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Chapter 66 New Year's Eve Dinner

At this time, the newly arrived educated youths do not have a home visit leave in the first year. They can only go home once in the second year, and then once every two years. The female educated youths among the old educated youths will have a home visit leave next year, and among the male educated youths, only He Jiandang does not have a home visit leave.

On New Year's Eve, Feng Xi went to the educated youths' camp early to help.

The male educated youths were responsible for killing chickens, pasting couplets, and boiling water. The couplets were written by Bai Feng with pen and ink, and they were quite beautiful.

The female educated youths were responsible for cooking and making dumplings.

Liu Zhaodi said happily: "Today we can eat to our heart's content. Not only chicken and fish, but also celery pork, cabbage pork and pure meat dumplings."

Feng Aihua also said: "That's right. I've been looking forward to this day all year."

"Hey, Tang Qingqing, your dumplings are too ugly."

Tang Qingqing said dissatisfiedly: "Wang Xiaomei, I don't need you to care. Isn't it enough that the dumplings are edible?"

"It's okay, Qingqing, Wang Xiaomei doesn't know how to appreciate it. Ours is unique. You can tell which one you made at a glance."

"Xixi, don't blame me. Your dumplings are not much better than mine."

Everyone finished making dumplings together with laughter.

The midnight "welcoming the gods" on New Year's Eve is the most lively scene of the year. The male educated youths lit a bonfire in the yard and set off some fireworks and firecrackers to bless everyone with peace and safety.

Finally, everyone sat together and ate a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner.

Before the New Year's Eve dinner, He Jiandang stood up with a teacup and said, "We are all educated young people from all over the world who have come to the countryside to work. Fate has brought us together in Mangrove Village. In the new year, I hope that we can all earn enough work points, live in peace and happiness, and return to the city as soon as possible! Tonight, let's drink water instead of wine!"

"Well said! Cheers!"

"Come on, let's drink together!"


Everyone listened to He Jiandang's words. Some were happy, some were sad, but most of them were hopeful!

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing did not go back to their own homes, but stayed in the rooms of Lin Tang, Feng Aihua and Ma Hong to chat.

The lights cannot be turned off on the night of New Year's Eve, and long lights must be lit.

Ma Hong suddenly said, "Do you think we still have a chance to go back to the city?"

Feng Aihua couldn't help covering her face when she heard Ma Hong say this. She couldn't cry in the new year, but it had been six years. Would she still have a chance to go back to the city?

Feng Xi patted Feng Aihua on the back and comforted her, "Yes, maybe we can go back to the city in one or two years."

Feng Aihua raised her head, looked at Feng Xi, and said, "Really, will we?"


There was news of the resumption of the college entrance examination in October, and we could take the college entrance examination in December. Even if we didn't get into college, it didn't matter. The educated youth could go back to the city next year. But Feng Xi couldn't say these.

Tang Qingqing also said: "I think so too. My father also told me in a letter that maybe in one or two years, we can all go back to the city."

Feng Aihua and Ma Hong were very excited when they heard Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing say this. They knew that Tang Qingqing's father was a high-ranking official in Beijing, and someone in Feng Xi's family was also an official in the army. They must be well-informed. If that's the case, they might really be able to go back to the city.

Feng Xi looked at Feng Aihua and Ma Hong, who were so excited that they wanted to cry, and said with a smile: "Okay, don't cry in the new year."

"Yeah, I know."


Lin Tang was away from home for the first time for the New Year, and she felt a little homesick. She hugged Feng Xi's arm and said: "Sister Feng Xi, I miss home a little."

Feng Xi touched Lin Tang's head with her other hand and said: "It's okay, maybe we can see each other soon."

Tang Qingqing was also away from home for the first time, and she hugged Feng Xi's other arm, but she didn't say anything.

Feng Aihua had adjusted her mood by now and consoled them: "You three have just arrived. You don't have home leave in the first year, but you will have it next year. A year will pass in a short time."

Lin Tang asked: "Really? Sister Aihua."

"Yes, it's true."

After Feng Xi and the others chatted for a while, they prepared to go to bed.

After lying down, Feng Xi didn't close her eyes. In fact, she missed home. She once thought she had no home for a long time, but she didn't expect that she still had a home in the 1970s.

To be honest, Feng Xi quite likes the 1970s. Although the material life here is not as good as modern times, she has a group of good friends here, including Xu Hai and her family, so she is no longer lonely like before...

The next morning, Feng Xi was woken up by Tang Qingqing pulling her ears.

"Happy New Year, Xixi."

"Happy New Year, Qingqing."

When Feng Aihua came in and saw the two of them still lying in bed, she couldn't help but say, "You two should get up quickly, everyone should get up, you can't get up late on the first day of the new year, otherwise you will be called lazy."

Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing looked at each other, then they put on their clothes and washed their faces as quickly as possible, and finally sat at the dinner table together as if nothing had happened.

Tang Qingqing: I am not lazy...

Feng Xi: I am not lazy either...

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