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Chapter 69 Fight

Feng Xi thought that she would have to go to work in a few days, so she would have fewer opportunities to come to town in the future, so she thought about bringing more goods to Wang Fulai this time. She brought a lot of gloves, rice, flour, meat and fruits.

Wang Fulai said it was no problem, so he took some of the goods to find Monkey Brother, while Feng Xi taught Wang Fulin to write and read at home.

It was almost noon, and Wang Fulai hadn't come back yet. Generally speaking, it wouldn't take so long. Feng Xi thought that something might have happened in the meantime. She immediately lost her composure and rode her bicycle to Monkey Brother to find Wang Fulai.

Wang Fulai had told Feng Xi the address of Monkey Brother's house before, so Feng Xi knew the route.

On the way there, Feng Xi saw a group of people wearing red cloth halfway. Feng Xi was worried that something had happened to Monkey Brother, so he sped up his bike.

If he was caught reselling things at this time, the consequences would be very serious.

Let alone Wang Fulai was still there. If Monkey Brother and his men were caught and Wang Fulai was betrayed, Fulai's life would be over. Moreover, Monkey Brother's watches had not been completely sold, and he still owed him 80,000 yuan.

Feng Xi came to Monkey Brother's house and saw a group of people fighting. There were Wang Fulai, Monkey Brother, Xu Hai, Xu Yang, and a group of people holding sticks.

Feng Xi still had something to not understand, but now there was no time. There were a bunch of people making trouble in front of her, and a group of people were on their way behind her. She didn't care about anything. She saw a clothes-drying pole next to her, so she picked up the pole and swept into the crowd of people making trouble.

"Hey, who is it?"

"Which bastard is attacking me?"


The troublemakers saw Feng Xi, a little girl who was so rampant, and wanted to catch Feng Xi.

Feng Xi saw that the group of people wanted to come over, so she quickly swung the clothes-drying pole and hit them on their bodies, hands and legs. Then she slowly moved her feet and planned to go to Xu Hai.

Xu Hai obviously recognized Feng Xi, and quickly ran over to pull Feng Xi into the house, then snatched Feng Xi's clothes-drying pole and handed it to Xu Yang.

Xu Hai asked anxiously, "Xixi, are you okay?"

Wang Fulai also ran over and asked, "Sister Feng Xi, why are you here?"

Feng Xi shook her head and said anxiously, "I just saw a group of people carrying things halfway, and it seems that they are coming towards us."

"It must be this gang of grandsons who did it. Watch me beat them up." Monkey said angrily.

"Third brother, what should we do now?"

Feng Xi looked at the pile of goods in the yard, including the ones she asked Wang Fulai to bring today, the previous watches, and some other food, iron pots, etc., and she was panicked. With so many things, how many years would she be sentenced if they were discovered?

Xu Hai thought quickly and said, "There is a back door in this house. Xixi, you and Wang Fulai go first. Leave the rest to us. Monkey, you and Xu Yang, run when you find a chance, and I'll take care of the rest."

Hearing what Shitou said, Monkey cursed, "I won't leave. If anyone wants to leave, it's you. This yard is mine. I can't leave even if I want to."

Xu Yang also said, "Third brother, take Xiao Feng, the educated youth, and Wang Fulai away. Brother Monkey and I will stay."

At this time, the troublemaker suddenly rushed over and fought with Monkey and Xu Yang who were blocking the door.

The leader said, "None of you can leave today. You have to stay in jail together."

Monkey couldn't help but said, "Wang Tieniu, are you sick? Shouldn't the eight of you run away now? What good will it do you to report us? You still have time to leave now. We won't be able to leave later."

Wang Tieniu didn't care and said, "It's good for everyone to be together. At least we can keep each other company in jail. I just can't bear to see you get along. Brothers, beat them for me. Don't let any of you go."

Seeing that Wang Tieniu and his group were about to rush in, Xu Hai said to Feng Xi, "This is none of your business. You and Wang Fulai go out the back door and run quickly."

After saying this, Xu Hai joined the melee. Let them be caught. At least Wang Tieniu's people should be stopped. Feng Xi and Wang Fulai must not be caught.

Wang Fulai saw that the situation was not good. Monkey Brother and his men could not defeat the enemy with only three against eight.

Suddenly, Wang Tieniu rushed over and grabbed Feng Xi's clothes. Feng Xi kicked Wang Tieniu in the lower part without any hesitation.


One of Wang Tieniu's younger brothers saw his boss being beaten and wanted to rush over to beat Feng Xi. Wang Fulai rushed over to fight him without thinking, saying, "Sister Feng Xi, leave quickly and don't worry about us."

Xu Hai saw that Feng Xi had not left yet, so he knocked the person opposite him down, punched another person hard, and said, "Run, run!"

How could Feng Xi leave them and run away? His mind turned quickly and he saw a cart in the yard. He quickly moved the things on the ground onto the cart, and then pushed the cart to a room with a window with all his strength, and then closed the door.

At this time, the man wearing a red cloth arrived. A group of people worked together to control everyone in the yard, and the yard gradually became quiet.

Wang Tieniu looked at the scene in front of him and said proudly: "There is still a woman in that room, and those things are all in it!"

Xu Hai had been struggling, and he was even more excited when he heard this, and he was about to succeed. But two more people came to control Xu Hai, and one of them gave Xu Hai two punches and said, "Be quiet!"

Feng Xi was eating beef noodles voraciously at this time. Hearing the words outside, he quickly finished the last bite of beef noodles.

But she couldn't sleep, what should she do~

The man wearing the red cloth heard what Wang Tieniu said, and hurried to the room and opened the door.

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