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Chapter 4 First Encounter

Xu Hai is the village scorekeeper and the only high school graduate in the village.

Yesterday, the village chief, his father, asked him to pull a bullock cart to accompany him to the Youth Office to pick up the educated youth. He didn't want to go, but his father forced him to go.

These educated youth from the city are not good at anything and are the first to cause trouble. He is the village scorekeeper and knows very well that sometimes the work done by those educated youth is not as good as that of the young boys in the village. Male educated youth are better, but female educated youth...

There are already seven educated youth in their village. They thought that they would not come in the next few years, but six more came at once.

The next day when he came to the Youth Office to wait for others, Xu Hai saw Feng Xi at a glance.

The little girl was fair and tender, cute and adorable. She carried two sacks by herself, and she didn't ask for help or chatter like others. She just carried the luggage quietly.

Her father shouted with a loudspeaker, and the little girl raised her head and looked in his direction. Xu Hai raised his eyebrows, the little girl was pretty. Seeing the little girl walking towards him, he said "Hey" and jumped off the cart.

Feng Xi was about to put his luggage on the ox cart, and suddenly felt a lightness on his back. He turned around and saw a tall, handsome, thick-browed and big-eyed comrade helping him put his luggage on the ox cart.

"Comrade, thank you."

Feng Xi said and put Lin Tang's luggage on the ox cart.

Xu Hai heard the soft voice and clenched his hands slightly, but he still put away his luggage without making a sound.

The village chief, Xu Aiguo, Xu Hai's father, seemed quite friendly. After arranging for the educated youth to get on the bus, he asked Xu Hai to pull the ox cart and set off.

"Okay, everyone get on the bus quickly, and we'll set off when we're all together."

Along the way, the bus was a little quiet, and finally a male educated youth who looked sunny and cheerful brought up the topic.

"Hello, my name is Chen Aiguo, my home is in Jiang City in the northeast, and I responded to the call to support the countryside. How about you?"

With someone starting the conversation, the conversation went much more smoothly. The other male educated youth was called Bai Feng, and like He Hua, he was also from He City. She was fair and clean, wearing glasses, and looked quite frail. Lin Tang, He Hua, and Feng Xi introduced themselves one by one.

"My name is Tang Qingqing, and I'm from the capital."

During the conversation, Feng Xi also got to know the families of the educated youth. It turned out that Tang Qingqing's family was not only rich, but also a child of a large courtyard. No wonder the food and clothes were so good.

Xu Hai also kept an eye on the back of the car. It turned out that the little girl's name was Feng Xi, which sounded pretty good.

The smell of the ox cart was also a bit unpleasant. The car was packed with people and luggage. Feng Xi sat on his sack, and his legs were a bit numb, but there was no place to stretch his legs, so he could only bear it.

Looking at Lin Tang, He Hua, and Tang Qingqing, they were in similar situations, so the four girls could only rely on each other.

The village chief was also worried when he saw these educated youths. The two men were fine, but the four female educated youths. One looked good, but she probably couldn't do much work. The other two were fat and white, and probably had never worked. The other one was probably okay?

"You young educated youths have worked hard on the way. It takes more than two hours to get from the educated youth office to the village. If you are tired, take a nap."

Several people responded with "OK".

Feng Xi was really tired, and after hearing this, she didn't care about anything and fell asleep.

Feng Xi was awakened by a burst of noise, and everyone woke up when she woke up. After asking Lin Tang, I found out that Tang Qingqing couldn't stand the smell of the ox cart and vomited halfway. Now she was crying and refused to get on the cart.

The village chief was annoyed when he saw this cute female educated youth. The female educated youth who came before didn't behave like this. Besides, they had just arrived. If they kept wasting time, it would be dark soon.

"It will take about an hour to get to the village. If you don't want to get on the cart, don't get on it and walk back. If you keep wasting time, it will be dark soon."

Xu Hai was almost annoyed. Look, the little girl didn't have so many problems. Who do you think you are?

Several educated youth were tired and hungry, so they wanted to get to the educated youth center as soon as possible to pack up their things, eat and sleep. So they all advised Tang Qingqing to be patient.

Feng Xi looked at Tang Qingqing, thinking that she must have never suffered any hardship. The little girl felt wronged, so he also got off the car to comfort her.

Tang Qingqing felt so wronged. She was so beautiful, but no one comforted her. She was told to be patient. Especially the one pulling the ox cart, who was so fierce. But she had no choice. She didn't want to walk back, so she could only get on the ox cart reluctantly.

Feng Xi felt bad, so she quietly reached into her bag and quietly opened the takeaway page, intending to see if there were any supermarkets selling plums. After all, eating a plum at this time can make you more energetic and less carsick.

The takeaway page is invisible to others except Feng Xi, which makes Feng Xi feel relieved. After all, if someone saw Feng Xi ordering takeout one day, she would be scared to death.

Feng Xi put her right hand into her schoolbag, because after ordering takeout, the takeout was placed in her right hand. So her left hand quietly slid the takeout page and clicked into a supermarket. She saw that all the candied foods were 8 yuan a box, with a minimum of two items. Feng Xi thought the price was not expensive, so she bought three boxes of preserved plums, dried tangerine peels, and preserved apricots.

Placed an order and paid. With a touch of her little hand, hey, there were three more things in her schoolbag in an instant. Feng Xi tore off all the packaging paper. After seeing that there was no iconic thing, she took out a box of preserved plums.

"I got some preserved plums. I heard they are good for motion sickness. Do you want to try them?"

Feng Xi gave two preserved plums to each person. Tang Qingqing even complained a little when she took them, saying why she didn't take them out earlier. Feng Xi was too lazy to argue with her, mainly because she didn't have the energy.

"Village chief, do you want to eat preserved plums?"

"No, I don't like these little things when I get old. You young people can eat them."

After hearing this, Feng Xi stopped asking the village chief to eat. He turned around and asked Xu Hai, "Comrade, do you want to eat preserved plums?"

Xu Hai saw the little girl stretched out a pair of white and chubby hands in front of him, with two preserved plums lying in them. Without thinking, he took one and put it in his mouth. During this time, his hand "accidentally" touched the little girl's hand, thinking it was quite soft.

Feng Xi saw Xu Hai took a plum and didn't think much about it, and ate the rest by herself.

Well, it's quite delicious.

"Sister Feng Xi, your plum is really delicious, can I exchange it with you for candy?"

Feng Xi was melted by the cute look of Lin Tang holding candy in both hands, and raised his hand to touch her head.

"No, I still have it, come to me if you want to eat it."


Lin Tang has a simple personality, is young and ignorant, and is not petty, so Feng Xi is also happy to make friends with her. He Hua looked timid and didn't talk much along the way, but Feng Xi felt a little awkward getting along with her. Tang Qingqing was arrogant, and as for the people at the educated youth point, he would talk about it when he met them.

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