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Chapter 14 Xu Li

"My family is in a difficult situation. My father passed away a long time ago. There are only my mother, my brother and I at home. My mother is in poor health and my brother is only 11 years old. Xiaofeng, the educated youth, don't look down on me because I am small. I am only 16 years old. I can get 10 work points. I can finish the work at hand and still have strength. It's okay, it's okay..."

This poor child. Feng Xi also heard that this girl could get 10 work points, but she didn't pay much attention to it. She didn't expect that this girl's life was so hard.

"Xiaofeng, the educated youth, I should be able to help you do two to three work points, and you can give me one or two wotou when the time comes."

Feng Xi thought, is that enough? After thinking for a while, he said, "How about this, I'll give you all my lunch. My lunch is just two glutinous rice balls, and it may be something else in the future. I'll give you another two kilograms of cornmeal tomorrow."

"Ah, what do you eat for lunch then? Also, don't give me another two kilograms of cornmeal. It's too much. I can't take it. If my mother knows, she'll scold me."

"It's okay. I have other things to eat for lunch. Don't worry. As for the cornmeal, I'll tell you in secret. I can't eat this at the educated youth camp. If I take it out and other educated youth see it, it will probably be gone in one or two meals." Feng's mother had put two kilograms of cornmeal and one kilogram of white flour in her luggage. At first, Feng Xi was quite reluctant to give it up, but she didn't expect it to be put to use so soon.


"Don't say buts. You have to work for me for at least a month, and I may need your help in the future. If you don't agree, I will find someone else."

"No, no, Xiao Feng Zhiqing, I agree. If you need my help in the future, just find me. My home is at the east end of the village." Xu Li was afraid that Feng Xi would find someone else, so she quickly agreed. She didn't want to lose this job. At worst, she could help Xiao Feng Zhiqing more in the future.

"Well, that's right. Don't call me Xiao Feng Zhiqing. I'm older than you. You can call me Sister Feng Xi."

"Okay, Sister Feng Xi."

The work was done so easily. Feng Xi was very happy. She gave the Wo Wo Tou to Xu Li and gave her three more candies. Then she started eating the bread. She was in such a good mood.

Xu Li had already eaten lunch, so she wrapped the Wo Wo Tou in a cloth, thinking that she could give it to her mother and brother for dinner.

"By the way, Xu Li, don't be too obvious when you help me with the work. Let's do it quietly."

"Don't worry, Sister Feng Xi, I know." She finally found Feng Xi and solved such a big problem as food. She couldn't mess it up.

When Feng Xi returned to the field with a smile, the people in the same group had already started working.

Tang Qingqing looked at Feng Xi suspiciously. She didn't know if it was her illusion. She felt that Feng Xi had changed after going out for a while. Although he didn't do his job well before, he only looked very active on the surface. Although he is still slacking off now, she always thinks he is very happy?

"You are so lazy, aren't you afraid that you will be scolded by the team leader when you finish work later?"

Feng Xi said confidently: "No."

"Hey, you have made progress. Then I won't do it anymore, anyway you are with me."

Feng Xi looked at Tang Qingqing with a hard time. She saw Tang Qingqing working so hard in the morning, and thought that this kid had reformed and would definitely get full work points.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, it turned out that he was just pretending. But she had Xu Li's help, so she should be able to finish the work. Tang Qingqing just...

Oh, forget it, I'd better tell Tang Qingqing about it, so as not to be blamed, after all, they are sisters in distress. In other words, Tang Qingqing shouldn't report her.

"Well, Tang Qingqing, you can actually try to find a helper or something. Just ask someone to help you do a little work, not much, and then take something to exchange with the person."

"You found someone?"

"Uh, guess?"

Tang Qingqing didn't need to guess, she thought about it for a while and felt that this method was good. She was not short of money, so why not use a little money to make herself work easily. She said that Feng Xi had a good brain, and you saw how relaxed Feng Xi was every day, and she decided to follow Feng Xi in the future.

After Tang Qingqing thanked Feng Xi, she went to find someone to help with the work.

Feng Xi saw that Tang Qingqing had listened to her and ignored her. She still had to work "seriously".

It was finally time to get off work. This time Feng Xi was not afraid because she had finished everything.

Aunt Guihua thought that Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing had not finished their work, so she went to comfort them. Maybe she could get along well with them, or give her another piece of candy.

"Hey, Xiao Feng Zhiqing, Tang Zhiqing, don't worry if you didn't finish the work this time. I'll teach you more in the future."

Feng Xi smiled when he heard this and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Aunt Guihua. If I don't understand something in the future, please teach me more. But this time, we both completed the work assigned to us by the team leader."

Aunt Guihua looked down and saw that it was true. When did these two people become so powerful?

When the captain arrived, he was a little bit unconvinced when he saw that the two of them had finished their work, but he couldn't discourage their enthusiasm. What if they returned to their original state one day? He quickly praised them, "Well, not bad, Xiao Feng and Tang have made progress and deserve praise. Keep it up."

Feng Xi heard the captain praising her and quickly responded sweetly, "Okay."

Xu Li was happy to see Sister Feng Xi so happy. She touched the dimples in her trouser pockets and felt extremely satisfied.

"Mom, I'm back."

"Lili, I'm glad to be back. Wash your hands and get ready for dinner."

Xu Li returned home, looked at the wild vegetable porridge on the table, took out the wowotou and handed it to her mother, saying, "Mom, I helped the educated youth Xiao Feng this afternoon. She was very kind and gave me two wowotou."

Widow Xu took the wowotou from her daughter and felt a little nervous: "No, what if others know about this? She is a big lady from the city and is not afraid of these, but how will others look at you if you do this? No, you have to give it back to me now."

"No, I have already told Sister Feng Xi that I will give it to you. We agreed that I have been helping her for more than a month. She not only gave us wo wo tou, but also gave me two kilograms of cornmeal tomorrow. Mother, we don't have much food at home. And I did it secretly, so no one would find out."


"Mother. Don't say but. Besides, if I don't help Sister Feng Xi, the team leader will scold her if she fails to complete the assigned task. Moreover, I saw that Tang Zhiqing also asked Aunt Lin Er to help her."

"Really? Did Aunt Lin Lao Er also help?" When Widow Xu heard that someone was helping Zhiqing, she felt relieved.

"Really, mother, you don't have to worry about me. I know my limits."

After hearing this, Widow Xu said nothing more. Her daughter was sensible and would not do anything bad. It was all her fault that she could not help at all and even dragged her daughter down.

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