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Chapter 128 Fengya Cake Shop

It was past eleven o'clock, and the three of them stood in the shop staring blankly at the door. There was still no one.

Feng Xi looked at Anya and Liu Yan with worried faces, and said to comfort them: "Maybe everyone doesn't eat cakes in the morning, so people should come in the afternoon."

Anya was a little disappointed. This was her first time to open a shop with someone. She was a little afraid of failure, and she was also afraid of getting involved with Feng Xi.

Liu Yan was also very nervous. Her mother kept nagging her at home to find a job or go on a blind date and get married. She didn't want to get married so early, but she couldn't find a job herself.

A few days ago, her aunt came to her house and told her that Feng Xi's cousin was going to open a shop and was short of one person, and asked if she would go.

Of course, she agreed without thinking, and she also got 30 yuan a month, which was almost as much as a worker's salary.

If this shop couldn't be opened, she would become an unemployed young person at home again. Just when she wanted to comfort Feng Xi and Anya, she suddenly saw three lesbians dressed very fashionably at the door.

"There are customers!"

Feng Xi also saw three lesbians outside the door hesitating whether to come in, and immediately greeted them and said sweetly: "Welcome, three beauties, our shop is open today, and all customers who come to the store can get a free cup of coffee."

The three whispered for a while, and then followed Feng Xi into the pastry shop.

Feng Xi handed the menu to the three people and said, "Hello, here is the menu."

One of the three took the menu and exclaimed, "Well, your pastry shop is quite high-end."

"Yes, the tablecloth looks very comfortable."

"Is it true that everyone will get a free cup of coffee?"

Feng Xi nodded and said with a smile, "Of course, as long as you order any pastry in the store, you can get a free cup of coffee."

Anna saw that three people were ordering and hurried to prepare coffee.

Feng Xi had taught Anya and Liu Yan how to use the coffee machine the day before yesterday, and this was an old-fashioned coffee machine, which was easy to operate. Anya and Liu Yan had already learned it that day.

Liu Yan followed Feng Xi and wrote down the pastries ordered by customers in a notebook.

"I want a tiramisu."

"I want a jam dessert."

"I want a donut and a waffle."

After Liu Yan wrote down the cakes ordered by the customers, she took them to the kitchen to give to Anya, and then Anya was responsible for arranging the dishes and matching them. Finally, Liu Yan put the dishes on the dining cart and delivered them to the customers.

After Feng Xi entertained the three beauties, he was responsible for being a little doorman, standing at the door to see if anyone else came.

After a while, two more ladies came.

"Welcome, do you two ladies want to come in for some cakes?"

An auntie took a flyer, looked at the name of the shop on the flyer, looked up at the plaque of "Fengya Cake Shop", and nodded to the old sister: "It's here."

Then she said to Feng Xi: "Little comrade, can we just order something and get coffee?"

"Yes, please come in, ladies."

As soon as the two aunties entered the cake shop, they couldn't help but sigh at the beautiful decoration of the shop, and kept looking around after sitting down.

Feng Xi handed the menu to the two aunties, who looked at it curiously for a long time, and then said, "We two want one cookie."

Liu Yan's mouth twitched, but she still wrote down one cookie for table number two, and then handed the list to Anya.

Feng Xi had guessed that this would happen, and there might be more later. But she was not panicking. If these aunties could brag about it in front of their neighbors in the future, they would help her store attract a lot of popularity.

After a while, more and more people came to the store, and the tables were almost full.

Most people only ordered one or two cookies or waffles, but a small number of people ordered other pastries.

Anya was in charge of making coffee and arranging the pastries, Liu Yan was in charge of taking orders and delivering pastries, and Feng Xi was in charge of entertaining customers and settling bills.

The three female comrades who came at the beginning had also finished eating and came to Feng Xi to settle the bill.

"It's two yuan and thirty cents in total, three beauties, are you satisfied with the pastries?"

The three of them nodded repeatedly.

"Not bad, tiramisu is delicious!"

"The jam snacks are also good!"

"The strawberry-flavored donuts are pretty good, I'll try the chocolate flavored ones next time."

Feng Xi said happily: "Your satisfaction is our biggest motivation, thank you for your patronage!"

Feng Xi happily sent the three female comrades away. It seems that the quality of their pastries is not bad.

Maybe it was because the flyers worked. At around 1pm, the store was already full of customers, and some were queuing outside the door.

Feng Xi and the other two were busy until around 4pm. After sending off the last batch of customers, they all collapsed on the chairs to rest.

Anya said happily: "Feng Xi, Liu Yan, our business today is so good. Cookies, waffles and tiramisu are all sold out, and there are not many other pastries left!"

Feng Xi nodded weakly. Of course, she was exhausted.

Liu Yan covered her mouth and laughed: "I guess there will be a lot of people tomorrow, but I don't know if there will be a lot of people on the third day. I'm going home first, and you should go home and rest early."

Anya counted the money she made today and said excitedly: "Feng Xi, we made 106 yuan today!"

"Wow, Sister Anya, I asked a lot of customers today, and they all said that the pastries are delicious. I guess we should be able to stay today Many customers come to our store!"

Anya has been in the kitchen and doesn't know what's going on at the front desk. After hearing what Feng Xi said, she asked excitedly, "Really? They said it's delicious?"

"Yes, Sister Anya, the cakes you make are really delicious!"

Anya was actually a little unconfident. When she set up the stall before, few people came to buy her cakes. After hearing what Feng Xi said, she finally put down the stone hanging in her heart.

Feng Xi had to go back to school today and discussed with Anya that if there were still many customers, she could recruit another reliable person to help in the store.

After discussing the next things with Anya, Feng Xi returned to school to continue to be her "learning role model".

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