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Chapter 138 Where are they

"Old Five, what are you daydreaming about?"

Feng Xi was going to take another serious look, but after hearing what Li Li said, he said, "Ah, nothing, I thought I saw an acquaintance, I guess I was just dazzled."

Feng Xi rubbed his eyes, it was just dazzled, it was almost a year since they last saw each other.

Tian Caicai returned to the dormitory very late, and her eyes were still a little red and swollen when she came back.

Wu Ping asked worriedly, "Caicai, did something happen?"

When Tian Caicai heard Wu Ping's question, the tears that had just been held back flowed out again.

Everyone was a little confused and tried to comfort Tian Caicai.

"I don't know how to say it. The place where I went to the countryside before was He Province. I, uh uh uh..."

Tian Caicai didn't know how to say it. She was afraid that everyone would dislike her if she said it.

Seeing Tian Caicai crying so sadly, everyone didn't ask too much. After comforting Tian Caicai to sleep, everyone went back to their beds to sleep.

Feng Xi lay on the bed and thought quietly. She remembered that last semester, her second sister seemed to say that she had been dating before. Could there be something wrong here?

He Province?

Is this a coincidence?


The next morning, Tian Caicai had recovered. Although her eyes were a little swollen and she was not so energetic, she could at least talk and laugh with everyone.

Seeing that Tian Caicai didn't mention what happened last night, thinking that Tian Caicai was so sad last night, they didn't bring it up again.

Soon, it was the 31st.

On the morning of the 31st, after class, Director Guan said: "Tomorrow is New Year's Day. I would like to wish you all a happy New Year's Day! Many students in our Obstetrics and Gynecology Class 1 have their performances selected for the New Year's Eve party. I hope that all the students who performed can get good grades! Other students can cheer for our classmates who performed in the audience. The morale of our Obstetrics and Gynecology Class 1 must not be lost! Also, class committee members, come to the office with me after class. I have something to discuss with you."

Because Feng Xi, Zhu Zhu and Wu Ping were class committee members, the task of going to the tailor shop to get the dance costumes was handed over to Tang Qingqing, Li Li and Tian Caicai.

Director Guan called the class committee to the office mainly to explain the arrangements for the New Year's Eve party, and to take the class committee to check out the venue in advance to familiarize themselves with the situation, so that they could manage the classmates well during the New Year's Eve party, so that there would not be too much chaos at that time.

Director Guan saw that everyone understood, and said: "Okay, you have worked hard, go back and rest, you still have classes in the afternoon."

After everyone said goodbye to Director Guan, they went back to their dormitories to rest.

Feng Xi picked up his watch and looked at the time. Unexpectedly, more than an hour had passed in just a short while, and there was less than half an hour before the afternoon class.

Feng Xi, Wu Ping and Zhu Zhu returned to the 201 dormitory and found that Tang Qingqing and the other two had not returned yet! ! !

Wu Ping asked worriedly, "Why haven't they come back yet?"

Zhu Zhu was also puzzled: "It should take half an hour to get from school to the tailor shop. They should be back by now. Did they go directly to the classroom?"

Feng Xi felt a little uneasy, and thought that Qingqing and the others should have gone directly to the classroom.

So everyone ran to the classroom to take a look.

There were already some classmates in the classroom, but Tang Qingqing, Tian Caicai and Li Li were not seen.

"Well, did they encounter something on the way?"

Feng Xi was also a little worried, and said: "Don't worry, sister, I will go to find them, you two stay here, if the teacher asks, you can simply explain the situation to the teacher."

Wu Ping was a little worried, and hurriedly said: "Xixi, I will go with you to find them, Zhuzhu stay in the classroom."

Zhu Zhu nodded: "Okay, I'll wait for you in the classroom."

Feng Xi and Wu Ping walked out of the classroom. Wu Ping pulled Feng Xi's hand and said: "Should we go back to the dormitory to see if they are back?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

The two ran back to the dormitory and found that Tang Qingqing and the others had not returned yet.

Feng Xi climbed onto the bed, took a schoolbag, shook the things inside, and then followed Wu Ping out to find people.

There was only one route from the school to the tailor shop. Feng Xi and Wu Ping ran all the way there, but still did not see Tang Qingqing, Tian Caicai and Li Li.

Wu Ping asked anxiously: "Xixi, what should we do? Nothing should happen to them, right?"

Feng Xi shook her head and saw an alley in front of her, and said: "Sister, let's go to that alley to look for them."


Two minutes later.

Wu Ping saw Tian Caicai and said: "Xixi, they are there!"

Feng Xi also saw the situation there, narrowed his eyes, put his hand into his schoolbag, and ran towards Tian Caicai.

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