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Chapter 100 Buying a House

Uncle Yang's eyebrows moved slightly when he heard this. This is a big customer.

He is a middleman. He has a certain commission for each house. If he sells them all at once, he can save a lot of trouble in the future.

The first and fourth houses are the most difficult to sell among the four houses. The first house is too shabby. Most people don't want to buy it, and the price is so expensive. The fourth house is because the yard is too big, and it is not worth buying.

These two houses have been here for a long time, and he is still confident that he can convince the owner to lower the price.

"It's hard for me to say, but don't worry, I will try my best to help you lower the price with the landlord. Why don't you come back tomorrow?"

"Okay, then we'll come back tomorrow. Thank you, Uncle Yang."

After saying goodbye to Uncle Yang, Xu Hai led the others out of the alley.

"Girl, why did you buy so many houses?"

Xu Hai also looked at Feng Xi, who hadn't had time to think about it just now.

Feng Xi also felt that her behavior was a bit exaggerated. It was indeed quite surprising that one person bought three houses, but she could not panic and said, "Don't guess what a girl is thinking. In fact, I didn't buy it just for myself."

Monkey was puzzled: "Then who are you buying it for? Why do you buy so many?"

Feng Xi couldn't explain it either. She bought three houses and planned to give the larger one to Feng's father and mother after renovating it. She would get rich by buying the other houses. Does this need to be explained?

Okay, now it does need to be explained.

All he could say was, "I, I'm the eldest. And I think now that the college entrance exam has been resumed, more and more people will move to big cities. I always feel that this house will be very useful. Besides, I also like houses. If you come across a good house in the future, you can tell me."

The monkey shook his head: He doesn't understand girls' minds.

Wang Fulai: So Sister Feng Xi likes houses.

Xu Hai: It seems that he will buy more houses for his little girl in the future.

But, the eldest?

Xu Hai asked, "You mean, you still have a way to get those goods?"

Feng Xi nodded, "Yes, just like before!"

This was quite unexpected for Xu Hai. He originally planned to find some other way to get into the black market in Jingshi, but he didn't expect Feng Xi to have goods in his hands. This made things much easier.

He also found that people in Jingshi were bolder. He even saw several stalls in the alleys selling breakfast openly. It seems that the situation is getting clearer and clearer.

At noon, Feng Xi returned home and saw that Sister Feng was preparing lunch. She immediately went over to help. She didn't have classes yet, so she could help with housework at home to reduce the burden on the family.

When Feng's father and his friends came back from get off work, Feng Xi and Xia Qing had already prepared lunch. Feng's father felt it was a pity. He also bought a fish and some braised beef and was planning to show off his cooking skills. But it didn't matter. He could cook for dinner.

Feng's father didn't show off his cooking skills for dinner. Before Feng's father and his friends got off work, Xia Qing, Feng Xi and Feng Wan had already prepared dinner.

But when killing the fish, Feng Xi noticed that Feng's sister-in-law looked a little uncomfortable, so she took the knife from Feng's sister-in-law and said that she and Feng Wan could take care of dinner.

Seeing that Feng Xi was quite skilled, Feng's sister-in-law observed for a while and left the kitchen after she felt that there was no problem.

Feng Xi smiled with satisfaction after taking control of the kitchen. She could finally make beef noodles!

Everything was going smoothly.

However, during dinner, Feng's wife felt a little uncomfortable and kept vomiting.

Feng's mother had a clue when she saw it, and Feng Xi, who had watched so many TV dramas, also understood what was going on.

After going to the hospital for a checkup, it turned out that she was pregnant.

This made the Feng family very happy. Not only was Feng Xi back, but there would be a baby in the family soon.

Feng Xi was not only happy about this. The next day, she followed Xu Hai to Uncle Yang's house.

Uncle Yang said that the first house could be sold at a discount of 1,000 yuan, the second house at a discount of 500 yuan, the owner of the third house refused to lower the price, and he would not sell it if the price was lowered, and the owner of the last house said that he could lower the price by 500 yuan.

Xu Hai thought it was no problem, and Feng Xi certainly had no objection.

Uncle Yang saw that neither of them had any objection, and was afraid that the night would be long and dreams would be many, so he suggested that the house be transferred today.

This was exactly what Feng Xi wanted, and she readily took out the money she had taken out of the Hyundai safe last night, and handed over the money and the house.

Feng Xi was so excited after getting the three property certificates that she wanted to shout, but this was not appropriate. I could only go home and lock myself in the room. I laughed in the room for more than an hour before pretending to be calm and coming out to cook.

Xu Hai and his four friends moved to the courtyard the next morning. Their house was relatively clean, with tables and chairs. After cleaning it yesterday, they could move in today.

Feng Xi came to Xu Hai's yard after lunch. Of course, she also brought 100 kilograms of pork, 100 kilograms of mutton, 50 chickens, and 200 kilograms of apples and oranges.

"Sisters are reliable."

Feng Xi waved her hands calmly. This was nothing.

After giving the goods to Xu Hai and the others, Feng Xi planned to go home and lie down. She found a secluded corner, opened the takeaway page, and bought five kilograms of apples, five kilograms of oranges and a hen from the takeaway supermarket to take home, intending to replenish the body of her family.

After Feng Xi and Feng Wan finished dinner, Brother Feng came back with a bag of things.

Feng Xi looked at Brother Feng in confusion. She remembered that Brother Feng and Father Feng worked in the same factory, but why did she find that Brother Feng came home later than Father Feng these few days when she went home?

Brother Feng didn't notice Feng Xi's look, but put the things in his hand on the table and said, "I'm lucky today. I bought a lot of fresh fruits, oh, and a hen. We can make chicken soup tomorrow as a snack."

Feng Xi looked at the things on the table and fell into deep thought...

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