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Chapter 53 Auntie will definitely help you

Feng Xi rode his bicycle, found a secluded corner, and bought 30 kilograms of rice and 30 kilograms of cornmeal. After pretending to be dressed, he went to knock on Auntie Lin's door.

Auntie Lin has been selling food with Feng Xi for some time and has made a lot of money. Moreover, her son was promoted not long ago, which made her very happy. She thought that it was a good thing that she was brave, otherwise there would not be so many good things in her family this year.

At this time, she heard the knock on the door and thought that it must be Feng Xi, so she ran to open the door quickly. Seeing that it was Feng Xi outside the door, she immediately smiled with her teeth showing, and pulled Feng Xi into the house to talk affectionately.

Feng Xi also chatted with Auntie Lin with a smile.

"Oh, it's so cold, my niece must be frozen, look at her cold hands."

"That's right, I shivered several times on the way here."

"My niece has worked so hard. By the way, niece, what good stuff did you get this time?"

Hearing this, Feng Xi immediately sighed and said, "Auntie, I didn't get any oil this time, so I only got 30 kilograms of rice and 30 kilograms of cornmeal."

When Auntie Lin heard that there was no oil, she immediately became upset and asked, "What! No oil! Then how come there is no flour? Niece, what should we do? It's almost the New Year, and every household must use a lot of flour to make dumplings. The flour in the supply and marketing cooperative is in great demand, and the quota for each person is small."

Auntie Lin felt it was a pity. She thought she could have something good to eat during the New Year this year. She also planned to make a lot of dumplings to eat. She asked desperately, "Niece, tell Auntie if we can get oil and flour in the future."

Feng Xi sighed and said, "Yes, but..."


Feng Xi looked at Auntie Lin and said sincerely, "I've asked other people, and they said that flour and oil are in great demand now. If you want them, you'd better have gold. If you don't have gold, you can only get rice and cornmeal, and it may be worse in the future."

"Gold? How can you change it to gold? Can't you use money? Oh, we can't only get coarse grains in the future, right? What can we do? Let me think about it."

Auntie Lin was a little panicked. Her family had been eating fine grains these days. It is said that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Suddenly she heard that there would only be coarse food in the future, which meant there was no way out, and she had to think of a way out.

"In fact, it's not just gold, those antique calligraphy and paintings are also fine. Although I don't know why people want these, maybe it's their hobby. Auntie, you can keep an eye out when the time comes. If anyone has these, you can talk to them and we can exchange them with food. If not, I can buy them with money."

Auntie Lin touched her chin and said, "Do you want those old things too? Gold may not be easy to get, but old things should be fine."

Feng Xi listened and felt that Auntie Lin had a way, and added fuel to the fire and said, "That's great, Auntie, I'll talk to her secretly. You said, I heard that there will be meat in a few days. There are pork, fish, chicken, duck, mutton and so on. It depends on whether we can grab it. "

Sure enough, when Auntie Lin heard that there was meat, her eyes lit up and she pulled Feng Xi excitedly and said, "Niece, there is really so much meat, don't lie to me."

"Auntie, how can I lie to you? What I said is the truth. This is inside information, so it's accurate."

Feng Xi didn't lie. She found a takeaway supermarket that did have a lot of fresh meat before, and she was an insider, so it was inside information.

Aunt Lin slapped her thigh and said firmly: "Don't worry, niece, I will definitely help you. Even if I can't get gold, I can get you old things."

Although Aunt Lin's family is good, her family only has one or two kilograms of meat a month, which is not enough, and they have to save some for the New Year. Now that she heard that there is meat, and there are so many kinds, this is a rare opportunity, she can't let it go.

Feng Xi said with a smile: "Okay, then I will wait for good news from Auntie. I will come to you in a few days."

"Hey, why are you leaving so early? Niece, can you come to me again in the afternoon? Auntie may be able to get you some old things later. In this way, you will have these things in your hands, and you can buy meat next time."

Feng Xi raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Auntie Lin to be so helpful. He said: "Sure, I will come again in the afternoon."

After leaving Auntie Lin's house, Feng Xi bought 100 kilograms of flour, 100 kilograms of rice, two barrels of oil, 20 kilograms of mutton, and 30 kilograms of pork and went to Wang Fulai's house.

In the past month, Feng Xi felt that Wang Fulai was a capable and trustworthy child, and the two children also treated him as a relative.

Aunt Lin had a good family, but she didn't have much friendship with Feng Xi. To be honest, it was just a relationship of interest. If money could buy food, Aunt Lin would definitely not be so dedicated to help buy gold and antique calligraphy and paintings. Wang Fulai was different. Feng Xi believed in him and was unwilling to talk to him in a roundabout way. Their relationship did not need this.

When Wang Fulai saw Feng Xi, he immediately parked her bike and said, "Sister Feng Xi, come in quickly, it's cold outside."

"Yes, Fulai, this time in addition to flour, rice and oil, there are also 30 kilograms of mutton and 30 kilograms of pork."

When Wang Fulai heard there was meat, he immediately went over to take a look and was stunned. He thought it was good to have grains and soybean oil, but he didn't expect there was so much meat.

"Sister Feng Xi, you are really amazing. You can get meat. This meat will definitely be sold quickly."

Feng Xi nodded and said, "However, this time I want some gold or antique calligraphy and paintings. Can you help me keep an eye out for them when you have time? It doesn't matter if you exchange them for food, meat or money. If you see them, buy them for me. I have a use for them."

Wang Fulai nodded. Although he didn't know what Sister Feng Xi wanted these for, he didn't ask. Thinking of something, Wang Fulai ran into the house and took out money and bills and handed them to Feng Xi.

"Sister Feng Xi, this is the money from selling food and bicycle tickets. The total amount from selling food is 170 yuan. Last time, you asked me to help you keep an eye out for bicycle tickets. An uncle happened to have bicycle tickets at home, so I bought them for 30 yuan. Now there are 140 yuan left."

Feng Xi did ask Wang Fulai to keep an eye out for bicycle tickets last time. She thought that she would come to the town frequently in the future, and it was not a good idea to borrow Qingqing's bicycle every time, so she planned to buy one herself. Even if she returned to the city after the college entrance examination, she could sell the bicycle at a low price.

Feng Xi touched Wang Fulai's head and said, "Thank you, Fulai, you are really capable. I have to thank you very much."

Wang Fulai shyly grabbed the hem of his clothes and said, "You're welcome. It's nothing serious. I just happened to bump into you."

Feng Xi taught Wang Fulin calligraphy for a while in the room. Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, he invited Wang Fulai and Wang Fulin to eat at the state-owned hotel.

When the two brothers heard that they were going to eat at the state-owned hotel, their eyes lit up and they were obviously very happy.

But Wang Fulai shook his head and said, "No, Sister Feng Xi, you go, we won't go."

Wang Fulai had heard from his relatives that state-owned hotels were places only for rich people, and they probably wouldn't be able to go there in their lifetime. Although he had earned more than a hundred yuan now, he didn't have grain coupons or meat coupons.

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