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Chapter 30 Talking

A dreamless night...

Feng Xi drank Chinese medicine last night and soaked her feet with medicine bags. She felt much more energetic, and her hands and legs, which had been applied with medicine, felt much more comfortable. She got up and stretched her waist, and she felt full of strength.

It was a bit cold today, but it was a bit hot to wear a cotton jacket, so Feng Xi put on a sweater inside, a pair of autumn pants, and newly bought cotton shoes.

Feng Xi looked at the wool and thought that she hadn't knitted much scarves in the past few days. She only knitted one for her mother, and her father was still knitting one. She secretly decided to start working quickly and try to finish the scarves before winter.

After washing up, Feng Xi tied two braids, then applied some vanishing cream on her face and clam oil on her hands. After she was fully armed, she prepared to have breakfast.

What to eat today?

Opening the takeaway page, I saw a dumpling shop and thought it would be nice to have dumplings in the morning.

Ordered a mushroom and fresh meat dumpling and a corn and fresh meat fried dumpling. As for Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng, let them eat steamed buns for another day.

Both mushrooms and corn have high nutritional value. Mushrooms can enhance immunity, and corn contains rich vitamins. Feng Xi ate the fragrant dumplings and the crispy and tender fried dumplings this morning, and the whole person was very happy.

After breakfast, I took the steamed bread from Tang Qingqing, Bai Feng and Xu Li and went out. When I turned a corner, I met an unexpected person.

Xu Hai got up early this morning. He was thinking about something. He came here to wait for the little girl without eating a few bites of breakfast.

Seeing the little girl approaching, Xu Hai plucked up the courage to say: "Well, good morning, Xiao Feng, I came to you to say a few words to you."

Feng Xi raised her eyebrows and asked: "Good morning, Comrade Xu, what do you want to say."

"I heard about those things in the field yesterday, you don't have to take it to heart."

Feng Xi guessed that it should be the matter of Xu Pozi trying to match her and Xu Hai yesterday. Although she was very angry, she had already clarified it in the field yesterday, so she didn't think about it anymore. On the contrary...

"This rumor spread so quickly? Could it be that everyone in the village knows about it?"

"No, don't worry, young educated youth Feng, not many people know about it."

Feng Xi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, that's good. Then he smiled and said, "Yeah, thank you Comrade Xu for telling me these things, I didn't take yesterday's incident to heart. By the way, I have something else to do at Tang Qingqing's place, do you have anything else to do?"

"You're welcome. Then, I'll go to the fields first, you can do your thing."

Xu Hai saw that the little girl smiled at him again, and he was refreshed. The little girl was busy now, so he wouldn't bother her, he still had to go to the fields...


Feng Xi went to Tang Qingqing's place first, after all, Tang Qingqing was also nearby.

"Ding ding ding..."

"Qingqing, Qingqing, your breakfast has been served."

Feng Xi shouted while knocking on the door.

Tang Qingqing opened the door tiredly, making some space for Feng Xi to come in, and said weakly: "Thank you, Xixi."

"Qingqing, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so tired?"

"What do you think? I have been working these days. Today, I woke up with a sore waist and neck. I feel exhausted. You are still blaming me. I saw that you were very tired yesterday. How can you get up so early today?"

This, this, this... This is impossible to explain.

Feng Xi touched his nose and said guiltily: "Well, that, maybe I soaked my feet last night, and then I slept so well."

"Well, then I'll soak my feet tonight too."

Feng Xi put the steamed buns on the table: "Hey, Qingqing, these are your seven steamed buns."

Tang Qingqing was a little bit unbelievable when she saw the steamed buns. She thought that someone as smart as Feng Xi would eat white flour steamed buns yesterday, and coarse grains today. Unexpectedly, Xixi is still too naive. As Feng Xi's good friend, she can't take advantage of her friend every day.

"Xixi, we ate white flour steamed bread yesterday, today you should make some wo wo tou or something. White flour is so expensive, if you keep eating like this, you will lose a lot."

Feng Xi pointed at herself with her little hand in disbelief and said, "I lost money?" Just kidding, she made a fortune.

Tang Qingqing nodded firmly: "Yeah, although I don't like eating wo wo tou, I can still accept it. Xixi, you don't have to make steamed bread for me every day, I don't want you to lose money."

Feng Xi's mouth twitched after hearing this, I can't make steamed bread for you every day. The steamed bread was bought at a discount, but you can't say that. Feng Xi used to think that Tang Qingqing was just coquettish, but she didn't expect her to be so narcissistic.

"Don't worry, I get it. Also, I didn't make the steamed buns for you, don't be so narcissistic. I know what's going on, how can I let myself suffer a loss."

"Tsk, Xixi is just being stubborn."

"Okay, whatever you want, I still have to go to Baifeng's place. You should pack up quickly, because you still have to go to work later."

"Okay, I get it."



"Baifeng, you are going to work today Why did you get up so late? Here, this is your steamed bread. "

Bai Feng was a little embarrassed and said, "Hey, Feng Xi, it's too good for us to eat white flour steamed bread every day. Will you be at a disadvantage?"

"Don't worry, I've already told Qingqing that we will eat coarse grains in the future. I know it in my heart, you don't have to worry."

Sure enough, these two people are too honest, they are worried that they will be at a disadvantage and want to eat coarse grains. Look at this matter, Feng Xi was thinking before, whether it would be very unethical to give Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng steamed bread every day, and he felt guilty for a long time, but he didn't expect that these two people would worry about him instead.

Feng Xi had searched for Wowotou on the takeaway page before, but all that appeared were steamed buns, milk-flavored steamed buns, oatmeal buns, etc., but no Wowotou. What can Feng Xi do? Just make it. He sighed and couldn't even take a break.

"That's good. You've worked hard these days."

Bai Feng felt that it was a wise decision for him to choose to eat with Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing. When they had lunch in the field yesterday, Chen Aiguo ate steamed buns made of bran. He ate a little and felt that it was worse than Wowotou. Chen Aiguo said that the food at the educated youth camp was getting worse and worse, and he envied himself for being able to eat white flour steamed buns. Bai Feng also felt that he was very lucky.

After saying goodbye to Bai Feng, Feng Xi planned to give two steamed buns to Xu Li.

When he walked to the ground and took a look, he was shocked...

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