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Chapter 43 Make another fortune

After seeing Wang Fulai finish his meat buns, Feng Xi handed him the remaining two vegetable buns and four steamed buns, and then ate his own food.

Wang Fulai's eyes suddenly became wet when he saw Feng Xi giving him so much food. He was extremely grateful that he had helped this sister this morning, otherwise...

"Thank you, thank you sister."

Wang Fulai picked up a steamed bun and handed it to his brother. He also took a steamed bun for himself. He planned to eat the rest in the evening. There was not much food left at home, and he couldn't do this.

"No need to thank me, just help me with my work."

After Wang Fulai finished eating the steamed bun, he went to get a clean jar, carefully poured about a pound of soybean oil into the jar, then picked up a bag of flour and said to Feng Xi: "Sister, the aunts in the town should have finished their meals now. I guess some people will be taking a walk to digest their food. Let's go now and act accordingly."

"Well, okay, then I'll take a bag of cornmeal too."

The two came to an alley, and soon they saw an old woman walking over with her grandson and asked: "Hey, what do you two have in your bags?"

Feng Xi wanted Wang Fulai to show off, so she didn't say anything.

Wang Fulai wanted to show off, so he immediately said, "Hello, grandma. I have flour in my bag, and my sister has cornmeal in her hand. These are all top-quality flours."

The old woman looked into the bag and saw that the flour and cornmeal inside looked really good, without any impurities. She asked, "How much are these?"

Wang Fulai said, "Cornmeal is 30 cents per pound, and flour is 50 cents per pound. No tickets are required."

The old woman thought the price was acceptable and said, " Then I need two pounds of flour and three pounds of cornmeal. You wait here for me, I will go back to get the bags. "

Wang Fulai saw the old woman was leaving, and hurriedly said: "Old lady, don't you want to buy more? I'm telling you something, my sister and I fought hard to buy this little bit of fine grain. If it weren't for the poor conditions at home, we wouldn't sell it. Moreover, this is fine grain that doesn't require a ticket. I don't know when I can buy it in the future."

Feng Xi raised his eyebrows, this boy is not bad.

Sure enough, the old lady thought it was right. Her family conditions were good, but the fine grains in the supply and marketing cooperative were too hard to get. She was very good to buy two or three pounds every month. She looked at Feng Xi and the others with even more enthusiasm, and quickly said, "Then I'll order more. I want five catties of flour and five catties of cornmeal."

When Wang Fulai heard that the old woman wanted to buy more, he felt that she must be rich, so he said, "Grandma, I still have one catty of soybean oil here, 2.60 yuan per catty, do you want it?"

When the old woman heard that there was still oil, Such a good thing, her eyes widened, and she took a quick look. She smelled the strong aroma of the soybean oil and said quickly: "I want this soybean oil, you two can't sell it to others. You two must not leave, I will go back to get something to pack it."

As soon as the old woman finished speaking, she hurriedly ran home with her grandson in her arms, fearing that if she was a step slower, the soybean oil would be snatched away by others.

Feng Xi praised: "You are not bad, kid."

Wang Fulai scratched his head and replied with a smile: "I have seen others sell it this way before, and I figured out some ways by myself. Sister, you don't mind me."

Feng Xi would never mind it, she was too fond of it.

"You did such a good job, how could I possibly dislike you? I have found a treasure."

After a while, the old lady came and handed Feng Xi 6.60 yuan, saying, "If you have such good goods in the future, remember to come to me, I'm in front."

Wang Fulai replied with a smile: "Hey, don't worry, grandma, I will definitely come to you next time."

"Good boy, remember."


In the next few times, Wang Fulai was basically selling goods, and Feng Xi watched from the side. If some ladies bargained too hard, Feng Xi would also help say a few words.

In short, Feng Xi felt that Wang Fulai could stand on his own.

After Feng Xi and Wang Fulai sold all the flour and cornmeal they had, Feng Xi let Wang Fulai sell the rest, and she watched Wang Fulin write at home.

"Fulin, who taught you to write?"

"Brother, I went to primary school for a few years. But then my family ran out of money, so I stopped going to school."

"Oh, how old are you this year?"

"Sister, I'm seven years old this year."

"Then write slowly, and ask me if you have any words you don't know."

"Well, thank you, sister."

Wang Fulin nodded heavily. He knew that his brother was helping his sister, and he also knew that his sister was a very good person.

Feng Xi watched Wang Fulai happily take out the soybean oil to sell, and couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, children from poor families grow up early.

Wang Fulai didn't know what Feng Xi was thinking, he just knew that he was very excited. Now he can not only help his sister sell food, but also raise the price of soybean oil to 2.6 yuan. His sister should think he is very capable.

Feng Xi estimated that Wang Fulai should be almost finished selling, so he went out to find a corner, then opened the takeaway page and bought three meat buns and three vegetable buns.

When Wang Fulai came home, he saw Feng Xi and said excitedly, "Sister, I have sold all the grains. The total is 70.8 yuan. I raised the price of 8 jin of soybean oil from 2.5 yuan per jin to 2.6 yuan per jin."

Feng Xi took the money and put 80 cents into Wang Fulai's hand, saying, "The grains I gave you are 70 yuan, and I will only take 70 yuan. In the future, if you can raise the price of not only soybean oil, but also grains, Sell ​​it at a high price, and the extra money will be yours. Also, I won't give you food, I'll give you money, this way it's easier to calculate, and you can buy food with money. If you sell 100 kilograms of food today, I'll give you one yuan. In other words, for every kilogram of food you sell, I'll give you one cent. "

Wang Fulai looked at the one yuan and eighty cents in his hand in disbelief. He thought his sister would give him one or two cents, but he didn't expect it to be so much. And the extra money in the future will be his? Then he can make more money in the future!

Wang Fulai looked at Feng Xi with gratitude and said, "Thank you, sister. I will definitely help you sell food in the future."

"Well, I believe you."

When Feng Xi was leaving, she thought of studying and said to Wang Fulai, "Fulai, I heard from your brother that you went to primary school before. Do you still want to go to school?"



"Sister, I want to make money, and now even if I go to school, I can't go. However, when I have money in the future, I will let my brother go to school."

Feng Xi thought about it. Fulai is a child with his own ideas, so he can only decide on this matter.

"Well, but we still need to study more. Studying may not necessarily change a person's destiny, but it will definitely help you learn a lot of knowledge. Think about it carefully."

"Yes, I will. Thank you, sister."

"Then I'll go. There will be more goods tomorrow. I will come to see you again."

When Wang Fulai heard that there was more goods, he said excitedly: "Goodbye, sister. I'll wait for you at home tomorrow."


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