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Chapter 109 Numb

Feng Xi originally thought that Director Guan would give the answer if no one raised their hands. She was waiting for Director Guan to give the answer so that she could verify whether her memory was still so powerful.

She didn't expect to be called out like this.

However, Feng Xi didn't panic and told everything she knew.

"Female reproduction... and some other related organizations. Let's talk about this picture on the blackboard. Female internal organs..."

Director Guan was more and more satisfied as he listened. Feng Xi not only gave the definition word for word, but also correctly named the organs in the picture. It was worth her effort to get him here.

The classmates in the class listened to Feng Xi's answer. Although they didn't know whether it was right or not, they knew it was right by looking at Director Guan's expression.

Sure enough, the top scorer is the top scorer, and they can't compare with him.

The other people in Dormitory 201 were even more shocked. When did Feng Xi read the book? It seemed that he just flipped through it casually at night and in the morning, just like playing, and he wrote it down?

Director Guan saw Feng Xi finished speaking and took the lead in applauding. The other students also applauded in admiration.

When the applause stopped, Director Guan praised repeatedly: "Student Feng Xi's answer is very correct. She is worthy of being the study committee member of our class. The book was just distributed last night, and she has mastered the knowledge so firmly today. I believe she has put in a lot of effort in private. Other students should also learn from student Feng Xi. If all students can do this, there is no need to worry about failing the final evaluation."

The other students in the first class of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology were greatly shocked. Feng Xi's grades are so good and she is so hardworking. What reason do they have not to study hard?

Director Guan saw that all the students felt a sense of urgency and smiled with relief.

"Okay, now please open the first page and we'll start the class."

After the whole class, Feng Xi felt that she had learned a lot of knowledge.

Tang Qingqing rubbed her right wrist. She had taken too many notes in this class.

Looking at Feng Xi's textbook with almost no words written on it, she couldn't help but ask, "Xixi, why don't you take notes?"

Feng Xi blinked at Tang Qingqing, "I wrote it all down."

Li Li was originally planning to borrow Feng Xi's notes to copy, but when she heard Feng Xi's words, she asked in surprise, "Xixi, you remember everything? I feel like I didn't remember anything in this class, I just copied the notes."

Feng Xi didn't plan to copy the notes because she could remember everything. It would be better to use this time to draw inferences from what the teacher said, or to finish reading the whole book.

So she didn't intend to hide it from everyone, and told everyone that she had a good memory.

Other students couldn't help but look at Feng Xi with envy, why didn't they have this ability?

The afternoon class was Professor Chen's, Zhu Zhu's grandmother's genetics course.

In this class, Feng Xi found that Zhu Zhu was particularly serious. As long as Professor Chen asked a question, Zhu Zhu would sometimes raise her hand.

Feng Xi listened to the class and flipped through the book at the same time, and finished the whole book before the class was over.

When the class was about to end, Professor Chen suddenly asked: "I am very pleased to see that everyone is very active this afternoon. Then I would like to ask, please express your understanding of genetics based on this genetics book."

Professor Chen knew the situation of Director Guan's class this morning. She thought that everyone must have previewed the first unit, so she wanted to embarrass this group of people. She wanted to ask about the whole book.

The whole class was silent for a while. How could they know what this book is about? They only previewed the first unit.

Professor Chen saw that no one raised their hands, and looked at Feng Xi. She heard a lot of praise for Feng Xi from Director Guan today.

Feng Xi's mouth twitched fiercely, and he lowered his head quickly.

You can't see me, you can't see me...

"Since no one answered, I'll call on the name, please ask the study committee member to answer this question."

Feng Xi was helpless. She knew what the book was about, but she didn't understand it very thoroughly. She could only briefly talk about the core content of the book, and then talk about her own understanding.

This really surprised Professor Chen. She thought Director Guan was exaggerating this morning, but she didn't expect that their obstetrics and gynecology department really got a treasure.

In such a short time, Feng Xi actually talked about the core content of a book.

Professor Chen couldn't help but applaud, and other students followed suit. This is too amazing!

At this time, the bell for the end of class rang, and Professor Chen said: "You are worthy of being the provincial champion in the college entrance examination. You taught very well, and the teacher is very pleased. Today's class ends here. Students go back and organize your notes, review the old and learn the new, and see you next time."

Before class in the evening, Feng Xi was numb and was turning the pages of the book one by one.

Tang Qingqing looked at Feng Xi with sympathy: "You should prepare well, and you will have the time to answer later."

Feng Xi: ...

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