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Chapter 131 Jade Seal

The exam was over soon. The students of Beijing Medical University finally survived the tough exam and had a vacation lasting more than a month.

Feng Xi had a good vacation. He basically spent it either in Fengya Bakery or lying on the bed and sleeping.

Xu Hai and his roommates have been busy with research and production with state-owned enterprises recently. The new generation of radios will probably be available soon.

Monkey and Feng Chao went to Guangdong a few days ago. They heard that there were many new things there, and they wanted to go there to take a look.

The two brothers Wang Fulai and Feng Chao's brother Gao Ming looked after the department store together.

An Ya's niece An Nuo sometimes came to Fengya Bakery to help. Sister An Ya said that she planned to send An Nuo to Beijing No. 1 Primary School in September this year.

Feng Xi thought that Wang Fulin was also of school age, so she asked Wang Fulai if he wanted to send Fulin to Beijing No. 1 Primary School so that he could be with An Nuo.

Wang Fulai thought about it and thought it was a good idea. He would be even busier in the future, so he would feel relieved if he had someone familiar to help look after Fulin.

Anya also knew Wang Fulai and his brother. The two children often went to Fengya Pastry Shop to help.

Feng Xi was a little happy when she heard that Fulin would go to school with An Nuo this year. She was also afraid that An Nuo would be bullied at school alone, so it would be good to have someone to accompany him. Fulin was also a sensible child.

Feng Xi saw that there were not many customers in the store today, and she had nothing to help, so she planned to walk around Beijing.

Suddenly, Feng Xi's eyes lit up, and she saw a man walking out of a street, holding an antique in his hand!

Feng Xi walked in the direction that the man walked out, and sure enough, she saw an antique street.

Feng Xi looked at the antiques on the ground with shining eyes, this is going to make a fortune! ! !

Feng Xi first came to the first antique stall, picked up the bottle in front of her and looked at it, her expression was slightly solemn.

This, seems to be fake? ! !

Feng Xi put down the bottle, and then looked all the way, the more disappointed he was, it seemed that few of them were real.

Although Feng Xi's knowledge of antiques is not very proficient, she can still more or less tell the real from the fake. I didn't expect that there are so many fake antiques now.

The uncle who set up the stall saw that Feng Xi was wearing quite rich clothes and thought that she must be a girl from a wealthy family who liked these things and wanted to buy them back to appreciate.

"Girl, these antiques of mine are all real. They were priceless treasures in the past. You won't lose out if you buy them back. Take the vase in front of you. It's from the Ming Dynasty. It's beautiful and valuable. Twenty yuan each."

Feng Xi would not be fooled. Relying on her knowledge of antiques, she picked up a porcelain bowl from the Yuan Dynasty and two famous paintings from the Qing Dynasty.

"Hello, boss. I want these three things."

The uncle at the stall saw Feng Xi choose three genuine items and couldn't help but look at Feng Xi with a high eye. He didn't expect that this girl had good taste.

"These three items are a bit expensive. A total of one hundred yuan."

Although Feng Xi thought the price was acceptable, she still wanted to bargain and said, "Boss, this is unreasonable. This bowl is smaller than that bottle, so it shouldn't be that expensive, right? One price, sixty yuan."

The boss was a little angry, but he couldn't say that this bowl was real and that bottle was fake. If he said it, how would he survive in the future?

So after some bargaining, Feng Xi finally bought the three antiques for eighty yuan.

Afterwards, Feng Xi bought two antique bottles, three antique bowls and five famous paintings at the stalls in the back.

At the last stall, Feng Xi didn't plan to buy anything, but when she saw a jade seal that looked quite high-end, she thought about buying it.

Even if it was fake, she didn't mind, she would just put it on the table as a decoration to admire.

Unexpectedly, this jade seal cost 80 yuan. Feng Xi bargained in vain, and after a lot of internal struggle, she decided to buy it.

Feng Xi put the antiques she bought in her house, packed them up and planned to take them back to modern times tonight.

During the summer vacation, she either lived at home or in the house she bought. Feng's parents knew that Feng Xi had a house outside and that Feng Xi bought a courtyard house of 1,000 square meters for them.

But Feng's parents said they didn't want anything and told Feng Xi to keep it for herself and they could live at home.

Feng Xi had no choice. If Feng's parents didn't want it, she would keep it first. After the decoration was completed, Feng's parents could live there whenever they wanted.

After Feng Xi finished eating beef noodles and returned to the modern world, he put away all the antiques he bought today and planned to sell a famous painting by a master of the Qing Dynasty to the owner of the antique shop.

After Feng Xi took out the famous painting, he glanced at the jade seal, thinking that he didn't know whether it was a real antique, so he planned to take it to the antique shop.

Arriving at the antique shop, Feng Xi showed the painting and the jade seal to the old man.

The old man looked at the famous painting first, nodded and said: "This is a genuine one, worth 1.2 million!"

Then he picked up the jade seal and looked at it, and his reading glasses fell to the ground in shock.

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