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Chapter 139 A critical moment

Tian Caicai was struggling with a man, Feng Xi and Wu Ping ran over and pushed the man away.

Wu Ping said loudly: "What do you want to do, you comrade? Do you want to be a hooligan? Do you believe me, I will go to the police station to sue you!"

"Ah, you try to hit him again, believe me or not..."

Feng Xi heard Tang Qingqing's voice and saw that Tian Caicai's situation was not serious. After saying something to Wu Ping, he immediately ran to the corner.

I saw a gangster pulling Tang Qingqing, a gangster pulling Li Li, and three gangsters beating Lu Jun!

What surprised Feng Xi even more was that she actually saw He Hua in the corner in front of her! ! !

What is going on? ? ?

He Hua originally wanted to hide in the dark to enjoy the show, but she didn't expect Feng Xi to look at her. She panicked and hid quickly.

"Brother, if you keep fighting, this guy might die soon, right? Do you want to..."

The leading man snorted, kicked Lu Jun, and said playfully: "Hey, don't you want to be a hero? Why are you lying on the ground and can't move? Hahaha..."

"I thought you were a good fighter, but I didn't expect you to be knocked down by the three of us in a few hits."

Lu Jun wanted to struggle, but he was pressed down by two people and couldn't get up at all.

Tang Qingqing was pulled by a man and could only punch and kick the man in front of her.

But she was weak and couldn't beat the tall man in front of her.

Seeing Lu Jun being beaten so badly by these three men, he said angrily: "If you dare to touch him again, I will ask my dad to take you all to the police station!"

The leading man turned to look at Tang Qingqing and said with a smile: "It is your honor that I, Black Panther, like you. You should have obeyed me at the beginning, why make such a fuss. Besides, when we meet your dad, maybe we will be a family."

Feng Xi felt like thunder was rolling in the sky, and took out the anti-wolf stun baton from his schoolbag and walked towards Black Panther.

The thug holding Tang Qingqing saw Feng Xi and whistled, "Brother, here comes another pretty girl!"

Black Panther turned around and his eyes lit up. This girl was cute and well-behaved, and her appearance was no less than Tang Qingqing. He said excitedly, "Where did you come from, little sister? What do you want to do with a small iron bar..."

Before Black Panther finished speaking, his hand just grabbed Feng Xi's small iron bar, his eyes rolled up, his body trembled, and then he lay on the ground motionless.


The thug holding Tang Qingqing saw his big brother suddenly fall to the ground, and immediately let go of Tang Qingqing's hand and ran to check on his big brother.

Feng Xi took the opportunity to use a stun gun from behind to shock the thug.

The two thugs who were holding Lu Jun down saw how powerful Feng Xi's small iron bar was, and immediately became alert. They picked up the sticks beside them and hit Feng Xi's hand with a stick.

Lu Jun shouted: "Be careful!"

"Ah, it hurts..."

Feng Xi's hand hurt, and the electric baton was also hit out.

Seeing that the sticks of the two people in front of him were about to fall, Feng Xi quickly took out the anti-wolf spray from his schoolbag and sprayed it at the two thugs in front of him.

"Ah, what is this..."

"Ah, my eyes hurt so much..."

Seeing this, Tang Qingqing immediately punched and kicked the two thugs who were covering their eyes.

Lu Jun suddenly saw that one of the two people Tang Qingqing was beating was about to hit Tang Qingqing with a stick, so he stood up with difficulty and threw himself behind Tang Qingqing.


Feng Xi immediately sprayed the two thugs with anti-wolf spray again, and then took away their sticks while their eyes were stinging, and gave a stick to Tang Qingqing.

After Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing got the sticks, they quickly moved their wrists, and then hit the two thugs in front of them from mouth to feet, and from feet to mouth.

Feng Xi: See if you dare to hit my hand again...

Tang Qingqing: See if I don't beat you to death...

At this time, Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing were already fighting furiously. The gangster who was holding Li Li suddenly saw this situation, pushed Li Li away, and then picked up a stick and hit Feng Xi's head hard.

Li Li shouted loudly: "Old Five, be careful behind..."

Lu Jun's pupils shrank: "Be careful!"

Tang Qingqing turned around and looked at Feng Xi, and was so scared that her soul almost flew away.

Feng Xi looked back in confusion: What happened behind?

At the critical moment, Xu Hai caught the stick with his hand when it was about to fall on Feng Xi's head.

Then he pulled hard and snatched the stick over.

With a force of both hands, he broke the stick and threw it on the ground casually.

He clenched his fist and punched the gangster in the face.

The gangster's facial features were distorted instantly, and because of Xu Hai's great strength, he fell directly to the ground.

Xu Hai's eyes were red, and he didn't dare to imagine what would happen if he came late just now...

Xu Hai clenched his fist again and punched the gangster lying on the ground fiercely.

Feng Xi saw that Xu Hai was hitting so hard that the thug on the ground was stunned. If he continued to hit like this, something might happen. He quickly said, "Xu Hai, stop hitting, or someone will die."

"Xu Hai?"

Seeing that Xu Hai was still hitting, Feng Xi reached out and held Xu Hai's fist, saying, "Hmm? Stop hitting?"

Seeing Feng Xi, Xu Hai loosened his clenched fist slightly, and hugged Feng Xi with his backhand, right He lovingly touched Feng Xi's head and asked in a hoarse voice, "Just now, are you okay?"

Feng Xi buried his head in Xu Hai's chest and said aggrievedly, "My right hand was hit!"

Xu Hai's heart tightened, and he took Feng Xi's right hand and blew it painfully, and it turned red...

Tang Qingqing looked at the two of them speechlessly, then took the stick in her hand and beat Black Panther fiercely.

Li Li stood up with difficulty and reminded: "How is the second sister? Her ex-husband took her away?"

Feng Xi was shocked: "Ex-husband?!!"

Li Li nodded to Feng Xi: "Well, I will tell you the details later. Have you seen the second sister?"

Feng Xi suppressed his surprise and said: "At the corner in front."

Seeing Wu Ping making so much trouble, He Liang punched Wu Ping directly, pushed Wu Ping away and took Tian Caicai away.

Tian Caicai refused, and He Liang beat Tian Caicai up and dragged Tian Caicai away.

Seeing this, Xu Hai punched He Liang and stopped him in two or three strokes.

At this time, someone came with the police.

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