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Chapter 11 Cooking

The next day, Feng Xi was woken up by Lin Tang. It was her turn to cook with Lin Tang.

After yesterday's hard work, Feng Xi was exhausted. After getting up and washing up weakly, she went to the kitchen with Lin Tang to cook.

"Sister Feng Xi, I may not be very good at cooking."

"It's okay. Cooking is actually very simple. You will learn it after a few more days with me."

"Well, okay, then I will be responsible for lighting the fire now."

Feng Xi waved her confident little hand: "Go ahead."

Feng Aihua had already told Feng Xi what to cook today last night. In fact, there is nothing much to say. The food is still the same. Generally, the educated youth only go to the mountains or go to the state-owned hotel to change their taste on their days off.

In other words, what we eat today is still the same as yesterday, except that breakfast has changed from sweet potato brown rice to potato brown rice porridge. Feng Xi said there is no need to panic.

Feng Xi calmly put water into the pot, then washed the brown rice that everyone took out last night and poured it into the pot, and covered it with a lid. Then he took out a few potatoes, washed them, and cut them into pieces without peeling them. Yes, without peeling them.

Food is precious now. If others see Feng Xi peeling the potatoes, it is estimated that Feng Xi's reputation as a "spendthrift" will spread throughout the mangrove village the next day. She doesn't want to be talked about every day. It's true that she is thick-skinned, but she still wants to save face.

Put the potatoes in the pot and stir them with a big spoon, and it's basically done. There is no seasoning at this time, just eat it. Feng Xi is still very confident about this. She has lived alone in modern times for more than ten years. Although the rice she cooks is not very delicious, it is still edible.

At this time, everyone is basically up. Feng Xi saw that the breakfast was cooked, so she asked Lin Tang to put out the fire, and then asked everyone to go to the kitchen to serve the rice.

"Sister Feng Xi, the breakfast you made is delicious." As Feng Xi's follower, Lin Tang naturally had to praise her.

Feng Xi gave Lin Tang a look of recognition. Although she felt that what she made was no different from yesterday's breakfast, she still felt happy that someone praised her.

Feng Aihua also supported them and said, "You are already very good at cooking like this for the first time. I was thinking about whether I should help you last night, but when I woke up this morning, I saw that Feng Xi could do it alone."

Chen Aiguo was one of the first educated youths to come with Feng Xi, and he was quite familiar with Feng Xi and the others. He also said, "I didn't expect that you are the youngest and have good cooking skills."

Wang Xiaomei snorted. She couldn't stand them all protecting Feng Xi, and said, "What's the difference between this breakfast and the one we had before? It's just as unpalatable. If you don't know, you would think you were eating some delicacies."

Feng Xi narrowed his eyes. Did this guy want to quarrel so early in the morning?

Wang Xiaomei saw Feng Xi staring at her and felt a little scared. Thinking of what happened last night, he avoided Feng Xi's gaze and lowered his head to eat, indicating that he would not talk anymore.

He Jiandang felt a headache looking at the two of them. At first, he thought Feng Xi was a cute and soft girl, but she turned out to be a tough character who refused to suffer a loss. Seeing that Feng Xi was about to get angry, he came out and said, "Comrade Feng Xi is really capable. This breakfast is well made, very good."

Tang Qingqing looked at these people speechlessly. She didn't think there was anything special about this breakfast. She didn't eat breakfast yesterday because she was disgusted. Fortunately, she brought snacks from home. But it was not realistic to eat snacks every day, so she came out to eat breakfast with them.

Tang Qingqing finished her breakfast with a stiff face and looked at Feng Xi expressionlessly. She felt disgusted in her heart, but she didn't say anything. The main reason was that she felt that Feng Xi was the same kind of person as herself. She had someone to accompany her to be lazy, and it was not bad to have someone to share the burden with her like yesterday. At least she was not alone.

Feng Xi: ...

After finishing breakfast, Feng Xi sneaked back to the room, opened the takeaway page, and clicked on a milk tea and juice snack shop. She ordered a cup of watermelon juice for eight yuan, half sugar, and ice. When she wanted to pay, she saw that there were small breads in the snacks, and she couldn't help but order another small bread. After paying and placing the order, Feng Xi quickly poured the watermelon juice into the military water bottle, wrapped the small bread with oil paper, and then recycled the garbage. After doing all this, she carried her schoolbag and went to work as if nothing had happened.

Feng Xi came to the familiar grassland and did the familiar work. Nothing was different. However, it seemed that many people paid special attention to her and Tang Qingqing.

"Little Feng Zhiqing, Tang Zhiqing, you can't do this. You are so slow. You may not even earn four work points today."

Mrs. Li rolled her eyes and said, "I heard that your family is quite rich. How rich are you?"

The aunts beside heard what Mrs. Li said and looked at Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing.

Tang Qingqing was too lazy to talk to those aunts. Therefore, Feng Xi smiled and said, "Grandma Li, you are wrong. Life in the city is actually not much different from life in our village. What we eat and wear is actually the same."

"Also, I am a slow worker. I will earn more work points once I get familiar with the job. I am sorry to make you ladies laugh. That, I just saw the captain is coming. Let's work hard."

When everyone heard that the captain was coming, they didn't dare to continue chatting.

Feng Xi didn't know whether the captain was coming or not. She knew that these ladies wanted to get information from her and then spread gossip about her behind her back. Don't think she doesn't know. She learned from Ma Hong yesterday that among these aunts, Li Pozi and Guihua Auntie are the best.

Feng Xi drank watermelon juice and ate bread in sorrow. She felt that it was time for her to think about how to do the job well.

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