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Chapter 133 School Starts

In the following days, Feng Xi was as lazy as he could be. He took advantage of the holiday and slept until school started...

New semester, new atmosphere.

Sophomores and above start school a week earlier.

For students like Feng Xi who are the first batch of college students to resume the college entrance examination, they only need to return to school one or two days in advance.

Today is not only the day for the first batch of college students to return to school, but also the day for the second batch of college students to report after the resumption of the college entrance examination.

There are quite a lot of people today, and Feng Xi walked around for a long time before returning to the dormitory.

In dormitory 201, everyone hadn't seen each other for a semester, and they all had a lot to say to each other. Before they knew it, they talked about the time for work meetings.

The classroom was also very lively. Everyone was talking about what they did during the summer vacation and what new things they encountered.

Later, someone brought up the final exams of the previous semester, causing the originally cheerful atmosphere in the classroom to suddenly become tense.

Tang Qingqing nervously held Feng Xi's hand and said, "Xi Xi, give me some luck and bless me to pass every subject!"

Li Li also said worriedly, "Director Guan will come to hand out the report cards soon, will I fail any subject?"

Feng Xi comforted them, "It's okay, you usually study so hard, you will definitely pass!"

Others in the classroom were also very worried about their grades, afraid that they would fail any subject.

Finally, Director Guan came.

"Hello, students! How was your summer vacation? Why are you all so nervous?"

Bai Meng raised his hand and answered, "Students are all worried about their final exam scores."

Director Guan nodded in understanding and said, "Are you worried about your scores now? I told you last semester that as long as you prepare before class, study in class, and practice after class, your scores will be very good. Generally, they won't be that bad. "

Director Guan glanced in Feng Xi's direction and continued, "Or when you are free, you can ask the study committee member of our class for advice on study methods and learn how they study hard."

For a moment, all the students in the first class of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology looked at Feng Xi: The study committee member must have done very well in the final exam this time!

Other people in the 201 dormitory also looked at Feng Xi: Hardworking is not considered, but he goes to bed early and gets up late every day. This should be the legendary talent!

Feng Xi swallowed and looked at Director Guan calmly: It's a small scene, don't panic!

Director Guan took out a report card and said with satisfaction: "Last semester, our obstetrics and gynecology department had a total of seven exams. Feng Xi did very well in the exams and got full marks in three courses. The total score is 690 points, which is 52 points higher than the second place in the obstetrics and gynecology department! The key is that Feng Xi also took one more public elective course than other students. Although there is no exam for the public elective course, Feng Xi wrote a very good paper and got an excellent grade in the public elective course!"

The students immediately looked at Feng Xi with admiration. She was 52 points higher than the second place! ! !

Feng Xi was also a little surprised. She didn't expect it to be so much higher.

"Other students also did very well in this final exam, and no one failed! But students can't relax, because last semester was your first exam in college, and we were very lenient in marking, but this semester it won't be the same! Class monitor and deputy class monitor, please help distribute the report cards, and everyone should take a good look at which courses they did not perform well in, and strive to get good grades this semester!"

Tang Qingqing looked at her report card and unexpectedly did quite well, with a total score of 608 points.

Li Li said in a somewhat alarmed manner: "My obstetrics and gynecology score was only 62 points, and I was just a little short of failing!"

Tian Caicai also said: "I was in danger, I scored more than 60 points in two subjects!"

Zhu Zhu also did well in the exam, with a total score of 605 points, three points less than Tang Qingqing, which made her a little sad!

Tang Qingqing proudly lifted her hair. She could go home and chat without worry on weekends!

Wu Ping did okay in the exam, with a total score of 598 points, but it was far behind the three younger sisters in the dormitory. She said, "It seems that we have to work harder next semester, and we can't be left too far behind by the three younger sisters!"

Li Li nodded firmly, "Sister is right. If I don't work harder, I will probably fail this semester!"

"Yeah, I have to work hard too!"

Feng Xi looked at the three sisters who were full of fighting spirit, and for a moment she felt that she had to stand up too.

Because Feng Xi, Tang Qingqing and Zhu Zhu had already taken an extra elective course in the last semester, so this semester they had one less elective course than others.

This made Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing very happy. The class of Obstetrics and Gynecology had a public elective course on Wednesday night, and the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department still had no classes on Wednesday afternoons this semester. Now the three of them could finish their classes on Wednesday morning and sleep in the afternoon and evening!

Zhu Zhu still felt a little regretful that she would not be able to look at her male idol in class in the future.

In the new semester, Feng Xi was still the favorite target of teachers' questions, which prompted Feng Xi to memorize all the textbook contents of this semester in the first week.

Sometimes Feng Xi would occasionally go back to Modern Times to read all the history, development, innovation, etc. related to Obstetrics and Gynecology, so that she could have a deeper understanding of this industry.

Some freshmen in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology who had just entered the school had already heard of Feng Xi's name from their teachers, and they also knew that this famous figure initially learned from the library, so they followed Feng Xi's example, thinking that they should also learn from the example, and maybe one day they would become everyone's example!

Therefore, the library of Beijing Medical University is crowded every day.

Principal Wang reported this to the leaders of the Education Bureau. Seeing that the students loved learning so much, the leaders felt that this spirit of learning must continue, so they took the initiative to apply for funds for Beijing Medical University to build another large library.

Principal Wang was overjoyed when he heard what the leaders of the Education Bureau said, this is a great thing!

President Wang was so happy that he announced this great news directly on the radio of Beijing Medical University, and especially praised Feng Xi for leading everyone to study in the library.

After the radio broadcast, Feng Xi became a big star in Beijing Medical University!

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