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Chapter 117 Prying the Corner

Lu Jun turned around and looked at Tang Qingqing worriedly, wanting to tell her the correct answer.

Feng Xi directly picked up the biochemistry book filled with notes, turned to the page with the correct answer, circled it and handed it to Tang Qingqing.

Tang Qingqing calmly picked up Feng Xi's book and read it directly according to the notes.

When Lu Jun heard that Tang Qingqing knew this question, he sat up straight silently. Later, he felt more and more impressed, and he even answered the knowledge behind it!

The director of the Department of Clinical Medicine was also shocked by Tang Qingqing. This classmate is also amazing, and the knowledge is very solid!

After taking a closer look, the head of the Department of Clinical Medicine saw that the book Tang Qingqing was holding was full of notes. He felt itchy and wanted to take it over to have a look.

After Tang Qingqing finished answering, applause broke out again in the classroom.

"Student Tang Qingqing answered very well. The teacher is very pleased. You three were originally students from other majors. I was afraid that you could not keep up with my progress. I didn't expect you to be so good! You are worthy of being students in the first class of obstetrics and gynecology. I guess it is the result of studying in the library every day."

The director of the Department of Clinical Medicine paused, looked at the students in his class, and said angrily: "Others are so good and so hardworking. You can't compare with the obstetrics and gynecology department even if you eat this bowl of rice. Everyone should be more diligent during this period, learn more from Feng Xi, Tang Qingqing and Zhu Zhu. I will be more strict with you in the future!"

Students of the Department of Clinical Medicine: No! ! !

After the bell rang, the head of the Department of Clinical Medicine casually said that the class was over.

But he did not leave, but quickly walked to Feng Xi and the other two, picked up the notes and read a page, and said admiringly: "This note is very comprehensive!"

Tang Qingqing looked at the head of the Department of Clinical Medicine seriously and said: "This is the book of classmate Feng Xi!"

She didn't want to cause any misunderstanding!

Feng Xi felt a little guilty after hearing what Tang Qingqing said. In fact, those notes were not all hers.

But she was not panicked, because she remembered them all!

The head of the Department of Clinical Medicine didn't pay much attention to Feng Xi. The more he read the notes, the more incredible it seemed to him. Could this be summarized in a week?

This level is almost the same as his!

After reading it, the head of the Department of Clinical Medicine looked at Feng Xi excitedly. This is definitely a good seedling!

Why didn't he keep her at the beginning!

"Hey, Feng Xi, come to my office!"

Feng Xi was embarrassed and touched his nose with guilt. Why did he have to go to the office?

Tang Qingqing and Zhu Zhu looked at Feng Xi sympathetically: I wish you good luck!

In the office.

The head of the Department of Clinical Medicine rubbed his hands and said, "Well, student Feng Xi, I see that you have learned my courses very well. You are a talented person. Have you ever thought about transferring back to the Department of Clinical Medicine?"

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