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Chapter 60 Cooperation

Feng Xi got a Ming Dynasty inkstone from Aunt Lin this time, but no other antiques. He got two gold rings, a gold bracelet, twelve Yuan Datou coins, and more than 500 copper coins. In addition, he also got more than 170 yuan.

Feng Xi got a good deal from Aunt Lin. Thinking of Wang Fulai, maybe that child could surprise him.

Sure enough, Wang Fulai did not disappoint Feng Xi. Feng Xi is now staring at the bottle on the table in a daze.

Wang Fulai saw Sister Feng Xi staring at the bottle, and was a little afraid that he had bought the wrong one. He touched his head and said, "Sister Feng Xi, I'm sorry, I heard that person say that this is a Ming Dynasty porcelain, and I thought you might want it, so I decided to buy it, I didn't know..."

When Feng Xi heard Wang Fulai say that this was a Ming Dynasty porcelain, she felt a little relieved. This should be the Wanli multicolored porcelain of the Ming Dynasty. The one from the Qing Dynasty was already a seven-digit number, so how much would this Ming Dynasty one cost?

Feng Xi looked at Wang Fulai with more and more excitement. Hearing the child saying some nonsense to apologize, she hurriedly said: "Fulai, you did a great job. I just like this kind of thing. You are really my little god of wealth!"

Wang Fulai was very happy to hear Sister Feng Xi say that she liked it. He said: "That's good. I thought you didn't like it, Sister Feng Xi."

How could Feng Xi not like it? She liked it too much!

"How could that be, Fulai, just do it according to your ideas. You did a good job! Really good!"

Wang Fulai was a little embarrassed to hear Sister Feng Xi praise him, but he did have an idea to tell Sister Feng Xi.

"Sister Feng Xi, in addition to going to the residential area to sell food with some aunties and old ladies these days, I also went to the black market."

"You went to the black market?"

Feng Xi raised her eyebrows. This child is really brave.

Wang Fulai nodded and said, "Before I met you, Sister Feng Xi, I often went to the black market, hoping to find an opportunity to make money. But they despised me because I was young and had no money or goods. It was only a month ago that I went to the black market a few times with courage."

Feng Xi was a little worried. Although this child was precocious and smart, he was only thirteen years old. She was afraid that Wang Fulai would encounter danger in the black market, so she asked, "Will it be very dangerous?"

Wang Fulai nodded, then shook his head.

This really confused Feng Xi. Is this dangerous and not dangerous?

Wang Fulai saw that Sister Feng Xi didn't understand, so he smiled and explained: "It will be very dangerous when you don't understand at first, but it will be easier if you have acquaintances."

"Huh? So, you have acquaintances in the black market?"

"Yes, Sister Feng Xi. We actually met a month ago. I have been in contact with them these days, and I think they are quite reliable. And, Sister Feng Xi, if you trust me, I think we can try to cooperate with them."

Feng Xi looked at Wang Fulai with shining eyes and asked: "How to cooperate?"

"I found that they have a wide range of goods and many connections. Brother Monkey has seen our goods before and he is very satisfied. He also said that if there are goods in the future, we can contact him directly and he can take care of everything. The price may be a little cheaper, but not much cheaper. I think if we cooperate with them, we can make money quickly, with low risks, and we can also make some money."

Feng Xi felt more and more feasible as she listened. She now trusts Wang Fulai very much. What she gave Wang Fulai today were all meat and apples, chicken, fish, pork, and mutton, each weighing 100 kilograms. She planned to seize the market in advance before the rural areas started to kill chickens and pigs.

Although she would make less money if she cooperated with others, she had a lot of goods, so she would make money anyway.

Feng Xi thought for a moment and asked, "Fulai, do you think they are trustworthy?"

"They should be trustworthy. I have worked with Monkey Brother several times before, and I paid him on the spot every time. He doesn't know me either. After I finished the deal with them before, I was cautious and kept paying attention to whether there was anyone following me. I found that there was no one."

Feng Xi nodded and said, "We should be careful indeed. Then we can try to work with them next. By the way, when you have time, ask Monkey Brother if he wants sweaters, woolen pants, and leather coats."

"They should want them. I have seen them import some cotton-padded clothes before, so I think they should want these too."

Oh? ! ! !

Feng Xi narrowed her eyes and asked, "Do you want a watch?"

Feng Xi suddenly thought that buying an ordinary retro watch on the Internet in modern times would cost about 20 or 30 yuan, but in the 1970s it would probably be about 100 yuan.

Although watches are expensive and not many people would buy them, she heard from Wang Fulai that Monkey Brother and his friends have a wide network of contacts, so maybe they would want a lot.

"Hey, Monkey Brother should want it, right? I'll go ask later?"

"Well, okay, you can ask them how much they want and what the price is?"

"Sister Feng Xi, I know."

Feng Xi handed the matter over to Wang Fulai and returned to the village. She also had to go back to modern times to buy some woolen trousers, leather coats and some ordinary watches. Even if the monkey brother and his men didn't accept these goods, she should be able to sell them herself.


Outside a house, the monkey sent a little boy away and walked into the yard carrying 100 kilograms of mutton and 50 kilograms of apples.

The yard was full of various kinds of food, which were basically bought from the villagers, and a lot of meat was bought from the slaughterhouse. The rest were bought from other people.

A tall, handsome man with thick eyebrows and big eyes was counting the goods in the yard. Seeing the monkey carrying a large bag of mutton and apples, he raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that we have gained a lot today."

The monkey said proudly, "That's right, I knew that kid had a lot of good stuff, and he could even get fresh apples. By the way, Stone, guess what that kid asked me just now?"

Stone shook his head and said, "No guess."

"Tsk tsk tsk, forget it, I won't keep you in suspense. That kid actually asked me if I would accept a watch, and asked me how many I wanted!"

Stone had a bad feeling and asked, "What do you say?"

"Of course I'll take as many as I can. That kid can't give me a thousand watches."

Stone looked at the mutton and apples in the yard, frowned and said, "It's possible."

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