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Chapter 65 Antique Paintings and Calligraphy

The yard was filled with all kinds of antique vases, bowls, plates, various kinds of paintings and calligraphy, a bag of jade and a pile of copper coins.

This is really a waste of natural resources...

But Feng Xi looked very calm, there was a man in the yard.

Wang Fulai introduced: "Sister, this is the Monkey Brother I told you about before. Monkey Brother, this is my sister, you can talk to my sister."

Monkey looked Feng Xi up and down, and said "tsk". No way, sending a soft little girl to talk to him, it's obvious that they want him to cheat people.

"You, can make the decision?"

Feng Xi nodded expressionlessly and said, "Of course. Although I look young, my boss still trusts me very much. You can talk to me without worry."

Wang Fulai had told Feng Xi before that he told Monkey that there was a very powerful person behind him. Feng Xi also thought this method was good. Although Wang Fulai didn't know where her goods came from, it was good for Wang Fulai to be able to YY a boss herself, which saved her a lot of trouble.

Monkey thought that although the two of them didn't look alike, their tone and demeanor were quite similar. It seemed that they really were from the same organization. But he wouldn't be soft-hearted just because the other party was a cute girl, otherwise if the mission was not completed, Shitou would beat him up when he returned.

"I heard from this kid that you wanted antique paintings and calligraphy. We have searched a lot of places these days to satisfy you. There are a total of 20 vases, 10 medicine bottles, 30 bowls, 10 plates, 5 snuff bottles, 25 paintings and calligraphy, 20 jadeite stones and 2,020 copper coins. Although these things are not popular now, they are very valuable in the eyes of people who know the business. Sister, I won't lie to you. These things add up to 10,000 yuan for you." Monkey himself couldn't help but be surprised. This was the price that Shitou asked him to offer, and he also said that the price could not be reduced. If the price was reduced, he would not sell it. He wondered how anyone could be so stupid as to spend 10,000 yuan on these useless things. 10,000 yuan, isn't that too much money?

And they didn't spend any money on the broken copper and iron they collected. For example, the more than 2,000 copper coins were bought by him and Shitou from an old man. The old man thought the copper coins were a nuisance and let them move away for one yuan. And the jadeite was basically bought from the waste collection stations in several nearby counties. They basically just put in some effort.

Feng Xi was looking at the antique calligraphy and paintings on the ground, listening to Monkey Brother's words, and fell into deep thought...

Wang Fulai glared at Monkey Brother. How could these things be worth so much money? Isn't this bullying? Seeing that Sister Feng Xi didn't say anything, Wang Fulai said fiercely: "Monkey Brother, how can you ask for so much? The total of these things on the ground is 100 yuan, how can you ask for 10,000 yuan?"

Monkey himself was also guilty. He couldn't think of those nonsense. If Shitou hadn't vowed that they would buy them, he wouldn't have cheated people like this.

Seeing that Feng Xi hadn't said anything, Monkey couldn't tell whether the girl would buy it or not, so he could only say, "What do you know, kid? These are all good stuff, some of them have a long history, if they were in the past, they would be priceless treasures. Girl, give me a promise, 10,000 yuan, will you buy it?"

They are indeed priceless treasures!!!

These antique calligraphy and paintings that she had only seen in books before were now clearly placed in front of her! Feng Xi felt her heart trembling.

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