156 (Extra 1)

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Chapter 156 Extra 1: Let's go back to the modern times

Since getting married, Xu Hai has been enjoying his life every day.

During the day, he studies machines and handles various matters in the factory and department store.

At night, he holds his young wife and does intimate exercises.

At noon today, Xu Hai drove a small car to Beijing No. 1 Hospital to deliver food to Feng Xi, and asked his young wife what she wanted to eat in the evening.

Feng Xi had just had an operation and didn't want to eat, so she said she wanted to eat noodles in the evening.

After Xu Hai got the answer, he watched Feng Xi finish lunch and thought happily about feeding his young wife in the evening.

Only when his young wife is full can he eat more meat in the evening.

There is a batch of imported beef in the department store. Xu Hai specially bought a piece of good beef and planned to make beef noodles tonight.

Feng Xi looked at the beef noodles on the table, wondering whether to eat it.

After getting married, she almost never ate beef noodles.

First, she was afraid of scaring Xu Hai to death; second, she was afraid that bringing Xu Hai back to the modern world would have any adverse reactions; third, she didn't know whether she could bring Xu Hai back to the modern world.

Xu Hai saw his young wife in a daze. It was already dark, and she couldn't be hungry.

"Xixi? Why don't you eat?"

After Feng Xi came to her senses, she thought to herself, let it go, and see what happens.

After returning to the room, Xu Hai began to touch her all over, and took the lead in throwing away his clothes.

Feng Xi was about to say something, but her lips were blocked.

After the storm, Feng Xi was already drowsy.

Xu Hai kissed Feng Xi's forehead lovingly. Actually, he could have done it a few more times, but his young wife was too delicate to bear his torture.

Xu Hai held Feng Xi in his arms and was about to get out of bed to wash up in the bathroom.


Then he saw with his own eyes that the scene in front of him changed instantly!!!

Xu Hai looked at the strange place in front of him, swallowed his saliva, and was a little at a loss.

It happened that Feng Xi woke up at this time, and seeing her and Xu Hai return to the present, it was a little unexpected but reasonable.

Feng Xi explained to Xu Hai that she could travel back and forth between two time and space.

After listening to this, Xu Hai hugged Feng Xi tightly. Fortunately, his young wife would always be a person of the era he lived in after 1986. If...

Feng Xi also hugged Xu Hai back. Suddenly, she thought of something and asked, "Do you want to go out with me? There are many fun things outside!"

Xu Hai was about to nod, but then he thought of something and said in a muffled voice, "No, we'll go tomorrow."

Feng Xi was a little confused and wanted to ask why, but then he noticed that the two of them were now naked.

Feng Xi couldn't help laughing out loud. Who made this dog man think about those things all day long? Now he's in trouble.

She herself was fine. Of course, she had clothes to wear in modern times, but Xu Hai didn't.

Besides, it was already past midnight, and the clothing store was probably closed long ago.

Xu Hai bit Feng Xi like a punishment, causing Feng Xi to scream and feel numb all over~

Then there was another storm...

In the days that followed, Feng Xi and Xu Hai frequently traveled back and forth.

Feng Xi mainly studied obstetrics and gynecology knowledge, and sold some antiques by the way.

Xu Hai studied modern electrical appliances, and then tried to see if his factory could produce them.

Sometimes Feng Xi felt it was so unfair. After eating beef noodles, she could take Xu Hai back to the modern world, but at five o'clock the next morning, she had to go back to another time and space, and if Xu Hai hadn't held her at that time, he could continue to stay in the modern world.

However, Xu Hai stayed in the modern world to study machines and make more money.

Besides, Xu Hai's passbooks were all with her. Feng Xi felt happy after thinking about it. She decided to let Xu Hai study slowly in modern times. She would bring him back after he figured it out.

After Xu Hai's research in the past few years, air conditioners, stereos, and video recorders came out one after another, making a sensation across the country.

Xu Hai's factory also became famous and became a giant in the electrical appliance industry.

At the same time, the department store business became bigger and bigger, with branches all over the country. Feng Chao, Gao Ming, Monkey, and Wang Fulai all became wealthy people with Xu Hai.

Of course, the business of Wuhu Hotel was no less impressive, with branches opened all over the country. Even many foreigners came here to taste the food of Wuhu Hotel.

Fengya Cake Shop has also successfully become a high-end cake shop and a distinctive landmark in Beijing.

In 1986, Feng Xi returned to the modern world for the last time.

She looked at her two-bedroom apartment reluctantly. It used to be filled with safes, but now it was empty.

She picked up the newspaper on the table. It was an old newspaper from a few years ago. It clearly said "Mysterious patriotic lady generously donated the Great Qin Jade Seal".

After today, she will never be able to return to the modern world.

Feng Xi looked at the money in her bank card tied to the takeaway page. There were ten digits, which was probably enough for her to eat for several lifetimes.

Looking at the money he had earned from reselling antiques, gold, jewelry, and stamps over the years, there were also tens of digits in it, which was placed in another modern bank card.

Feng Xi secretly had an idea in his mind.

Not long after, a piece of news that shocked the whole country spread on the Internet. A kind-hearted person named Feng Xi donated a huge amount of money to help the education cause of the motherland.

For a while, the whole network was looking for Feng Xi.


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