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Chapter 42 Wang Fulai

"Sister, wait, I just saw you selling food, I can help you."

Wang Fulai followed Feng Xi when she was selling food to the last two aunts. He knew that this sister might have a source of goods, but even if she didn't, he would ask because he had to make money. He had been to the black market before and wanted to help people sell things, but he was too young and many people didn't trust him.

Feng Xi was suddenly stopped by someone and was shocked. Now he heard this little boy who looked young, dark and thin like a bamboo pole said he wanted to help him, and he saw him selling food!

She raised her eyebrows and said, "When did you see me selling food? Don't talk nonsense."

"Sister, I know this kind of thing can't be said openly, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone else. I just want to make some money."

Feng Xi also knew that many people in this era lived a hard life. After thinking for a while, she asked, "Why do you want to make money?"

Wang Fulai knew that this sister was not familiar with him, and said, "There are only me and my brother in my family. My father passed away a long time ago, and my mother passed away last month. There is not much money and food left in the family. If this continues, my brother and I will starve to death. I know I am young and you may be worried, but I am really capable."

Feng Xi thought about it. If she wanted to make money, she estimated that she could not make much by herself. Not to mention that she usually has to work in the fields, she also has to study hard for the college entrance examination, so she doesn't have many opportunities to come to the town. If this child can help her, maybe she can really make a lot of money. Besides, she has been in the town these days, and she can test this little boy.

"What can you do? Or, how do you want to help me?"

When Wang Fulai heard this, he hurriedly said: "Give me the food, I can help you sell it. I know the situation in the town very well, and I will give you the money from selling the food. Even if I am discovered in the future, I will not give you away."

"Then what do you want to get by helping me like this?"

"I want food, or you can give me money."

"What's your name? How old are you? Do you live in Where? If you dare to lie to me, I will definitely make you pay for it. "

"My name is Wang Fulai, I am twelve years old, and my home is nearby. Sister, I didn't lie to you, I can take you to my home."

"Well, then you lead the way."

Feng Xi really wanted to go to the boy's home to take a look. First, she wanted to see if the boy's home was as he said, and second, in case the boy took the goods but didn't pay, she could still go to his home to find him.

Wang Fulai led Feng Xi to a house with a yard. The yard was not big and the house was quite old. Feng Xi also went to the kitchen to take a look. Seeing that it was empty inside and there was only a little food in the grain jar, she felt relieved.

"Brother, who is this sister?"

"She is a relative of our family. You are still young and have never seen her before."

Wang Fulai introduced Feng Xi: "Sister, this is my brother Wang Funin."

Feng Xi took out two pieces of candy from his trouser pocket, handed them to the two brothers, and said: "Well, hello, these two pieces of candy are for you. Have you eaten?"

Wang Funin did not dare to take it. In the past, the relatives in the family all disliked them.

Wang Fulai took the two pieces of candy and gave them to his younger brother. His younger brother had not eaten much candy since he was a child. At least he had eaten it when his father was around.

Wang Funin saw that his brother gave all the candy to him, so he quickly stuffed a piece of candy into his brother's hand, and then looked at this beautiful sister happily. It seems that this sister is different from other relatives.

Hearing his sister's question, Wang Fulin touched his flat belly and said with tears in his eyes, "No."

Poor child!

Feng Xi thought that she also needed to eat, and she also wanted Wang Fulai to be her right-hand man, so she said to Wang Fulai: "Do you really want to help me?"

Wang Fulai nodded firmly and said: "Yes, sister, I am serious."

"No regrets?"

"No regrets!"

"That's good. I still have a batch of goods in my hand. You wait for me at home now, and I will bring it over later. If you sell well in the afternoon, I will call you when I have goods in the future. If you don't sell well, I won't call you again in the future."

Wang Fulai replied stubbornly: "I will definitely sell all the goods."

Feng Xi nodded, and not far after leaving Wang's house, she found a hidden corner next to it, and after making sure that no one was there, she opened the takeaway page.

He clicked into a steamed bun shop and bought three meat buns, three vegetable buns, and four steamed buns. Then he bought 30 kilograms of rice, 30 kilograms of cornmeal, 30 kilograms of flour, and a barrel of 10 kilograms of oil.

Feng Xi removed all the labels and packaging to make sure there was no damage. After waiting for a while, he ran to knock on the door of Wang's house.

Wang Fulai was a little confused when he saw his sister coming back so soon, but he didn't ask, because this was his sister's private matter.

"My goods are here, in that corner, but I can't move so much, come and help me?"

Wang Fulai heard this, responded with a yes, and followed Feng Xi to the corner. He was a little surprised to see such a big barrel of oil, but it was not his business.

Without saying a word, he carried two bags of food and went home.

Feng Xi was a little surprised to see Wang Fulai pick up two bags of food without saying a word. Are children nowadays so strong? Then he also picked up another bag of food, buns and oil, and followed Wang Fulai into the house.

"Sister, how do you sell these things?"

"Corn flour is 30 cents per pound, rice is 70 cents per pound, flour is 50 cents per pound, and soybean oil is 2.5 yuan per pound. No tickets are required."

Wang Fulai thought for a moment and said, "Sister, I have no objection to the grains, but the soybean oil can be a little higher. The oil is now in the market and has no price. And we'd better not sell them in barrels. It's too conspicuous."

Feng Xi raised his eyebrows. It seems that this child is quite smart. He nodded to show that he understood: "Well, you are right. I will go with you to sell it later. Okay, let's eat first. I bought some buns."

Wang Fulai and Wang Funin swallowed their saliva when they saw so many buns. They haven't eaten buns for a long time.

Feng Xi saw the two brothers standing there like wooden heads, picked up two meat buns and stuffed them into their hands, saying, "Why are you two standing there? Eat quickly, you still have to work after you are full."

Wang Fulai looked at Feng Xi gratefully, took a big bite of the bun, and secretly decided to help his sister sell more food in the future.

Wang Fulin saw his brother eating, so he followed suit.

"Brother, this bun is so delicious, will I be able to eat something so delicious in the future?"

Feng Xi touched Wang Fulin's head and said with a smile, "Yes."


Wang Fulai firmly held his brother's hand and said, "I definitely will."

He will definitely be successful in the future and make himself and his brother live a better life.

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