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Chapter 120 Western Pastries

"Why did you take so long to open the door? I heard from Monkey that you were at home, so I came to talk to you about something."

Feng Chao entered the room and found Feng Xi there. He asked suspiciously, "Xiao Xi, you are here too? Huh? Why is your face so red!"

Feng Xi didn't expect that it was her elder brother who came. She touched her red face with a guilty conscience.

Just as she was about to say something nonsense, she saw the exercise book on the table. She picked it up and waved it in panic, saying, "I came here to do my homework. If I have some questions, I came to ask Xu Hai. Do you have something to discuss? I'll go home first."

Feng Chao nodded. He didn't want Feng Xi to get involved in their business. What if something happened one day?

Moreover, these two people are not married yet. If they stay together alone every weekend, something bad will happen sooner or later.

He himself is an experienced person. Looking at the blush on Feng Xi's face and the bright red lips, he knows what happened without guessing.

"Well, you go back. Tell my family that I won't be home for lunch."

After hearing that he could leave, Feng Xi picked up the exercise book on the table and blinked at Xu Hai: "Then I'm leaving."

Feng Chao saw that Xu Hai's eyes were always on Feng Xi, and he had a posture of wanting to send him home, so he said aloud: "Be careful, don't pretend that I don't exist, I have something to discuss with you."

Xu Hai dared not say anything, and could only silently watch Feng Xi's back as he left the door.

Feng Chao glared at Xu Hai and reminded him, "My sister won't get married so early. She will wait until she graduates from college, maybe even longer. No one can predict what will happen in the future, and the most important thing for you at this stage is to study hard and pay attention to other things."

Xu Hai sighed helplessly. There was nothing he could do. Xiao Xiang would have to study medicine for another five years. He said, "Don't worry, brother. I know my limits."

Feng Chao was not too worried. His cute and well-behaved sister was young and ignorant. How could she fight against Xu Hai, the big bad wolf?

He thought to himself that he would come to Xu Hai's place more often in the future.

Feng Xi walked home slowly on the road. She found that many stalls had appeared recently.

The country will soon issue new policies to support the development of individual economies. She is also thinking about whether there will be any opportunities to cooperate with others to open a few stores.

Of course, it would be better if she paid the money and others contributed the labor. After all, she still has to be busy with school affairs, and she will probably be even busier when she goes out to work in the future.

Feng Xi was bored, so she went around to see what was sold at various stalls and found that many of them were selling food.

There were roasted sweet potatoes, baked cakes, buns, and various snacks.

Of course, there were also stalls selling hair flowers, meat, and clothes.

Just when Feng Xi was about to turn around and go home, she saw that the stall at the end seemed to be a lesbian selling Western cakes?

Feng Xi was a little curious and walked over to take a look.

It was amazing, there were really all kinds of Western-style pastries.

There were cookies, macarons, and all kinds of small cream cakes.

"Hello, comrade, how much do these pastries cost?"

Anya didn't open the shop this morning, and thought that she couldn't sell any cakes today, just like before. When she was about to pack up and go home, she heard someone asking about the price of pastries.

But she didn't know whether to sell them cheaper, because the previous customers wanted to buy them at the beginning, but later they didn't buy them after hearing the price she said.

Anya struggled in her heart, and decided to sell them at the original price.

In fact, she had already bargained hard, and she didn't make much money at all.

"All the cream cakes are 50 cents each, macarons are 30 cents each, and cookies are 10 cents each."

After Anya quoted the price, she looked at Feng Xi nervously and asked anxiously, "Comrade, do you want to buy it?"

When Feng Xi heard it, he thought it was a bit expensive, but later he thought the price was okay, much cheaper than Lao Mo, and these cakes were pretty good.

"Yeah, I want seven of each."

Anya was a little bit unbelievable that this little girl wanted to buy so many at once.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, here are six dollars and thirty cents."

Anya only realized what was happening when she saw the money Feng Xi handed over, and quickly helped Feng Xi pack it.

"Comrade, these are your cakes. I have packed them for you."

Feng Xi thanked him and took the exquisitely packaged cakes, thinking that this female comrade was quite professional.

After returning home, Feng Xi put the cakes on the table.

As soon as Feng Yu saw the snacks, he hugged Feng Xi's thighs and called "Auntie, Auntie".

Xia Qing said with a smile: "This little glutton's eyes light up as soon as he sees food. What did Xiao Xi buy? It looks pretty good."

"Western cakes, I bought them at a small stall, and they look pretty good. Sister-in-law and Wanwan should try them."

Feng Xi gave Feng Yu a small cream cake and took a cookie to try.

Not bad, with a strong milky flavor.

Feng Xi looked at Feng Yu with amusement as he ate like a little cat, picked up a tissue to wipe Feng Yu's mouth, and asked: "Xiao Yu, is this small cream cake delicious?"

Feng Yu had a cake in his mouth, nodded vigorously, and said vaguely: "Good! Good!"

"Second sister, what is this pink snack called? It's delicious, I've never seen it before."

"Yes, Xiao Xi, this cake is sweet but not greasy, much better than the egg cake in the supply and marketing cooperative."

"This pink snack is called macaron, the cake is a small cream cake, and that one is a cookie. It's really delicious. I'll buy more tomorrow."

After returning home, Feng's father and mother praised the cakes that Feng Xi bought.

Feng Xi touched her chin thoughtfully, and she felt that she had an idea!

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