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Chapter 71 I'm so mad, I have a solution


Feng Xi felt dizzy and painful in her head, and she felt like vomiting. In short, she was confused.

She opened her eyes and saw that she was in the modern world, and breathed a sigh of relief.

She got off the cart with difficulty and climbed onto the bed.

Okay, now I can close my eyes with peace of mind.

God knows how panicked she was at that time. When she heard Wang Tieniu say that he was in the room, she didn't care about anything. She lay on the cart and hit the big iron pot with all her strength. Later, she returned to the modern world.

Xu Hai and the others should be safe now...

"The injured person is unconscious, probably has a mild concussion. But it's not a big problem, he should wake up soon."

"Okay, thank you, doctor."

Xu Hai looked at Feng Xi distressedly, why didn't he run away at that time.

He didn't dare to think about it, what if he was found...

Feng Xi woke up again at noon the next day. When he opened his eyes, he saw Xu Hai beside him and smiled happily!

Xu Hai was very excited to see Feng Xi wake up, and said: "Xixi, wait for me here, I'll find a doctor."


After a while, the doctor came.

"Okay, you're fine now that you're awake. There's no big problem. Just go home and rest."

"Well, thank you, doctor."

Xu Hai poured Feng Xi a cup of hot water and said, "Drink some hot water to moisten your throat first."

"Well, where are Wang Fulai and the others? We're all fine now, right?"

Just then, a man wearing a red cloth came in and said, "Since this female comrade is fine, you can go to the Revolutionary Committee with us."

Feng Xi: ............

Inside the prison of the Revolutionary Committee.

Feng Xi has nothing to love in life...

Xu Hai comforted Feng Xi and said, "It's okay, we just got together to fight, my dad will come to bail us out later."

Wang Fulai also said, "Don't worry, sister Feng Xi, we will be fine."

"Sister, what's there to worry about? Show the same momentum you had when you hit someone with the clothesline yesterday. Brother Monkey is very optimistic about you."

Xu Yang said, "Don't be afraid, little educated youth Feng, my dad can take care of anything."

Feng Xi actually had nothing to worry about. She was just lamenting that she was in jail for the first time in her life.

Seeing that everyone was comforting themselves, they said, "I'm fine. By the way, what about Wang Tieniu and his men? How are they?"

Xu Hai thought for a moment and said, "They were found out for reselling things, and now they are reporting false news to slander people. I guess they will be sentenced heavily."

"What is going on?"

Feng Xi listened to Xu Hai's explanation and couldn't help getting angry. There are really all kinds of birds in the forest.

Monkey looked at Feng Xi. He wanted to know what happened yesterday and why those goods suddenly disappeared. But they are still in jail now. They will find a chance to ask when they get out.

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