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Chapter 33: Little Educated Youth Feng Has Time to Spare

Xu Hai had just been reporting the situation in the field to the village chief and the team leader, when he heard a scream and thought something serious had happened.

He saw the chaos where the little girl was working, and then heard someone next to him discussing who was bitten by a snake. He immediately lost his composure and ran to the little girl regardless.

Feng Xi saw Xu Hai so close to him, and thought of what happened this morning, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

He wanted to turn his head, but saw Xu Hai still looking at him, and he stammered: "No, it's not me, it's Xu Meimei."

Xu Hai breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, it's good that it wasn't the little girl.

As soon as the captain came over, he saw his daughter sitting on the ground with snake bed on her feet. What else did he not understand? He immediately ran to his precious daughter and asked softly: "What happened? Was she bitten by a snake?"

Xu Meimei pursed her lips in grievance and said: "Dad, I was bitten by a snake. It hurts so much."

"Does it hurt? I told you to stay at home and help your second sister-in-law with work, but you didn't listen and insisted on coming out. Now you see what's wrong. Otherwise, let's not do it anymore. I'll take you to the health center to find Chi "Let the foot doctor take a look at the wound."

When Xu Meimei heard that her father would not let her work, she stopped crying in pain, stood up firmly, and said loudly: "I won't go to the clinic. Aunt Guihua has already treated my wound. I don't need to see a foot doctor for this minor injury. I don't feel that painful now. Besides, I'm already halfway through this job, how can I just give up like this? Even if you are the captain of the team, "Hey, you little girl, are you going to the clinic or not?" Xu Meimei said firmly, "I won't go." Seeing that the father and daughter were about to quarrel, Village Chief Xu said quickly, "Well, Hongjun, the child is grown up, it's normal for him to have his own ideas, and we shouldn't control him too much. Well, Meimei, you've been bitten by a snake, so today's work is over. I'll deduct half of your work points, and you can come back to work after your injury is healed." Xu Meimei heard that half of her work points would be deducted, which was not acceptable. How could she prove herself with such a small amount of work points? She immediately said, "No, I must finish my work today, don't worry about it, Village Chief." Aunt Guihua saw that these people were deadlocked, and her eyes turned, and she thought of a good way. "Well, captain, Meimei is determined to work, and we can't discourage her enthusiasm. I have a good idea."

The captain looked at Aunt Guihua suspiciously. What good idea can this person really have?

"What idea?"

Aunt Guihua saw that everyone was looking at her, and she felt very honored. It was Aunt Guihua who had to take action.

"Meimei's leg was bitten by a snake, so she may not be able to work well, but she can still pull weeds. We can find someone to help Meimei, and the two of us can work together to complete today's task."

The captain thought about it and felt that this method was okay. After all, if his daughter was stubborn, ten cows couldn't pull her back. However...

"You said it easily. Now everyone has their own work to do in the field. Who can spare the time to help others?"

Auntie Guihua thought it was a big deal after hearing this, and she even squeezed her eyes at Feng Xi.

Feng Xi: I have a bad feeling...

"Little Feng the educated youth has a lot of free time. I'm not exaggerating, our little Feng the educated youth is really a good worker. Captain, you can see for yourself what little Feng the educated youth does, it's really fast, it can be done in a short time."

Feng Xi looked autistic:...

Tang Qingqing couldn't help but raise her hand to support her forehead, she knew something would go wrong...

Village Chief Xu looked at the ground, and sure enough, this little Feng the educated youth is really getting more and more capable, his son has a good eye.

The captain also looked up at Feng Xi, it seems that he still underestimated little Feng the educated youth, and he should assign more work to little Feng the educated youth in the future, so as not to bury the talent.

Feng Xi said with a fake smile: "How can you be so exaggerated? Aunt Guihua, you are joking. I have performed exceptionally well today. I guess I won't be as capable as today in the future."

"Look, you see, our young educated youth Feng is still modest."

Xu Hai frowned and said: "It is one thing that young educated youth Feng is capable, but it is not easy for a young girl to work. How can she have the time to help others? This Isn't that bullying? "

"Okay, Xiao Feng, you're almost done with your work, and you're so efficient. How about this, you help Xu Meimei these days. It won't be in vain. Your previous work points were seven points, and I'll give you ten points these days."

Feng Xi's eyes lit up after hearing this. Although he said he didn't care about those work points, it was good to have a good relationship with the team leader. He estimated that he would have to stay here for about a year. Maybe after helping the team leader this time, the work assigned to him by the team leader in the future would be easier.

"The chairman once said that comrades should help each other and make progress together. Don't worry, Captain, I will definitely help Xu Meimei in the next few days and live up to the trust of the leader in me."

The captain raised his eyebrows. This girl, who is still a leader, speaks so nicely.

"Well, Xiao Feng, the educated youth, has a good understanding. I will trouble you in the next few days."

Feng Xi said flatteringly: "No trouble, no trouble."

The village chief looked at Feng Xi in surprise. This girl is very insightful. Not bad. He also echoed: "Xiao Feng, the educated youth, has a good idea. Everyone should learn more from her in the future. Okay, everyone go back and do your own things."

Before leaving, Xu Hai glanced at Feng Xi, thought about it and said: "Xiao Feng, the educated youth, can you do this?"

Feng Xi thought about it seriously and said: "When I was not serious about my work before, I still had a lot of free time. I will work hard in the next few days, and I will definitely be able to do it."

Xu Hai saw that the little girl said so, so he didn't say much. At most, he can quietly come over to help the little girl with more work in the next few days, but he can't tire the little girl out.

Xu Li hesitated for a moment, and after thinking about it, she decided to talk to Sister Feng Xi.

"Sister Feng Xi, I remember that I didn't do much for you this morning, about the same as yesterday. But I saw it before, that large piece was not pulled out by me, could it be Brother Xu Hai? When he found me, there were only two of us in the field."

Feng Xi narrowed her eyes, looked at the grass, and then thought of Xu Hai's reaction today, it should be him.

"It's okay, it should be him, I will talk to him tomorrow."

"What are you going to do these days, Sister Feng Xi? How about I help you with more work in the future?"

Feng Xi couldn't help but rub Xu Li's hair, why is this child so lovable, and said: "I know what I'm doing, you don't have to do more work for me, just do it normally. Besides, I'm also very capable, don't worry."

Tang Qingqing couldn't help but twitch her eyes, this guy just loves to brag, and said: "Xu Li, you don't have to Never mind her, she is a quirky and smart person. "

"Yeah, Sister Feng Xi is really smart."

Auntie Guihua came over proudly and said, "What do you think, Auntie Guihua is awesome, Xiao Feng Zhiqing doesn't need to thank me."

Feng Xi's mouth twitched, and she said, "Auntie Guihua, you are really helpful. But, Auntie Guihua, I am not that capable, so don't tell others about it in the future."

"Tsk, Xiao Feng Zhiqing is really humble. Okay, Auntie knows."

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