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Chapter 140 What happened

In the Public Security Bureau, Feng Xi felt a little sad after hearing what happened.

It turned out that Tian Caicai was not dating before, but got married!

Tian Caicai went to the countryside in Hebei Province for five years. In the fourth year, she felt that she had no hope of returning to the city, so under He Liang's enthusiastic pursuit, she agreed to get married.

They lived happily after marriage, but they would occasionally quarrel.

What really led to the demise of this marriage was the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination.

Tian Caicai wanted to take the college entrance examination, and at the beginning He Liang also agreed with Tian Caicai to sign up for the college entrance examination.

But over time, because of the gossip in the village, everyone said that Tian Caicai would never come back after being admitted to the university.

He Liang was also afraid that his wife would leave him, so he began to oppose Tian Caicai's participation in the college entrance examination.

Tian Caicai was somewhat disheartened, and felt that the relationship between them was not as good as the gossip in the village, so she wanted to divorce and live a good life.

But He Liang was unwilling. He Liang's family was afraid that Tian Caicai would run away halfway, so they locked Tian Caicai in the room and did not let her out.

Those days were the darkest days in Tian Caicai's life, but she did not want to just accept her fate!

She had secretly hidden a few books under the bed before, intending to stay up late to read every night.

Now she was locked in the room. Although she had no freedom, she could have more time to read, so Tian Caicai held her breath and began to read and study day and night.

On the afternoon before the college entrance examination, she took advantage of the fact that He Liang's family was at work, used up all the things in the room, smashed the window, and then jumped out of the window to escape.

She ran to the town and first went to the town's public security bureau to explain her situation to the police.

The police in the town saw that Tian Caicai was so pitiful and that the college entrance examination would be tomorrow, so they planned to let Tian Caicai go to the college entrance examination first, and then deal with the He family's affairs after the college entrance examination.

They even took Tian Caicai in for two days until the college entrance examination was over.

When the He family got home from work and saw Tian Caicai running away, they knew without thinking that this person must have gone to take the college entrance examination, so several people planned to squat outside the examination room for Tian Caicai.

Unexpectedly, there was a police officer next to Tian Caicai. They were a little afraid of the police, so they waited until the college entrance examination was over.

As soon as the college entrance examination was over, the He family planned to take Tian Caicai away halfway.

Unfortunately, they overestimated themselves and were arrested by the police.

After a fierce quarrel, Tian Caicai finally got a divorce as she wished.

He Liang had no choice but to divorce reluctantly because of the police.

He Liang did not have a good time in the village after the divorce. Not only was there a lonely night every day, but more importantly, the villagers ridiculed him openly and secretly every day.

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