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Chapter 72 Village Chief Xu complained

After leaving the Revolutionary Committee, Village Chief Xu went to the post office and made a phone call.

"Hello? Hello, is this Captain Feng? I am the village chief of Mangrove Village. Yes, yes, it is the Mangrove Village where Comrade Feng Xi went to work. Comrade Feng Xi told me the number."

Uncle Feng knew where Feng Xi went to work. He had sent packages and written letters to Feng Xi before. In addition to telling Feng Xi to be careful at work, the letter also told Feng Xi that he had a comrade named Zheng Dashan who worked in the county committee and told Feng Xi that he could ask him for help if anything happened.

Therefore, when Feng Xi knew in prison that Captain Hongbu wanted to detain them, he thought of Zheng Dashan, whom Uncle Feng had mentioned in the letter.

But Feng Xi did not know Zheng Dashan, nor did he know his position, as Uncle Feng did not mention it in the letter.

So Feng Xi asked Village Chief Xu to call Uncle Feng first to complain, and then go to find Zheng Dashan.

Feng Xi believed in Village Chief Xu's ability, and after telling Village Chief Xu Uncle Feng's phone number, he told Village Chief Xu to do the rest on his own, and just emphasized that Feng Xi's forehead was injured.

"Hey, Captain Feng, you may not know that yesterday a group of criminals met my son and Feng Xi on the way to escape, and then they started fighting. There were eight people on the other side, but Feng Xi only had five people. Hey, they beat Feng Xi unconscious."

"Captain Feng, don't worry, we sent Feng Xi to the hospital yesterday. The doctor said she had a concussion. God has mercy on us. Our Feng Xi is so cute and weak. How could those people have the heart to kill her?"

"Oh, that's right. When I saw Feng Xi, she was already awake. Her little face was miserable. Xi, but fortunately there is no big problem, it's just..."

"Hey, I'm not afraid to tell you, Captain Feng, Feng Xi girl just woke up in the hospital, and she hasn't recovered yet, there is a big bump on her forehead, and the people from the Revolutionary Association arrested Feng Xi girl and put her in jail, saying that she would be locked up for a day for gathering to fight."

"I went to pick her up today, but a team leader of the Revolutionary Association refused to release her and asked me to come back in two days. I wondered if there was something fishy here, and then Feng Xi girl asked me to call you to ask for your opinion."

Village Chief Xu took the microphone, listened to the content of the conversation, and nodded with satisfaction.

After waiting for a while, Village Chief Xu received another call and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, OK, I'll wait for you at the post office."


"Ring, ring, ring..."

"Hello? Who is this? Hey, how come Mayor Tian has time to call me now? What? A leader from the county is coming? OK, I'll go back to the Revolutionary Committee now."

The director of the Revolutionary Committee was still at home at this time. He suddenly heard that a leader from the county was coming. It seemed that his subordinates had done something wrong. He panicked and rode his bicycle to the Revolutionary Committee.

Don't let these unpromising things implicate him.

Not long after, a super cool Red Flag car was parked at the door of the Revolutionary Committee.

The director of the Revolutionary Committee had been waiting for a long time, and he immediately went out to greet the Red Flag car when he saw it.

When Captain Hongbu saw the Red Flag car, he wondered if it was possible that the county leader wanted to personally praise him. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and then he volunteered to help open the back door.

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