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Chapter 10 Famous 2

Feng Xi waited and waited, and finally the work was over, and then he quietly waited in the field for the team leader and the scorekeeper to record the work points.

"Auntie Lin Er has nine work points."

"Auntie Guihua has six work points."

When Feng Xi heard that the dark and thin auntie had six work points, he felt a little bad. Although the auntie was also slacking off, she worked very efficiently. You can see that she did several times more work than him.

"Mrs. Li has six centimeters."

After Xu Hai recorded Mrs. Li's centimeters, he looked up at the little girl. Hey, if you know you are nervous now, what would you do earlier?

The team leader saw that Tang Zhiqing had done little work, but he also thought that this was his first time working, so he said, "Tang Zhiqing, you obviously didn't work hard, so your work points will be deducted, but since it's your first time working, I won't deduct them this time. Pay attention next time. If you don't work hard, you won't have much food by the end of the year. If you don't meet the team's targets, you will have to pay for your work points."

Although Tang Qingqing didn't take the work points seriously, she knew that the team leader was doing it for her own good, so she nodded and said she understood.

"Tang Zhiqing, four work points."

Hearing this, the aunts beside him couldn't help laughing, but they didn't dare to be too presumptuous, after all, the team leader was still there.

The team leader thought that this little Zhiqing Feng was at least better than Tang Zhiqing, so he looked down. Forget it, it's a headache to talk too much, and he glared at Feng Xi with a look of anger. Seeing Feng Xi looking at him with a smile, he couldn't say anything harsh.

"Little Feng, the educated youth, should also be careful. Little Feng, the educated youth, also has four work points."

When Feng Xi got off work, he knew that he would inevitably be criticized. With the attitude of not hitting a smiling person, he didn't expect that this trick would work quite well.

Xu Hai looked at Feng Xi's brilliant smile, his heart skipped a beat, and the hand holding the pen tightened. How can this little girl be so cute? I want to pinch the little girl's face.

Feng Xi didn't know these things, she was rushing back to the educated youth point at this time. I was tired and wanted to lie on the bed.

When Feng Xi returned to the educated youth point, she found that everyone seemed to be looking at her? Even Lin Tang looked at her worriedly.

Feng Xi was embarrassed. This shouldn't happen. It was Tang Qingqing who caused the trouble. She must have been a by-product.

When Liu Zhaodi saw Feng Xi, she couldn't help but tease him, "Feng Xi, I thought Tang Qingqing was just slacking off, but you were the same."

"She's different from us. Her family is rich. If you don't know her, you might think she's a capitalist lady in the old society."

Wang Xiaomei had been listening to the aunties in the village talking bad about Tang Qingqing and Feng Xi this afternoon, and she was very happy. After all, she was talked about for a long time when she came here, and now it was finally her turn to laugh at others.

Tang Qingqing was so angry. She had argued with them for a long time when she just came back. Now she heard them talking about it again, and she couldn't help but say: "What does it have to do with you? Who are you? Who gave you the face to say anything about me?"

"You didn't do well yourself, but you didn't let me say it. Mrs. Li said that you, Tang, are not positive in your thinking."

Originally, when female comrades quarreled, male comrades had to stand aside. But He Jiandang saw that they seemed to be quarreling, so he thought about going over to persuade them. If others saw that the educated youth site was so disunited, how would others see us educated youth.

Suddenly, there was a sound of kicking the table next to him.

Feng Xi didn't want to get angry, but Wang Xiaomei's words made her a little unbearable. She kicked the table heavily and looked at Wang Xiaomei with sharp eyes.

Wang Xiaomei was a little nervous when she met Feng Xi's eyes, but she thought Feng Xi looked so easy to bully, so she glared at Feng Xi: "What are you looking at."

"I get as many work points as I do, what does it have to do with you? Is it a problem for you? Especially you, Wang Xiaomei, you have grown up so big and don't know what to say and what not to say. Don't you think about whether the capitalists can say these things? If this word gets out, be careful that I will report you to the commune and send you to the farm for education."

"I, did I say these things? Don't scare me." Wang Xiaomei regretted it a little now. She had heard others say this before, and nothing happened.

"Whether I'm trying to scare you or not, we'll know after we go to the commune."

"Yes, Wang Xiaomei, we are all witnesses." Seeing how confident Sister Feng Xi was, Lin Tang would of course stand on Sister Feng Xi's side.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, He Jiandang glared at Wang Xiaomei, then looked at Feng Xi and said, "Feng Xi, Wang Xiaomei didn't mean it. We educated youth need to unite. If others knew that we were fighting among ourselves, how would they look at us?"

"How about this, let's make a big deal out of a small matter this time. Wang Xiaomei apologizes to Feng Xi and won't say anything nonsense anymore. If she says nonsense again, we'll take care of it for you. Don't you agree?" He Jiandang looked at the male educated youth, hoping that they could be of some use.

The male educated youths also felt that Wang Xiaomei had gone too far this time, but they also thought that an apology would suffice, so they followed He Jiandang.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." Wang Xiaomei saw that everyone was helping Feng Xi, so she had no choice but to apologize.

Feng Xi had no choice but to forgive her, then took his dinner and returned to his room without saying a word.

Lin Tang also followed Feng Xi back to the room and said, "Sister Feng Xi, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I was angry just now because of Wang Xiaomei."

"Yeah, I also think Wang Xiaomei is too much."

"Let's ignore her and eat first. Do you want some meat jerky?"

"Yes, thank you, Sister Feng Xi."

Feng Xi made a cup of malt extract and ate her meat jerky with the malt extract. There is no way, there is a follower around, and there is no way to order takeout.


The village head's wife looked at her son, thinking that he was the scorekeeper, and asked, "Did the educated youths Xiao Feng and Tang really only earn four work points?"

Xu Hai looked at his mother helplessly. Women are gossipy. His mother asked this question, so it was obvious what the rumors were.

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