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Chapter 155 Charming Night

When Xu Hai came to pick up the bride, it was full of difficulties.

When entering the house, Feng Yu, Wang Funin, An Nuo and their friends blocked the door and refused to let him in.

A group of elementary school students held hands, as if to get in, you have to step over our bodies.

Fortunately, Monkey was prepared and took out a big bag of candies and chocolates and scattered them all on the side.

When the elementary school students saw the candies and chocolates, they didn't remember what they were doing, and they all swarmed to pick up the candies and chocolates.

Xu Hai and his group entered the house smoothly.

The elementary school students were useless, and Feng Xi's bridesmaids were not so easy to fool.

Feng Wan, Tang Qingqing, Zhu Zhu, Li Li, Wu Ping and Tian Caicai were closing the door tightly at this time, and no matter what Xu Hai and his group said, they would not let them in.

This made the groomsmen outside the door a little overwhelmed, and they were planning to find an opportunity to rush in and grab the bride.

The method of grabbing the bride didn't work, so Xu Hai took out the big red envelope he prepared and handed it in through the crack of the door.

Tang Qingqing took the red envelope and distributed it one by one, saying proudly: "We won't hand Xixi over so easily!"

"The red envelope actually has 66.66 yuan!"

When the bridesmaids heard Li Li's exclamation, they all opened the red envelope and found that there were indeed 66.66 yuan in it.

Wu Ping smiled at Feng Xi: "Xixi, I'm sorry."

Feng Xi was embarrassed. On the wedding day, the bride's feet could not touch the ground. She just watched her sisters welcoming Xu Hai in because of the red envelope.

As soon as Xu Hai entered the room, he was stunned by the gorgeous person on the bed.

This is his little wife! A custom-made red wedding dress, red high heels, all her hair tied up, and her charming cherry mouth pouting slightly, almost seducing his soul away.

Xu Hai came back to his senses and slowly walked towards Feng Xi.

At this time, Feng Xi's heart and eyes were full of the man who walked towards her, with a tall figure, handsome features, and wearing a groom's suit.

Xu Hai squatted down beside Feng Xi and picked her up like a princess.

"Xixi, I'm here!"


Feng Xi was steadily picked up by Xu Hai, with her white and tender hands resting on the man's strong shoulders.

The bride is beautiful, the groom is handsome, what a perfect couple.

The guests in the living room couldn't help but exclaim when they saw the bride and groom coming out.

"The bride is so beautiful!"

"They are such a good match!"

"I wish the bride and groom a long and happy marriage!"

Xu Hai nodded to the guests, and with steady steps, he carried his young wife to the car and sent her all the way to the new house.

The ocean-view building was very lively during the day, with people toasting, eating, and chatting.

At night, everything was quiet. There was only a couple in the huge mansion.

Feng Xi was panting under Xu Hai's kiss, and their bodies were getting hotter and hotter.

Suddenly, Feng Xi felt a chill on her body, and saw that her skirt had been thrown on the ground by the man.

Then, the suit was thrown on the skirt.

The two hugged each other frankly.


Feng Xi was touched by Xu Hai's hoarse voice. Facing the pair of burning eyes, Feng Xi was a little nervous at this time, and her hands were tightly around the man's neck.

Xu Hai looked at his well-behaved and lovely little girl, and he had already raised his head.

"Be good, don't be nervous."

Feng Xi actually wanted to relax, but she couldn't help it because her nerves were tense.

Xu Hai raised Feng Xi's hands above her head and kissed her tempting red lips again.

Feng Xi was dazed by the kiss and felt a big hand wandering on her body.

Suddenly, Feng Xi's eyes widened and she punched the man's back.

Everything was so natural...

The room was full of spring light, and it was not until late at night that it was completely quiet.

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