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Chapter 8 Going to work 2

When Feng Xi returned to the educated youth point, almost everyone had returned. Except for Feng Aihua and Ma Hong who were cooking, most of the others were in the room. Feng Xi worked all morning and felt exhausted.

"Sister Feng Xi, weeding is so tiring. Look at my hands, they are all scratched."

Lin Tang saw Feng Xi and immediately rushed to her side to complain. In her opinion, although Sister Feng Xi was young, she could give her a sense of security, and she already regarded her as her own sister.

"It's normal to be a little tired for the first time."

When Feng Xi saw Lin Tang's hands covered with small scratches of various sizes, he couldn't help but gasp. Why is this child so honest? Isn't it nice to slack off?

Although it's not good to teach people to slack off, it's a necessity of life. After thinking for a while, she said, "Wait until the day off to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy a pair of cotton gloves, and you don't have to work so hard, you can take a proper rest."

"But the team leader said I didn't do it well, and the lady next to me also told me to do it a few more times."

After saying this, Lin Tang couldn't help crying. This was really her first time doing these jobs, but she also believed that she would be able to do it after doing it a few more times.

"Well, in fact, the work done by Tang Qingqing and I is probably worse than yours. We have been slacking off this morning."

"Ah, is this okay?"

"Of course it is okay, but if we are found out, we will be criticized, and the work points are not high. But I don't plan to ask for a lot of work points. If I can't meet those targets, I will use money to make up for the work points."

"Well, then I will try it then." Lin Tang thought about it and thought it was not bad. Although she is not as confident as Sister Feng Xi, she still has more than 50 yuan in her hand, and her parents will send her a package every month. Then she will act according to the situation, and slack off if she can't do it.

Lunch was ready soon, a big basket of cornmeal buns. Lunch is cooked together with dinner, and it can be heated up in the evening. Everyone is very tired at this time, and it is good to have something to eat.

This time Tang Qingqing did not make trouble, and took her own share and went back to her room to eat.

Feng Xi saw that everyone took Wowotou back to the room to eat, and after thinking about it, he said that he would follow suit. Lin Tang of course followed Feng Xi.

Back in the room, Feng Xi glanced at Feng Aihua and Ma Hong, and she knew the reason. It turned out that they were adding extra food, but it was normal. At this time, food was precious, and salty vegetables and spicy sauce had to be hidden. If you take it out and share it with everyone, most of it will be gone in a moment. If you don't share it, you will inevitably be called stingy.

Feng Xi remembered that she still had a lunch box of meat jerky, so she would not order takeout today. It would still be good to put the meat jerky in her wo wo tou.

"I have some meat jerky here, do you want some?"

"Wow, Sister Feng Xi, you are so nice, I haven't eaten meat for a long time."

Feng Aihua and Ma Hong looked at each other, and then looked over. Ma Hong swallowed her saliva. Nowadays, no one doesn't like to eat meat. She said, "Feng Zhiqing is too polite. Then I will shamelessly take a few pieces."

Seeing Ma Hong take a little, Feng Aihua didn't hesitate and took two pieces. Then he handed over his own hot sauce and said, "I have some hot sauce here too. It will taste good if you put some in the Wo Wo Tou."

Feng Xi would not refuse of course. Only when there is give and take can the relationship be good.

Lin Tang also shared her own candy with everyone. She had nothing else, but she had a lot of candy.

After this give and take, the relationship between the four people became much closer.

"Hey, how do you feel about your first time working? I felt quite uncomfortable when I first started working. Sister Aihua is fine. I was scolded by the team leader when I first started working, and the aunties next to me were also laughing at me."

"You will get used to this farm work after doing it for a while. When you pull weeds, don't pull them hard like a fool. Just do your best."

Feng Aihua couldn't help but give a few words of advice to Feng Xi and Lin Tang when she looked at them. These two were the youngest in the educated youth center. Seeing them reminded her of her sister at home. She hadn't been back for a few years. It seemed that her sister was about the same age as Feng Xi.

"Well, I got it. Thank you, Sister Aihua. The team leader told me today that I will definitely do a good job in the afternoon."

Feng Xi also thanked him. She didn't dare to say much. After all, she didn't even try her best.

Ma Hong looked at Feng Xi and thought that Tang Qingqing seemed to be in the same group with Feng Xi, so she gossiped: "Feng Xi, you are in the same group with Tang Qingqing. How is she doing? I don't think she can work, but she doesn't seem to be tired today."

"Uh, I seem to be only focusing on weeding today and didn't pay much attention to her."

What can Feng Xi say? She herself feels guilty.

Ma Hong didn't gossip about Feng Xi and didn't rush to do anything. She has a good relationship with some of the ladies in the village. It is estimated that she will know a lot of gossip in the afternoon. She has no other hobbies, but she likes gossiping about others.

Feng Xi and the others took a short break and then went to work. The afternoon was more tiring than the morning. Although it was autumn, there was still sunshine. After working for an hour, Feng Xi felt exhausted physically and mentally.

She drank milk secretly, thinking that she would order some juice or something next time, and it should be iced, otherwise she would not be able to get through the day. Then she looked at the people around her, well, Tang Qingqing did less work than she did. Hey, that dark and thin lady is too blatant, sitting there directly, isn't she afraid of being scolded by the team leader?

The next second, the lady looked over at Feng Xi. Feng Xi was shocked, smiled at the lady in a flattering way, and then continued his weeding career.

Just when Feng Xi was pulling out weeds one by one in boredom, Tang Qingqing did something strange.

Tang Qingqing didn't have gloves. She looked at the wounds on her hands that were scratched by weeds, and she felt wronged. She didn't want to work anymore. At worst, she would just deduct her work points. She sat on the ground and cried secretly.

The aunts next to her looked at this situation and didn't understand anything. The new educated youth were in a bad mood and didn't want to work. They had seen this situation many times.

"Tsk, I told you that this educated youth Tang is restless. She has been slacking off since morning, and now she just quits."

"That's right, all the pretty educated youth from the city are good-looking but useless. Wasn't that the educated youth Wang before?"

"This educated youth Feng is also slacking off all day long." Feng Aihua is older than Feng Xi, so the educated youth Feng must be referring to Feng Xi.

Feng Xi saw that the dark and thin auntie had the nerve to talk about her. She narrowed her eyes, looked at the auntie dangerously and said, "Auntie, don't say anything nonsense."

Auntie Guihua thought that Feng Xi looked so well-behaved and cute, and thought she was easy to control. Unexpectedly, she was not, and hurriedly said, "I didn't say anything, just joking."

When the team leader heard someone say that the new educated youth Tang and Feng were having trouble, he showed an expression of "as expected". He knew that the two would cause trouble, so he rushed over without thinking. His precious daughter at home was reluctant to do any work, let alone the cute educated youth from the city.

When Xu Hai heard that Feng Xi was in trouble, he also quickly rushed over.

When Xu Hai arrived, Feng Xi was comforting Tang Qingqing. Seeing that the little girl was fine, Xu Hai secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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