy when he heard the first half, but couldn't help frowning when he heard the second half.

Double grab?

Work in the fields?

She thought she and Tang Qingqing could keep cutting pig grass until the college entrance examination.

She heard that the double-grabbing was very tiring, and it would last for three or four days. Would she be exhausted after the double-grabbing was over?

Feng Xi smiled on her face, but cried in her heart and asked: "Uncle Captain, when will our village have the double-grabbing?"

"It depends on the situation. It's usually in early October. I will notify everyone then. You can be lazy now, but you can't participate in the double-grabbing. Do you understand?"

Feng Xi nodded obediently. She understood, but her ability was limited, and she didn't know what level she would be at by then.

Tang Qingqing pulled Feng Xi's clothes and asked, "Xixi, what is double grabbing?"

Forget it, there is another person here who is similar to me.

Oh, no, I at least know a little bit.

Feng Xi touched his chin and said with a sigh, "Double grabbing is a tiring job, the kind of job that can tire you to death, and it will last at least three or four days."

"Ah, then can I take a leave?"

Feng Xi patted Tang Qingqing on the shoulder and said, "It's probably difficult, so you're on your own."


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