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Chapter 12 The autumn harvest task is heavier

Feng Xi hadn't thought of a solution yet, but Captain Xu and Village Chief Xu came.

He changed his lazy attitude and worked seriously.

Village Chief Xu went to the commune for a meeting yesterday. It was good at the beginning. Later, the village chief of Xiashui Village next door, in order to get the excellent collective, took the initiative to ask for more public grain, which made other villages suffer. You Xiashui Village wants to get the excellent collective, and other villages also want it, so everyone expressed that they would pay more public grain.

Village Chief Xu didn't want to pay more at first, but he couldn't stand the education of the commune leaders. A hat of negative thinking was put on him, and Village Chief Xu didn't dare to refute it. Now the autumn harvest task of Hongshu Village and several nearby villages is heavy.

Captain Xu glanced at Feng Xi, Tang Qingqing, and those aunts who were slacking off. He sighed heavily, what a bunch of bad guys.

Village Chief Xu also heard a lot of gossip yesterday, and he was very disappointed with these people. He didn't intend to intervene, but now it's different. The autumn harvest task is heavy, and these guys can't be so unbridled.

Village Chief Xu picked up the loudspeaker, shouted, and said: "Everyone put down your work and listen to me."

Feng Xi immediately stopped weeding when she heard this. Well, she is a good and obedient child. Then she looked at Village Chief Xu and Captain Xu with a smile. What big news is there to announce?

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Village Chief Xu said, "Yesterday the commune issued a task that our village will pay more public grain at the end of the year than last year. But it doesn't matter, as long as we are willing to endure hardships and work hard, we can still get a lot of food at the end of the year."

"Village Chief, why do we suddenly have to pay more public grain? This will cost us our lives."


Feng Xi didn't feel much, she knew she couldn't earn much food.

Village Chief Xu looked at Mrs. Li and said, "Mrs. Li, what are you talking about? If you can work hard all day without slacking off, you will have a lot of food by the end of the year."

Captain Xu also said, "Okay, this is the commune's task, and we must respond positively. I declare that from today on, everyone will try to eat lunch in the fields. Everyone's task is a little more than yesterday. If you fail to complete the task, your work points will be deducted."

When Feng Xi heard what Captain Xu said, the smile on his face instantly broke. The child couldn't do it~

The aunties nearby used to come here like this before, and this was the commune's task after all, and more importantly, it was related to the top priority of their own end-of-year food and money distribution, so they naturally didn't dare to say anything more.

Village Chief Xu and Captain Xu didn't care what these people thought. They were still rushing to other places to issue tasks.

Feng Xi looked at the land she was assigned, wondering if the captain would tear her apart if she didn't complete the task. She glanced at Tang Qingqing, hey, how come this girl did more than herself. Feng Xi instantly became energetic. She couldn't let Tang Qingqing outperform her. If the captain saw this, she would be scolded to death.

Just when Feng Xi gritted her teeth and pulled weeds until she was exhausted, she stopped. Why was she working so hard! She picked up the water bottle and drank watermelon juice. Seeing that Tang Qingqing's face was not good, she probably was tired.

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