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Chapter 22 The truth of time travel

Feng Xi had this dream for a long time. It was a dream but not a dream. She wanted to wake up but couldn't.

In the dream, Feng Xi saw that when she was ten years old, her parents died in a car accident. Since then, she has become very silent. Her aunt was afraid that she would have wild thoughts alone, so she often took her out to play.

At that time, her aunt took her to many places, but once, when she was thirteen years old, Feng Xi went to a temple called Hongshu Temple and an accident occurred. She accidentally fell off the mountain. She bled a lot at the time, and the doctor said that she might not be saved.

The accident happened at the Red Tree Temple. The abbot of the Red Tree Temple felt very sorry for Feng Xi. He prayed for her every day and gave her a bowl of talisman water.

A few days later, Feng Xi miraculously came back to life.

After Feng Xi woke up, the abbot told her that she would understand everything when she was thirty. Feng Xi was still young at the time and didn't understand, nor did she care much.

But soon after, the Red Tree Temple closed down. No one knew what happened, let alone where the people in the Red Tree Temple had gone.


Suddenly, the scene changed, and Feng Xi saw another "Feng Xi"'s 17-year life.

Feng Xi looked at the "Feng Xi" born in 1959, her face was exactly the same as hers, her demeanor was exactly the same as hers, and she was so shocked that she was speechless.

At first, Feng Xi thought that she had merged with the girl's body. She never thought that "Feng Xi" was actually herself.

Yes, the two Feng Xi are actually the same person, and all this is because of the accident in the Red Tree Temple when the modern Feng Xi was thirteen years old. As for what the abbot of the Red Tree Temple did, Feng Xi didn't know.

In short, this is what happened, and this is also the truth of Feng Xi's travel to the 1970s.

After Feng Xi figured it out, his mind suddenly became clear. However, what about that takeaway page?

Feng Xi just thought about this, and the next second, a memory was poured into Feng Xi's mind. It turned out that this takeaway page was given to her by the abbot of the Red Tree Temple as compensation for the incident seventeen years ago.

This surprised Feng Xi. Who is this abbot? Will he accept disciples?

In addition, the abbot also said that Feng Xi can travel back and forth between the 1970s and the modern era, and the time limit is ten years. In other words, ten years later, Feng Xi will always be Feng Xi who was born in 1959. Feng Xi is not afraid of this, anyway, she is still alive. And there is a special explanation that the 1970s is a fictional era, and Feng Xi cannot find any relevant information in the modern era.

The way to travel through time is for Feng Xi to eat a bowl of beef noodles in the 1970s. Then when Feng Xi falls asleep, he can travel to the modern times. However, after five o'clock in the morning, Feng Xi will automatically return to the 1970s.

And when Feng Xi travels to the modern times, in the 1970s, Feng Xi's body is still there in the 1970s. He will not suddenly disappear and scare people to death. He just has no consciousness.

As for why the medium of travel through time is a bowl of beef noodles, it is because when the abbot was not yet a monk, he thought beef noodles were the most delicious thing in the world, so he set the medium of travel to beef noodles!

Feng Xi couldn't say anything about this. After all, she was very grateful to the abbot. Not only did he save her life, but he also gave her such an awesome gift. She couldn't thank him enough. But she didn't know where the abbot had gone. Otherwise, she would have thanked him very much.

When Feng Xi woke up again, she looked at her soft big bed and the exquisitely decorated house. She couldn't help but shout, "I, Feng Xi, am finally back."

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