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Chapter 74 Right Hand

Feng Xi's right hand fell, and the table in front of her was smashed to pieces. Everyone stared at Feng Xi in amazement.

Wang Fulai: Sister Feng Xi is so powerful!

Xu Yang: The educated youth Feng is really strong!

Monkey: No way, this is the new table I built, I remember it was very strong. So he turned his eyes to the old table next to him and punched it.

"Hiss, ah, no, sister, are you that strong?"

Wang Fulai looked at Brother Monkey with disdain and said, "That's my sister Feng Xi. Do you think everyone is as weak as you, Brother Monkey? You only get one or two small cracks after a punch."

"Hey, you little brat, give it a try."

"I don't want to."

Xu Hai frowned and looked at Feng Xi's right hand. His wrist seemed to be red, and he wanted to go over to take a look.

Feng Xi looked at Xu Hai and thought about it, covered his right forearm, and said calmly: "It's okay, this table is just like that."

Then Feng Xi sat on the stool calmly, holding the handle with both hands, and said: "This table is actually nothing, even if it is something more powerful, my right hand can break it apart and smash it."

"I knew since I was a child that my right hand is very different and very powerful. But my left hand is very ordinary, so I can hide my strength perfectly. I usually don't use my right hand, but the situation was too bad the day before yesterday. It was urgent, and I had no choice but to do it. "

"You also know that there is an all-powerful boss behind Fulai and me. The day before yesterday, something happened here, and we immediately rushed over to help after receiving the news. When I entered the room, I worked with the people who had been waiting at the window. I quickly threw the things on the cart out of the window. As for the cart, I broke it open and smashed it in less than three seconds, and then threw it outside, and closed the window in one go. "

Xu Hai always felt that something was strange, but the facts seemed to be like this. Looking at the big bump on Feng Xi's forehead, he asked, "Xixi, what happened to your forehead?"

Feng Xi touched his forehead, and thought, "It's over. How could I forget about it?" He said pretentiously, "It's just a small accident, it's not important. What's important now is my right hand. Please keep this secret for me. I don't plan to use too much force with my right hand in the future. After all, it hurts my hand a lot after using it once."

Feng Xi thought that the injury was really big. If she hadn't been holding the handle of the chair, her hand would still be shaking. The aftereffects were really big. Feng Xi looked at the broken table on the ground. Fortunately, the effect was still good.

Xu Hai looked at Feng Xi's hands with some distress: "How do you feel now? Does your right hand hurt? If you have any heavy work in the future, just let me do it."

Feng Xi was waiting for Xu Hai to say this. She was afraid that her vest would be exposed in the future. After all, it was quite heavy to wear this thing.

Feng Xi said indifferently: "It doesn't hurt. This table is a piece of cake."

Monkey looked at Feng Xi's right hand in surprise: "Tsk tsk tsk, are you serious? Why doesn't my right hand have this function?"

Xu Yang nodded seriously, and he was also envious.

Wang Fulai assured: "Don't worry, Sister Feng Xi, I will never tell anyone about this."

Feng Xi looked at everyone's reactions with satisfaction. Alas, she finally got away with it.

"By the way, the goods will be delivered to my house tomorrow. Can you take them back?"

Feng Xi planned to go back to Xiandai tonight to bring back the goods. As for the delivery, she didn't plan to take care of it.

Xu Hai nodded: "The three of us will go to your house to move it tomorrow."

After the matter was settled, several people went to the state-owned hotel for a meal, and then went back to their own homes.

After returning home, Feng Xi quickly took off the iron arm sleeve on her arm. Although this thing is heavy, it is thin, hard, and retractable. It's a pity that she spent tens of thousands of dollars on it. It will be thrown away after one use.

She returned to Xiandai yesterday. In addition to going to the hospital, she also went to a store to buy this iron arm sleeve. After trying it in the store, she found it was really useful, so she reluctantly spent more than 30,000 yuan to buy it. Thinking that Xu Hai and the others would definitely ask about the batch of goods and the cart, she didn't want to expose her secret, so she thought of this method to create an image of her own strength in front of them.

Although the story is a bit far-fetched, it is at least much better than the goods disappearing out of thin air. Fortunately, the four of them still believed it.

Feng Xi opened the takeaway page and ordered a bowl of beef noodles.

After returning to the modern world, Feng Xi moved the cart away, after all, she had boasted that the cart was smashed by her.

She went out and bought a few large sacks, loaded the batch of goods, and fell asleep on them.

The next morning, Feng Xi cooked a big pot of egg porridge at home, and also made a big basket of cornmeal steamed buns.

Feng Xi had just finished breakfast when Xu Hai, Xu Yang and Monkey came over.

"Why are you here so early? Have you had breakfast? Do you want to eat something here?"

Xu Hai shook his head: "No, I'm afraid there will be a lot of people on the road later, and it will be difficult to explain if someone sees us. Xixi, thank you, and thank your boss for me. If she needs my help in the future, just come to me."

Feng Xi waved his hand and said: "You're welcome. If you want to thank my boss, bring more antiques. She likes these old things. The price is cheaper."

"Sister, don't worry, I will take care of this matter. You have helped us so much this time, I will help you find antiques even if I have to go through fire and water."

Xu Yang glanced at Monkey Brother. Isn't it for money that he is looking for antiques?

After Feng Xi sent Xu Hai and the other two away, he went out with egg porridge and a large basket of Wowotou.

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